So I'm at work, and I have basically nothing to do. I haven't voted yet because even though I was up early this morning, I figured it was not early enough. I am antsy about election stuff, and really wish I were home so that first of all I could vote now, but mostly watch CNN or something. I've been reading bits online, but it's early, so there's not much there yet.
And of course, I really want to watch Election Night and Process Stories. I couldn't do that even if I were home though because damn my marathon. (Except no, marathon, I love you, and I have Galileo and Noel tonight, so I take back all the bad things I said and thought about you. *mwah*)
So, I'm CHEATING. A little. With a quote-heavy Election Night picspam! (Caps are from screenmusings, I think. Not sure, as they were already on my work computer. Handy!)
Josh is getting run over by people with invalid ballots.
He doesn't mind so much when the woman is pretty.
JOSH: Well, I'm just worried 'cause they all tried to vote for Bartlet, and if this keeps up, we're headed towards biggest electoral upset in history and nobody's going to be able to figure out why.
WOMAN: Right, well, it's the same thing with my parents. I tell them to just rank the candidates in order of preference.
JOSH: Right. No!
ASIAN LADY: Mr. Lyman, I voted for your boy in all three boxes.
JOSH: No. Listen to me. Your ballot is invalid. [to woman in red coat] So is yours. Punch the box next to the candidate you prefer once-- nothing else.
But wait, they have a message from Toby
MAN: Mr. Ziegler said you were a little edgy on election days, so, just to show there are no hard feelings, how about if I go down there and vote for the President? Right now.
JOSH: As a matter of fact, that would be nice.
MAN: No problem. Do you happen to know if I need to be... I don't know, pre-registered or something?
Meanwhile back at the ranch, Sam doesn't want balloons at confetti at the party. He thinks that since they won, they don't have to pander. Toby doesn't want him to say that.
TOBY: We haven't won anything yet.
CJ: The speech is done.
TOBY: Two speeches are done.
CJ: What's the second?
TOBY: I've got a speech if he wins, I've got a speech if he doesn't.
SAM: You wrote a concession?
TOBY: Of course I wrote a concession. You want to tempt the wrath of the whatever from high atop the thing?
SAM: No.
TOBY: Then go outside, turn around three times and spit. What the hell's the matter with you?
SAM: It's like 25 degrees outside.
JOSH: Hello.
CJ: Oh, Mr. Lyman. I see your picture in the magazine. Tell me, if I swallow my ballot, does it still...?
JOSH: A little election day humor-- that's great.
SAM: He wrote a concession speech.
JOSH: Of course he wrote a concession speech. Why wouldn't he? What possible reason would he have for not writing a concession speech?
SAM: The wrath from high atop the thing.
TOBY: He upped and said we were gonna...
JOSH: No, you got to go outside, turn around three times and curse.
TOBY: Spit.
JOSH: Spit and curse.
TOBY: Do everything. Go!
In other news, roll call's got it that Andy's pregnant.
CJ:It would be nice if we could announce a wedding.
TOBY: I'm working on that. Thanks.
Sam turned, he cursed, he spat, it froze. Also he has to talk to Will Bailey because something weird is going on in the California 47. The dead guy is winning.
Sam thinks he's okay though because Bonnie confirmed Democrats and die hards vote early.
Abbey didn't vote. She was just fixing her make-up.
But Bartlet can't sign the papers Charlie asked him to.
Josh is bored. I feel his pain today; I really do.
JOSH: Nothing's happening right bow. By the end of the night, 100 million votes will be cast. Polls have been open in the East for six and a half hours. You know how many votes have been cast? One percent. Everybody votes after work. Not me, I vote first thing. The VNS exit polls are down in Michigan for a little while. And it's raining Oregon. This is like the ionization blackout period.
DONNA: Pumpkin Patch, is there anything I can do to get you to go to the movies for eight hours?
Donna wants a favor. She wants Josh to get the President to sign a photocopy of her absentee ballot because she's never voted for a winner before. Turns out she didn't this time either.
DONNA: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's, it's an optical scan ballot. I drew a line through the Democratic ticket.
JOSH: Almost. That's almost what you did. What you did was draw a line through the Republican ticket. You didn't ticket split, you voted for every Republican in Wisconsin. I would check, you may have voted for McCarthy.
Josh can't go into the senior staff meeting because he doesn't have his briefing memo.
He got the email with the new rules, but it's possible the It's possible the salient details escape him.
Charlie gets called to security because Anthony brought a friend with him. Anthony wants Charlie to do his thing to get Orlando back in the football game he was ousted from when he got pulled over with an open can of Pabst.
