LiKe TotAlLy!

May 16, 2005 20:37

so its been a while. life has been good i guess. work has been boring, kinda, well i guess not. haha. i love work. and sorry to all of you people who hate your job. oh well. ha. hummm, what has happened lately. 2 weeks ago, was hopefully a preview of the summer. went to fountain walk with the gang, then to gunner metalla, then snuck to mikes house for like 30 minutes before sam scared us. blah. school has been ok. not doing so hot. im running for student council. the last time i did this was in 4th grade, and my slogan was "the future looks brighter with leiter". ha. now you wish you could have a sweet slogan like that shit. lol. well anyways, im running for Treasurer, against sushant, in which hes probably going to win, but i just wanted to be a rep anyways, but now i guess that i want to be what im actually running for. ha. i thought that i mind as well give him some compitition, and not have it handed to him. well anywas vote for me if you want. ha. i have such a negative attitude. need to get that checked out man. so yeah golf has been the shit. i love it. and i love the girls. our little hour adventures with me driving everyone home are fun as hell. and practice is great. i love it. this year i went from varsity to jv and now im back on varsity. fuck yeah. were 500. 6-6. jay is halarious. she looks like this little innocent girl, but then you open her up man. haha. ahhh i love it and its going to be weird next year without her. im gonna miss that girl. ahhh. deffinatly going to her grad party. heck yes. ha. humm this past weekend was ok i guess. friday i picked up wess for a suprise for trista and we met her holly and jason at coldstone, then went to megans hizouse. and there was a whole fucking army there. holy crap. well, we watched "the people under the stairs". that was a halarious movie. deffinatly shoundnt be catagorized under the section of Horror. lolllll. and then home, and saturday, yardwork, played in the rain, and then worka. after work i met people up at emagne where joe handed us like 82736 tickets, so we saw monster-in-law, for free. that was cool. it was a cute movie. twas ok i suppose. then home. sunday was really boring until trista came over. we uncovered the lyrics for that crazy new eminem song - ass like that. omg. ahhaha. just go listen to it, while reading along with the lyrics. ha. you will get a little giggle. then we went and picked up pizza from worka of course and back to her house, ate the pizza, served her mother, and then to cvs and had a little chat with michael o'brien. what a nice boy, who goes to northville. then we met hutchens up at mollys ice cream where julia made us some good cream of cold ice. had a nice little talkie-talkie. then home. so sunday was a good nice night. today i had a golf match, and coach said that if we shoot under 200 that we get DQ, and we did. we shot a 198, but we still lost to northville by 7 strokes. blah. oh well, we know that we have progressed and are doing good. jay was so happy to get DQ i thought she was gonna pee her pants. ahhaha. ahhhhh. yeah. and i expierence some of mel's free style on the way home, that shit is rockin'. ahhaha. no, shes really good. when it comes to realating it to sexual actions. lol. shes a funny gal. another one of my favorites. ahhh. well now im here. tired and bored. humm. i guess ill go take a shower and head off to bed early, psh, still have a shit load of hmwk. fucking A. ok well, peace

anna and i in barrys class. where i secreatly have a crush on brandon borson. lol. shh

claire and i at one of the baseball games. i remember it was quite cold that day. and we played tennis with andrew and ben, and andrew wacked me in the ankel with the ball. oh well. ha.

i hope that everyone has been doing well. cya
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