a good Friday ;)

Apr 03, 2010 12:27

Yesterday was such a good day. :)

Paula left Thursday for Spain, so I had the kiddies by myself Thursday  night and Friday morning. I picked them up at lunch yesterday, and then Papi (their French grandfather) collected them from the house around 1pm. Now I'm free until he brings them back Monday night around 6pm. Paula doesn't get back until Tuesday, though, so I'll be on my own again, but I kinda like the responsibility. It makes me feel more adult.

I met Sally, Ali, and Sarah for drinks at the Lizard Lounge yesterday afternoon. I haven't seen Sally in about a month, Sarah since November, and Ali since graduation!!! It was so good catching up with them, even our conversation drifted a little too often in the direction of TV shows I don't watch. They're such great girls. We were all in Versailles together. I think it's so cool that out of twelve participants, four are working in France this year, and a fifth is getting her Master's in Bruges. I just think that speaks highly of us.

I then came back to my house to start dinner prep. Paula said I could have friends over, so I had invited a bunch of girls for a stir-fry dinner. Only Grace, Chantal, and Amelia could come for the whole time, although Jessica stopped by, but it ended up really good.

Amelia showed up first and started preparing dessert as I cut up veggies. Then Chantal arrived and started cutting up our bread. She also made our rice, thank goodness, because I epicly fail with rice that isn't in the bags. Finally Grace arrived, but there wasn't really any cooking for her to do, so she set the table. Chantal and I cooked the chicken, then I cooked all the veggies, then added the chicken back in.

Dinner was delicious. We ate most of the rice, all the stir-fry, a lot of bread, a bottle of cider, and these amazing chocolate dessert thingies that Amelia made. It was so nice to host a dinner, and to have a real dinner that didn't involve plastic plates or eating by myself.

After dinner, the four of us decided to go to the Bitter End!!!! We hadn't been since Sally visited, which was ages ago. And it's my favorite thing to do on a Friday night. I love our bartender, seriously, he's amazing. Not only does he always yell "What the fuck is going on?" a few times whenever we're there (because our very first time, we asked him if there's a French equivalent to 'what the fuck' with the same emphasis and whatnot, and he said no), but last night he played the original "We Are the World," because last time we were there, he noticed us (mostly Chantal) singing along, and turned down the music during the chorus so it was just us singing. He did the same again last night. It was sooo much fun.

If it were up to me, we would spend every Friday night at the Bitter End. Unfortunately, it depends on if Jessica or Amelia or I can drive (I drove last night) because the RER stops running around midnight. We did walk back once, because the weather was nice, and once the weather is consistently nice, we'll just always do that. For now, we can only go when someone can drive, or have to leave early (the bar closes at one).

It was Grace's first time, and I think she really enjoyed it.

The Bitter End is so going to feature heavily in my book. :)

france, au pair, drinking, friends, fun

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