things are changing for the worse, but i guess thats just one more thing i have to cope with. eh

Jun 15, 2005 23:22

well its been a while, as always. it doesnt even feel like school is out, and it just wont click in. but so far its been a blast. last weekend i went to commencements, and yes, they were boring, but i wanted to go, so yeah. i saw colin and gave him a huge hug, and it was soo nice. ahh. he gives absolutely the best hugs ever. so after that, we decided to try and find our way to ann arbor, HA. right. so i finally asked for directions, and we got to Pizza Bobs, and then the hurrican hit. claire was about to piss her fricken pants. cracking me up actually. haha. so claire and i ordered. and we were starving anad of course, it takes them FOREVER to bring us our food and such. ahh. oh well. so me claire and megan left, and went home, while trista holly and sara left a while behind us, got lost, and was heading towards the airport. haha. but they got home, good thing. so the rest of school was just eh. i only failed 2 finals, and if plas curves hers to like 175 then i will only fail 1. fuck bio. ha. wasnt intending on passing that class anyways. lol. but i got a C on my spanish, and i usuall get like below an E on them! so i was soo excited. i actually studied for that too. so yeah, rock on. humm thursday was the BBQ and that was fun stuff. then we went swimming at mikes, then i worked. and i pretty much worked the rest of the week to the weekend.
saturday i went to jays and jennys graduation parties. and i had fun, but it rain like during jays, but us golf girls stuck it out and play some type of made-up volleyball. haha. kelly was too into it. lolllll. but it was fun. and reva and erin came, and this other girl, who i didnt know. haha. so they played too. then we tried badmitten, but umm that didnt quite work. oh well. ha. ok then i left and went to jennys and that was a lot of fun. i got there and walked into her house, and was pretty much like "this is soo my dream house" i loveee her house like no other. ahh, its deffinatly my favorite. cant even describe it. hahah. ok. so adam just slept forever and her cousin was like creaping me out and kept on talking to me, then it took me like 10 minutes to find the beverages, and i felt like a retard, but oh well. haha. and i practically went swimming because these crazy kids that meftah and pelle were fighting kept on squirting me with the water thing, and i pretty much didnt even care so i didnt move. it actually felt kinda good. lol. yup. and i ate a whole ton, then played some volleyball, real this time, with steve, eric, tmeftah, a whole bunch of little kids, and klink. i guess i need to calm down. ha. right eric? ok. then home and then went to mikes with trista and sara and it was pretty much me sara trista and haley all in mikes basement just sleeping while he was elsewhere. ha. so then we left and i spent the night at tristas house and we were both soo tired and just like passed out. yup.
then woke up and went to my sisters softball game. they lost. they are not all that good. i chatted a little with mandas mother. i <3 her. shes a funny one. and it rained, kinda cold. but it was nice. so then i pretty much just sat around all day. dont remember what i did that night. oh well.
monday... well i picked up sara and we went to the mall and got dip-n-dots and then met up with trista and meftah at loon lake ele. played on the most dangerous toy ever to be created by the human. then went swimming with trista, sara, mike, jeff, jason, sam and yeah. it was fun minus the part about almost dying. yeah. but i was rescued i guess. long story that i dont feel like typing out. ha. so then we just chilled in mikes basement. jeff was, ah, tortured, by sam. felt bad for the poor guy. but sara and i pretty much just slept. then i went home. blah
yesterday i went swimming with my sister at this guy that my mom knows pool. had a fun time. then came home, turned around a few times because i saw colin, pargoff, jason and andrew playing tennis and i was gonna say "hello" but i was scared, and i didnt think that they saw me, but they did, all 3 times i drove by. ha. what i loser i am. ok moving on. then i went home and then picked up wess, and went to quiznos with her, and saw jason, and damn, that shit is expensive man, crazy. then went to gilbert willis and trista met us up there. we had some nice talks. there were crazy like guys with lights on top of there cars with really loud music and stuff arriving, so we left, and this guy called me a "biatch!!" ahha. whatever. hit on someone your own age sicko. ok so we went back to rachaels hosue and i met her kitties! yay! there soooooo adorable. and poor sunny :( he will get better soon, i know it. soo we took some pictures and then i was off. then i went to tristas house where her adam and myself took a walk in the rain, which was cold. and we broke into a house, litterly. ha. trista was too chicken to climb up into the doorwall. so i used my man power and achieved the task and unlocked the door for miss princess. lol. explored and left. then watched this fired thing, and it was halarious. hahaha. i love tks mom. she just makes me crack up every time im at her house. oh man. so then paul and holly and jason came over and we watched the best episod of Law and Order ever. it was good, but it was like sick to. then i went home.
today i woke up and didnt even get into the shower until like 1:30. oh well. had a odd conversation. wanted to go running, but i have no running shoes. blah, that sucks. i need to prepair myself for this season of pumped for conditioning to start. less then a week man. soo i called trista, showed her a sick funny picture, went grocery shopping with her, and saw EDDIE COMBS! that was funny, at the bottly return, and he like kept on smiling, and it was quite the giggle event. hahah. sick choice of words there. oh well. ok so we got our shopping done, and went back to her house, unloaded, the stuff we bought that is, and then i went to work. which, OMG, was crazy. jessie was being soo mean to me, but it was halarious. and ahh lesley was just the cutest thing ever today and cameron ordered and he was soo stoned out of his mind and i offered him my visene, but he didnt want it. ahhaa. oh well. it works. so then i came home, dissappointed, ran around for a while, with the cat. he gave me a workout i tell ya. sat on my neighbors bench and looked for this cat that i saw, but it ran away. ha. i dont blame the poor thing, and it was just a baby too. oh well. ill probably just see it tomorrow. ahh and now im sitting here, tired, and im golfing tomorrow, and i really dont feel like going, but i know that i will have a good time, so i kinda cant wait. i gotta call jen klink, humm, i guess ill do that tomorrow morning. well. i guess ill post some pictures also. this is a really looooong update man.

this has to be the cutest freshman. jordan green. haha.

cant take a picutre without his tought out of his mouth. lol

BBQ TIME! they are preparing the food.

all the boys did the cooking while us girls sat back and watched. haha.

oh dickson....


haley, oh man silly gal.

