Oct 03, 2010 12:51

Here's where we answer questions that regularly surface concerning the game's workings. If you have a question that isn't answered here, feel free to ask in a comment or contact the mods.

☣ Before You Apply
When are reserves/applications open and when and how are they processed?
What's the age limit of this game and the rating?
How do the reserves work? Can I challenge a reserve?
Can I apply under a sock?
Can I apply for a non-humanoid character? Will they be turned human?
Can I import a character with memories from another RP? Will they remember other characters?
Are we allowed to apply for original/AU characters?
Are multiple versions of characters allowed?
How many characters are we allowed to play?
Okay, this has been bugging me. I've seen Fallout mentioned here and there in the write-ups, what is that?

☣ Gameplay & IC
Do characters keep their powers? Do characters with no powers gain some?
Do characters keep illnesses, appendages, etc?
Can my character bring their pet?
What about abilities that require specific items, like the Death Note?
What happens when I want to canon update a character?
I'm unhappy with my character's development. Can I reset them and how?
How do you deal with death?
My character was immortal/invincible in their canon. Are they mortal now?
So are my character's memories/life fake?
I want to play reporter and submit an article (or an ad, or interview). How do I do that?
How rare are normal animals?
Is the SE magic? How does it work? What caused the war? How the heck do we get back home?
Can my character join the organizations? Can they start his or her own business? Can they have NPCs working for them?
I want my character to kill an NPC or another player's character, what do I have to do?
My character is part of ACRO. What is his daily life like? Can he arrest others?
My character got caught committing a crime. Will he get punished, and do I have any say in it?
What's that mark on my character's neck? Where did it come from? Does it go away?
What's the calender like? What time is it?
With the SE, can we do logs that take place inside a character's memory?
How's the housing situation?
Can I place a bounty on another character's head?
Can I handwave bounty hunting?

☣ Etiquette & OOC
What are the different communities for?
How do I tag my posts?
How do I format logs?
What communication methods can I use?
A conversation with another person's character has led to a proposal to meet them, but we don't want to do a log. Are action tags okay?
What about 4th wall breaking?
Do you accept pregnancy plots?
What kind of plot is allowed? When do I have to ask for permission?
Is there an overarching game plot?
What are the activity check requirements, and what is the AC schedule like?
What about sex logs?
What about playercesting?
My character was dropped or I reset them, do other characters in the game still remember him?
Is there a game chat?
Will there be a monthly HMD Meme?

☣ Before You Apply

When are reserves/applications open and when and how are they processed?

Both reserves and apps are currently indefinitely open until we feel it would be a good idea to introduce application cycles. We have no set date as for when we process applications; we do it when we have the time, however it shouldn't take longer than a few days.

What's the age limit of this game and the rating?

Due to the adult themes present here, you should be at least 16 to apply. Project Purity is rated a hard NC-17 for the general violence, language and sexual content that will be found within; due to this, we ask that all logs or posts dealing with graphic sex or murder be locked to the community and under a cut that warns of such content.

How do the reserves work? Can I challenge a reserve?

Make a reserve and the character is reserved for ten days only, no extensions. Once the reserve runs out, the character can't be reserved again for another ten days, but an application can still be submitted. There is a maximum of 2 reserves for every player, and due to the complications that would arise, challenging a reserve is not permitted.

Can I apply under a sock?

Applying under a sock or simply with your character's account is perfectly acceptable. Additionally we give the option of screening applications.

Can I apply for a non-humanoid character? Will they be turned human?

Yes to both! If animal, they may retain some animal characteristics/mannerisms/body parts such as ears or perhaps a need to chase squirrels or groom themselves constantly, but otherwise they'll be mostly human in appearance and biology. They won't be able to change into animals either unless they have a natural shapeshift ability they'll be developing. In case you plan on playing something like a vampire, it's up to you if they'll develop a thirst/need for blood. Both is acceptable.

Can I import a character with memories from another RP? Will they remember other characters?

Yes! However, we only accept public RPs with a proper application in that case, so no DR or musebox characters. And yes, they'll remember the CR they had with past characters. While we realize that it may be difficult to continue old CR with new players, it's the same with a character that was in this game before, got dropped and was reapplied for - the characters in the game would still remember that character. Your character is in fact allowed to remember ALL their CR and development.

Are we allowed to apply for original/AU characters?

Not at this time. This may be subject to change in the future if people wish to see original characters.

Are multiple versions of characters allowed?

No, please settle for one version. The only exception to this is if that version gets dropped; if, say, someone apps Leon from Kingdom Hearts and then drops him, you are allowed to pick up Squall from Final Fantasy VIII. Other than that, both can't be in the game at once.

How many characters are we allowed to play?

Two at the beginning. After you passed the first activity check, you're allowed to play two more - four in total. You may only play two characters from the same canon at any time, and they shouldn't be too closely related (i.e not be likely to talk on a daily basis).

Okay, this has been bugging me. I've seen Fallout mentioned here and there in the write-ups, what is that?

A popular videogame franchise! The term Project Purity, the CLD design, as well as large part of the setting and the monsters are borrowed from Fallout 3, specifically; however, the plot of the RP has nothing to do with the games whatsoever, so no prior knowledge is required.

☣ Gameplay & IC

Do characters keep powers? Do characters with no powers gain some?
Yes - but they won't be able to access the whole extent of their powers, especially not right away - powers are suppressed and need to be relearned. Not to say that using any sort of supernatural powers is prohibited by the law. Please refer to the Powers section on the In-Depth page for more information about powers. Characters that have no supernatural powers in their canon won't gain any.

