I stole this from
author_by_night . Also, I've never done drabble requests, so I'm rather excited to try this!!! Addendum: I can't do any really obscure characters because my copy of Deathly Hallows is in America, not France, and I've only read it three times, so my knowledge of the canon is more limited than that of the first six books. I'm also totally locking this after about two weeks.
Double double, toil and trouble
Dark Marks burn and tempers bubble
Dark Marks burn and tempers bubble
Something drabbley this way comes!
What with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows coming out this week, I have decided to do daily drabbles and short fics. I may post a few times a day, I may only post once.
If you have anything you'd like me to write, comment here with a prompt and I'll post if my muse allows. Just one condition - they must be DH centric. Also feel free to do this on your own LJ - I'll round them up at the end of the week and link them, so I can include yours if you write one.
Basic idea of what I'll write for this:
- Missing moments
- Alternative directions/what if
- Before and/or after
- A situation in another character's POV
Request away! I'll be making request posts like this throughout the week. (And please don't be hurt if I don't reply to yours, but don't let that comment scare you off from replying - I just can't guarantee that everything will give me ideas.)