Nov 25, 2007 20:40
This sounds evil, but one of the reasons I love Livejournal is that my housemates aren't on it, so unlike Facebook I can bitch about them and they don't know! I know Social Workers are meant to be moral and not bitch, but I think me and my Social Worky friends have got bitching down to a fine art, it's therapeutic, cos you have to be nice to people all day!
Anyway I went to my Mum and her boyfriend's house for the weekend and had a great time, however when I got back the massive pile of decaying washing up was still there and one of my other housemates was threating about the state of the bathroom. So we've drawn up a rota and I've written in bold next to the door that it needs locking! This should in theory work and I doubt it will, but at least we are trying! We're blaming the boys for all the mess and maybe this is slightly unfair, but I don't fancy living in a house that poses possible health risks! RANT OVER, I FEEL MUCH BETTER!