so i'm anemic too. fabulous.

Jan 20, 2010 23:26

Well, I'm definitely anemic, so excited to find that out.

Even more thrilled to read the list of iron-absorption inhibitors: red wine (guilty), tea (so guilty), soy (hello, everytime I go to Starbucks!), whole grains (guilty).

No wonder I'm anemic. In France, my beverages were pretty much water, hot tea, and soy chai or soy hot chocolate. With the occasional glass of red wine. Oh, and I cooked mostly vegetarian meals for my kids for dinner, so not a lot of iron there.

I'm also super-excited about the fact that I already take calcium supplements, since I've been on and off steroids most of my life, which puts me at risk for osteoporosis. Guess which supplements counteract absorption when taken together. Oh, that would be calcium and iron!

Still waiting to find out what these other test results mean. My red blood cell count is high, my MCV is low, my MCH is low, my RDW is high, and my platelet count is high. No idea what any of that means, or even if the numbers are really out of range or just a little out of range. I mean, my iron count is way low; I don't need a doctor to tell me I'm anemic.

Hmm, I just googled all those numbers. The platelet count is common when inflammation is present (hello, ilieum!), and the other numbers just indicate anemia. With any luck, I'll just have to take supplements. Or eat more iron-rich foods. 

france, internet, crohns, starbucks

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