CHARLIE: I'm not Officer Krupke. I have a job.
ANTHONY: Hey, could you try to think back to the days before you were Secretary of State or something? There are good guys and there are bad guys, and when good guys stop letting you play with them, the bad guys have a recruiting field day.
CHARLIE: When did you start talking like Mickey Spillane?
ANTHONY: I don't know. Who's Officer Cupcake?
CHARLIE: Okay, you're seeing a musical.
Josh has some bad walking-by timing.
But he's got his memo now. Except he still can't go in to the meeting because he hasn't read rule number two, which states if you're not on time, you don't go in.
JOSH: That's insanity.
DEBBIE: Well, I'm quite mad.
JOSH: There has to be a natural fluidity to these things. It's how we work best. You can't say that every meeting has to...
DEBBIE: I didn't. The email, which is exactly this long, by the way-- in case as a boy you had some sort of frightening experience with Balzac and that's why you didn't read it-- says, at the top, "This applies only to the daily Senior Staff meeting." One meeting it's going to be important to be one time.
Donna's going out for a about 20 minutes to find someone who will swap votes with her.
DONNA: It's Election Day. There's nothing to do. I'm doing this.
JOSH: And you think it's going to take about 20 minutes?
So Josh finds Andy and Toby, who are on their way to the first sonogram.
JOSH: Ooh, big needle. 18 inches. Right in the stomach, Toby. Don't look directly at it.
ANDY: Yeah, that's amniocentesis.
JOSH: Hurts like heartbreak.
ANDY: You've had that procedure?
It's their first and it's twins, so Josh thinks Toby ought to slip the nurse $100.
Sam wasn't on time to the meeting, he was just really late for the one before it. Josh tells him Horton Wilde is going to lose by 20 points. Will clarifies that was the tracking, not the exits. The DNC may have called it a little early.
Will's not getting his hopes up.
WILL: But we're going to make history.
Toby wants Andy to announce the pregnancy. And that they getting remarried. Andy doesn't like that plan, either part. She hasn't announced because you don't in the first 12 weeks.
TOBY: These bodies of yours, I don't know how you live with them.
ANDY: You don't seem to mind.
TOBY: I like the outsides.
But they get a little distracted...
because their kids have heads!
Donna is having a trouble getting a Ritchie supporter to vote for Bartlet to offset her ballot.
DONNA: Fine. You think I'm going to scam you? I've been out here two and a half hours trying to get one vote. You think this is how I make money?
Sam suggests she take of the Bartlet button. And blah blah blah about the Cali 47th. It's supposed to start raining in a couple hours.
Meanwhile, Debbie is going to place all of Bartlet's calls now because it's better, but she didn't bring it up today because she noticed anything in particular.
Will is still laying down the law in California.
ELSIE: The die has been cast, big brother. You're making everyone crazy.
WILL: There's a moment after you cast the die but before it hits the table. Breathe wrong and you'll change the way it lands. Can I get a new weather report?!
And Donna is still calmly trying to get a voter.
Luteniant Commander Jack Reese thinks maybe someone stole her purse.
DONNA: I'm on a mission and I said I'd be 20 minutes and it's been six hours and it's starting to get kind of cold.
JACK: Okay. You were shouting at no one.
DONNA: Little guy. Bow tie.
He's going to vote for Bartlet. I have the feeling we'll be seeing more of him.
Josh is talking about the election. Toby is...not.
TOBY: I stare at this and I stare at this and I don't know which is the boy and which is the girl. I suppose that problem will take care of itself. You know, if you stare at them for awhile, well, it's pretty gross, but still...
JOSH: Okay, I'm concerned that you've turned completely into another person.
TOBY [sees Ed with balloons]: Hey. I see one victory balloon before this thing is called and...!
TOBY: Yeah, you better run! [to Josh] Huh?
JOSH: Nothing.
Charlie was impartial with the information he gave Orlando, but Orlando can't think about that now because he's got to concentrate on standing line.
ORLANDO: Hey, Anthony. I voted.
CHARLIE: All right.
ORLANDO: I'm going again.
And Will can make it rain!
ELSIE: Wow! What else can you do?
WILL: I didn't know I could do that
JOSH: It's on. You can see it.
TOBY: I'm not spitting. I'm not turning around.
Things are going well for our guys!
Very well.
Except Abbey noticed Jed was off the prompter.
ABBEY: You got lots of nights. Smart people who love you are going to have your back.
Wow, that was definitely took care of my boredom. It's been all day. Six hours. There was some actual work in there too.