Nov 20, 2011 15:32
This thought has been sluggishly stirring at the back of what passes for my brain for quite a while now, and watching a Jools Holland Later compilation in a flu-befuddled stupor has finally forced it to emerge, blinking, into the half light of an Autumn afternoon... Has anyone else noticed that the higher up the body a band or solo artist holds their guitars, the more likely they are to sound like utter wank? There are honourable exceptions (Anna Calvi). But on the whole, I stand by the assertion. The likes of The Vaccines - who seem like a nice bunch of lads and whose spirited performances have, in the past, reminded me of a litter of labrador pups in a Bonio advert with a Ramones soundtrack - should beware adopting the 80s referencing affectation. Their spot on the programme was disconcertingly lacklustre and I'm sure this was linked to the fact that their guitars were being wielded like bloody ukeleles! We all know where this sort of thing leads : Haircut 100 and Kajaflippingoogoo, that's where. A guitar, and especially a bass guitar, should be positioned around the solar plexus at least. Even lower, if you covet real cool. Yes, it's bad for the back and probably results in crippling arthritis and chiropractors bills. But if it's the only thing standing between us and 'Love Plus One Redux' then surely that's a price worth paying?