IGOR! no smoking please. lol.

um yeah, thats me. ha.

ok, now, hold that pose!

quite a funny picture i must say

ok so i guess i have no life. ha. well right now i dont, obviously
Put an X in the ( ) for the ones that apply to you:
( ) snuck out of the house?
(x) gotten lost in your city?
(x) saw a shooting star?
(x) been to any other countries besides the united states?
( ) had a serious surgery?
(x) gone out in public in your pajamas??
( ) kissed a stranger?
(x) hugged a stranger?
( ) been in a fist fight?
( ) been arrested?
( ) done drugs?
(x) had alcohol?
(x) laughed and had milk/coke come out of your nose?
(x) pushed all the buttons on an elevator?
( ) made out in an elevator?
(x) swore at your parents?
( ) been in love?
( ) been close to love?
( ) been to a casino?
( ) been skydiving?
( ) broken a bone?
( ) been high?
(x) given someone a bruise?
(x) skinny-dipped?
( ) skipped school?
(x) flashed someone?
( ) had oral surgery?
( ) saw a therapist?
(x) done the splits?
(x) played spin the bottle?
( ) gotten stitches?
( ) drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?
(x) bitten someone?
(x) been to Niagara Falls?
(x) gotten the chicken pox?
(x) kissed a member of the opposite sex?
(x) kissed a member of the same sex?
( ) crashed into a friend's car?
( ) been to Japan?
(x) ridden in a taxi?
( ) been dumped?
(x) shoplifted?
( ) been fired?
( ) ever had a crush on someone of the same sex?
(x) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
(x) stolen something from your job? if mints count. haha
( ) gone on a blind date?
( ) had a crush on a teacher?
( ) celebrated mardi-gras in new Orleans?
( ) been to Europe?
( ) slept with a co-worker?
( ) been married?
( ) gotten divorced?
( ) had children?
( ) saw someone die?
( ) been to Africa?
(x) Driven over 400 miles in one day?
(x) Been to Canada?
(x) Been to Mexico?
(x) Been on a plane?
( ) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show?
( ) Thrown up in a bar?
( ) Purposely set a part of myself on fire?
( ) Eaten sushi? and i dont plan on it either
(x) Been snowboarding?in my backyard...
( ) Met someone in person from the Internet?
( ) Been to a moto cross show?
( ) had real feelings for someone you knew only online?
( ) taken partially nude/nude photos of yourself?
( ) been in an abusive relationship?
( ) lost a child?
( ) gone to college?
( ) graduated college?
( ) done hard drugs?
( ) tried killing yourself?
( ) taken painkillers?
( ) love someone or miss someone right now?

Are you...
( ) in love
(x) wearing pants
(x) wearing a shirt
(x) wearing a bra
( ) wearing boxers
( ) a victim
(x) weird
(x) awesome
( ) prep
( ) goth
( ) punk
(x) lonely
(x) tired
( ) black
(x) white
(x) tired of labels

do you...
( ) like to cry
(x) eat ramen noodles
(x) love school- the tests part
(x) love dorks
(x) love me
(x) love your LJ
( ) kick ass
(x) like shirley temples
( ) worship someone
( ) have a girlfriend
( ) have a boyfriend
( ) think you're going to break up with girlfriend/boyfriend in the future
( ) secretly hate them
(x) own a thong
(x) sing in the shower
( ) hate bush
( ) hate kerry
( ) hate america
( ) hate where you live
( ) love bush
( ) love kerry
(x) love america
(x) not care about politics.

have you ever..
(x) started a fire
(x) told someone you loved them
( ) told someone you hated them
(x) been in a taxi
( ) been to NYC
(x) been on a train
(x) been on an airplane
(x) left the country
(x) lied to someone you love
(x) wanted to die
(x) felt everything was perfect
(x) regretted kissing someone
( ) been in love
( ) taken a dance class
( ) went somewhere via subway
(x) went somewhere via horse
(x) went somewhere via monorail
( ) went somewhere via scooter
( ) snuck out
( ) gotten caught sneaking out
(x) been walked in on in the bathroom?
(x) hated someone
(x) been made fun of
( ) kicked someones ass
( ) literally kicked someones ass.
(x) wished you were someone elsemost people have
(x) cried because you were happy
(x) made a layout
( ) been rejected from a community
( ) been rejected from a clique
(x) failed a classi probably have and it was probably spanish last year. oh well. ha
(x) tripped and fell on your face
(x) tripped and fell on your ass
(x) lost something important
(x) lost someone importantoh how i miss them too
(x) seen something you shouldn't have
so i guess overall im kind of a "good girl". ha. oh well. it's nice.

i hope that all of you are doing well, and are healthy, and of course having a WONDERFUL and eventful summer. peace.
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