Help me procrastinate some more? :)

Jun 08, 2012 14:38

I PROMISE this is the last stupid question post like this. The next post will be fic, I swear.

Okay, so I'm trying to keep myself from writing these three horrible papers I need to turn in next week by writing bigbangs (yes, plural...) and you guys need to help me with some stuff.

1. That thing Dean does whenever he loads his gun. When he taps the ( Read more... )

supernatural, cry for haalp, tag? what tag?, rambly random postings

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Comments 45

verucasalt123 June 8 2012, 12:51:27 UTC
I can't help you with #3, but as far as the pistol goes, you tap the magazine to "settle" the rounds, make sure none of them are out of position and might cause a jam. I've only ever seen military or former military guys do it. I don't know if it really makes a difference, I think it's probably more of a habit.

As far as the movie goes, I think he'd ok it with Lisa first, but probably, he would. If it was like, Die Hard or something.


purple_carpets June 8 2012, 13:00:23 UTC
Oh, so it's not a good luck thing. Rounds are bullets, right? I swear, I'm not playing dumb xD Anyway, I like the military connection. Do you think tapping the magazine, loading the gun, unloading it (is that the term? I don't think so...), tapping it again multiple times would mess with the rounds in any way?

Die Hard is rated R? Really? I think my mom let me watch Die Hard when I was ten. Then again, my eight year old cousin is a huge fan of the Hangover movies and the Daniel Craig James Bonds, so maybe my family is just weird...


verucasalt123 June 8 2012, 13:11:29 UTC
I'm just assuming it's rated R, I've never seen it. YES YES I KNOW, eventually I will see it, really.

Some guys would probably see it as 'luck', but more of just a part of the process. It's a habit, you don't break your habits, especially when it comes to loading your handguns. And yes, rounds are the actual bullets. I've never heard anyone refer to the practice as anything other than tapping the clip or tapping the magazine.


purple_carpets June 8 2012, 13:35:35 UTC
Nope, I just checked imdb. It is rated R. It was rated 18 over here when it first came out. Which makes the fact that the TV stations have basically turned it into an Easter family movie even more hilarious. And yes, you do need to see it, because it's awesome :)

Clip! That's probably the word I was looking for.


rbmi_fan June 8 2012, 13:25:39 UTC
I also remember Dean tapping his gun when loading it on the show, so you're not imagining things. There's probably a gif floating around somewhere.

For 2, Dean probably wouldn't see anything wrong with Ben watching R rated movies. He probably did at that age. And I could see Ben telling him that Lisa lets him watch those movies (like Dean's the substitute teacher).


purple_carpets June 8 2012, 13:39:40 UTC
I knew it! I specifically noticed it because I had always assumed it was a fanon thing.

Yes, that's what I was thinking. I don't even want to know what kind of movies Dean was watching at that age and he'd assume it's okay and normal for any kid. And I love your take on Ben. No, no, Mom is totally okay with me watching slasher flicks late at night. We totally have pizza and soda for dinner every night, too.


rbmi_fan June 8 2012, 14:29:34 UTC
And she lets me stay up past midnight and eat dessert first.

:D I mean, Ben's a smart kid. He'd figure out pretty fast that Dean has no idea what he's not allowed to do.

Judging from the number of tv/movie references Dean makes per season I'd say he's watched pretty much everything you can get on a motel tv, several times. There's only so many other things you can do when staying up late waiting for your father to call, or when you and your brother are on lock-down.

He's also kind of preoccupied with the whole 'Sam is dead' thing. So he might not think too hard about what normal kids do and don't watch at Ben's age.


cassiopeia7 June 8 2012, 13:36:19 UTC
Depends on the movie, I think. For some reason, I think Dean would be rather puritanical about letting Ben watch movies with overt, R-rated sex scenes . . . but as mentioned ain the first reply, Die Hard goes without saying. It's a rite of passage, you know? ;) (And yes, Die Hard is rated "R," both for language and the fact that it's kinda violent.) :D That said, Die Hard is THE Christmas movie at my house. Yes, we're strange.) XD

Old cars left sitting for ages? First things first, the battery will be flat, and you'll have to fix that before you can try anything else. Um, the battery acid might have gotten out and corroded stuff; oil dried to sludge in the crankcase; flat tires; water or clogs in the fuel line; rusted or dead spark plugs; antifreeze evaporated or gone to sludge; clogged fuel filter; rusted or holed radiator . . . and on and on. (I am no car expert, believe me, but when I bought my first car, my Dad tried to teach me about all the stuff that can go wrong, so thank HIM for the stuff that's now stuck in my ( ... )


verucasalt123 June 8 2012, 13:39:55 UTC
Yep, it's a Christmas movie at my sister's too, a marathon every year :)

I've only ever written Bobbty POV once, and I can't say it's good enough to be inspirational...


cassiopeia7 June 8 2012, 13:47:22 UTC
Yup, it just ain't Christmas without John McClane cussin' and blowing stuff up. XD


purple_carpets June 8 2012, 13:52:49 UTC
Oh, I have the same feeling about Dean and Ben and sex scenes. I have no idea where it comes from, but yeah, violence is a-okay, on-camera sexing? Not so much. And Die Hard is an Easter tradition for my family, so I don't think yours is weird at all (how could you watch it on Christmas though? Christmas is clearly when you watch crappy 50's movies about Austrian Empresses ;) )

Oh, I love your dad for all that. I don't understand half of what you just said, but all that matters is that Dean understands it :P

I just don't know about the Bobby!POV. Nothing I write sounds right. Not the what. I know what he's supposed to be saying, but the how is all off and I have no idea how to fix it. I'll probably end up making his narrative voice sound as neutral as possible and focus on making the things he actually says out loud sound like him *sigh*


ext_927445 June 8 2012, 14:29:55 UTC
I love Dean's little habit of tapping the clip... definitely something Jensen added. But totally something John might have also done or taught him via the military (as suggested above ( ... )


purple_carpets June 8 2012, 14:57:54 UTC
Yeah, I'm the same way. My mom's policy was basically 'if it interests her, she's old enough to read/watch it', so I ended up watching a whole lot of R-rated movies before I hit ten. I let my cousin watch Jackass the Movie when he was six and he seemed to just filter out everything he didn't understand and laugh his ass off at people getting hurt.

My problem with Bobby's voice isn't so much the direct speech. If I think about it long enough, I can make those sound fairly authentic. The problem is more that the entire fic is from his POV and I just don't *get* his inner voice *sigh*

but why are you reading a different fandom!?!?!?!?!!?????
Let's just say I have a pretty unhealthy obsession with sarcastic, dark haired, bearded men twice my age (read: HUGE crush on Robert Downey Jr. which translates into devouring the avengers kink meme)


jesseofthenorth June 9 2012, 01:22:38 UTC
(who doesn't have a crush on RDJ ;D)


purple_carpets June 9 2012, 07:32:16 UTC
Stupid people *nods*


(The comment has been removed)

purple_carpets June 8 2012, 15:32:14 UTC
What are finals good for, anyway?

Hm, the fic was on AO3. Not sure if you can even send PM's there without an account. Plus, I'll need to find it again first. I totally panicked and closed the tab and re-read all the stuff I'd written for my fic up until then and then panicked some more. The entire set up is just so similar...part of me wants to go back and read the entire thing to make sure the story lines become different at some point and then the other part is scared that they stay the same and then I'm worried that they're different, but I'll end up liking parts of the other fic and start incorporating them and just...ARGH

lol, yeah, I've totally been sucked into Avenger fandom. Or the part of it that's hurt!Tony at least :P


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