I had a rough day.
So on my way home I bought some groceries and made myself a potful of coq au vin.
The thing is, like I said already, the impetus for change is always energizing, so after dinner I did something I haven't had the urge to do for months and months. I baked - tada! Muffins! Cranberry orange nut thingy. It's yummy.
After that I watched a movie about a girl who bakes to make herself feel better (and keep her job). This movie, Waitress, is so super cute, except actually it's totally VILE. So, the cute: NATHAN FILLION is god. That is all. Also? Keri Russel is very believably a tough, stoic working-poor woman, and the only flaw in her performance is actually her body. Her character tells her doctor that she never exercises, but in the one scene when Russel is changing into her waitress outfit you see her muscle-ripped probably pilates-honed back so... no. There's a lot of SUPER DUPER cute dialogue in this movie, and both actors deliver them well. The cuteness is a little weird though, sometimes, like they couldn't decide if the characters were really poor and working class or just slumming it. "I'm sorry I can't repeat what you say verbatim" is one line that jumped out at me. Really? Would a rural waitress in a teeny diner say that to her abusive husband? Verbatim? Another time, someone worrying about her uneven boobs references Picasso. Uh?
And now, the vile: Have. An. Abortion. Please? Can we please have a movie about an unwanted pregnancy that is terminated and it is the right thing to do? Because sometimes it's totally the right thing to do! I would have liked this movie so much better if Russell met her ob/gyn to get an abortion, had the abortion, and then had him fall in love with her. Also? As I say, Russell's character has an affair with her obstetrician, and because God a.k.a Nathan Fillion plays him he's totally delectable but actually he's VILE. He's married to a doctor, a woman who is his professional peer, and while still married he falls in love and has a hot affair with a barefoot pregnant poor waitress who basically (at first unintentionally) seduces him by feeding him homemade food. BARF and OMG and VILE. Thing is? Nathan Fillion is God, so I had a terrific time watching him be in puppy love and stuff. I wonder if my objection to this affair is more because I identify with the wife-doctor more than the barefoot pregnant waitress. Probably.
Anyway, there were lots of scenes of baking stuff in this movie, and that made me happy too. Yeah. Baking something really does make everything in life look brighter.