Dec 02, 2007 21:00
Woah it's been a bit of a crazy week! What with placement, starting to buy christmas presants and trying to write an essay! I had a bit of a random friday night, as I went to the work do and found it a bit daunting. I just don't understand the ettiquette, I mean you spend time at work with these people and then I just don't want to socalise with them. I don't really want to know about my supervisor and her boyfriend, I guess it's just that I like to separate work life and personal life and find it hard when the two mix. I left the work do early and met my friends, I did feel a bit rude, but I knew my friends were at another club and my team are all a lot older than me, so I felt more comfortable with my friends.
When I got to the club I asked how much it cost and then somehow managed to jump the queue, cos when I got in everyone else told me they had paid £7 to get in! The club was really good and involved a lot of live music and dancing. We then went to meet another friend and he happened to be at a work do for Cadburys and we managed to gatecrash this! All in all a good night!
Still no luck on the girlfriend/boyfriend front this week though, I went on a date on thursday and the guy was really good looking, but all he cared about was making money and he didn't understand why I want to be a Social Worker, rubbish!