...in which purple_carpets sucks at making up her mind

Jan 12, 2012 14:41

You guys know I signed up for the john_w_bigbang. Rough drafts are due sometime in February, which wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't so incredibly incompetent at making up my mind.

I initially signed up for it because my first reversebang fic had somehow become about John. It's set a couple of weeks before Sam leaves for Stanford, tensions are high between Sam and John and then Dean manages to get himself cursed on top of it all. It's a very simple case fic, really and I do like what I have so far (plus, I like that it's already 6k along), but now I'm getting paranoid that it's too similar to that one fic by deanie_mcqueen where John has to deal with both his boys being de-aged and I just don't know...

So I had this other bunny, set during the Stanford years. Dean gets hit with some kind of truth curse (see a pattern there?) and John isn't sure how to deal with this Dean, oh the secrets, the angst, you get the idea....

As you might have guessed, I'm having trouble not making either of those fics about Dean instead of John. I'm not sure why that surprised me.

So, if you have opinions on either of those bunnies, or, hell, an entirely new prompt, please share them. I'm desperate here. Actually, YES, entirely new prompts would be AWESOME!

john_w_bigbang'12, supernatural, cry for haalp, john

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