Oct 14, 2017 19:02
I've been thinking about what Omar said, that I need to build in regular retreats. Jordan said much the same thing in a text a day or two ago.
I would need all my practical daily activities provided for, so I don't have to make any decisions. There would have to be a structure, a day-plan that happens all by itself. Now is time to get dressed. Here, have your breakfast. There would need to be time for some reflection. There would need to be 2 types of activity. One active, one passive. Eg here's a tv series on DVD, here's a crafting table. It couldn't be in my own home, because all I'd see are the pending jobs. But on the other hand, it would have to be around someone who was provisionally there, but not in my face about it, which is what happens at my mum's, who, personality clash aside, would otherwise be ideal.
Obviously this is a lot to put upon someone as a regular commitment, say 3 days every couple of months? But if Omar is right, and he has every reason to be, it's basically a non-negotiable need. Of course it doesn't have to be the same person every time. It would help if it was, it would make it a known quantity. But I can't think of many households I can load myself off onto, and even fewer that I'd feel happy and relaxed in.
I'll have to discuss this all with Peter.