Do characters keep illnesses, appendages, etc?
Yes, they do. However, they might have trouble finding proper medication to handle any illnesses they might have had prior. Maybe some of the radiated products found on the black market might help...

Can my character bring their pet?
Unfortunately no! The setting doesn't really allow for that.

What about abilities that require specific items, like the Death Note?
Most of the time (depending on which objects you bring into the game), provided the object is less than a meter long, high and wide, they will be given a placebo version of this object that nurtures their powers. However, given the setting and plot of the game, all powers will become inherent. So a Persona user, for example, can bring their evoker; however the evoker only acts as a 'mental springboard' to awaken powers the Persona user has naturally. The same goes for Materia and the like. If you have questions about a specific power, please contact the mods.

What happens when I want to canon update a character?
In that case, they'll be dragged off by ACRO or government officials to be hooked up to the SE system again for three days (making the character unplayable for said period of time). After that, they'll be dumped off on the street or at their home - feel free to have your character speculate what just happened. Maybe they were accused of a crime and were imprisoned within the SE?

I'm unhappy with my character's development. Can I reset them and how?
Yep. Basically, it works the same way as canon updating, explained above.

How do you deal with death?
That depends entirely on how you plan to kill off your character. 'Minor' injuries like bullets can be repaired, so your character will likely just get dragged off and come back after three days (though they will not remember where they have been during that time). However, if you plan to get your character maimed or their head cut off, that might be more difficult and we'd very much like to be informed beforehand so we can work something out with you that won't impact your plot. Rule of thumb, though: when your character returns from death, they'll be suffering temporary amnesia and they'll be missing something from their body. Yes, you read that right - they might be missing an eye, or a finger, or hell, even a really ugly scar will suffice. Maybe their death already took care of that, but if it didn't, something will be missing, permanently. So be careful about death plots!

As for deaths caused by radiation poisoning, whether in the city or the Wasteland; they'll be dragged off to the hospital and temporarily be hooked up to the SE system. In that case, they don't have to lose anything, but they'll feel very very sick for days, have temporary amnesia, and a pretty horrendous hospital bill. Serves you right for venturing out so far.

My character was immortal/invincible in their canon. Are they mortal now?
Yes. They can be killed by radiation and everything else that would normally cause death. However, if your character doesn't age or only very slowly, they may keep that, but they can still be killed by force or sickness.

So are my character's memories/life fake?
That's debatable and really up to your character to decide. Do they believe it's the real world? Do they think the life they remember is in fact the fake? Do they think they were abducted and brought here for some giant social experiment? We're not telling, either way.

I want to play reporter and submit an article (or an ad, or interview). How do I do that?
Details concerning that can be found on the News Submission page.

How rare are normal animals?
Super rare. There are some that haven't mutated as badly as others, but for the most part everything is mutated. A handful of different varieties of animals with only minor mutations are farmed for food within the city, so pets are kind of a luxury. Don't expect every character to have a cute kitty or doggy.

Is the SE magic? How does it work? What caused the war? How the heck do we get back home?
If we told you that, it'd kinda take the fun out of it, wouldn't it? Details surrounding the answers to all these questions will eventually come up in the overall game plot.

Can my character join the organizations? Can they start his or her own business? Can they have NPCs working for them?
Yes to all of that, in fact it's encouraged! This game puts a focus on organization play and plot, and they can join any organization (except maybe Zarathustra, but who knows...) and multiple at once. An ACRO officer can also be a bounty hunter! Or a Sanctimonia member or double agent for Zarathustra! All is possible! Or maybe they'd rather stick with the government or with Eyewitness's Ltd's News Company? If none of these sound too appealing and they'd rather open their own business, organization or group of criminals, that's perfectly fine if they have the necessary funds. They're also allowed a number of NPCs/goons, though NPC allowance is given on a case by case basis; just petition the mods and give us a reasonable IC explanation. More concerning organizations can be found on the Organizations page.

I want my character to kill an NPC or another player's character, what do I have to do?
First talk to the other player about it, then approach the mods together so we know everyone's on board. Bear in mind that death is taken very seriously in game, and your character will be punished for murdering even an NPC if there is evidence linking them to the crime. If it's a less-public murder that doesn't include any maiming, though, you're perfectly fine to carry it out between yourselves without mod involvement. Just make sure both parties are okay with it.

My character is part of ACRO. What is his daily life like? Can he arrest others?
Depending on his rank within the organization he'll be given different tasks, which include policing the city as a beat cop, serving night security, and higher up the ladder going outside the city, protecting builders or incoming trade caravans from bandits and monsters, or even playing security guard to the bigwigs. Your ACRO character can only arrest others with permission from the player involved, though considering the seriousness of being arrested in game, please be careful when you invoke this plot.

My character got caught committing a crime. Will he get punished, and do I have any say in it?
If he got caught, then yes, he'll get punished. You as the player have a say in just what kind of punishment that is, though in game there is no extended punishment such as imprisonment or capital punishment. If you're feeling particularly sadistic and want the SE simulation punishment, you're free to choose a scenario for your character. Maybe you'd like a loop of a particularly traumatizing memory, or a simulated zombie apocalypse? It's all good here!

What's that mark on my character's neck? Where did it come from? Does it go away?
The mark on your character's neck is in a grid design like this in your character's skin color, with diverging parallel lines inside a circle. Every mark is different, but they were made by the SE and are used to identify Mutants. The marks can't be removed, and due to the position on the neck, any cut that affects the mark would in turn kill your character. The mark is impervious to ink or burns. Where it came from? Who knows! Though it has likely something to do with the SE.

What's the calender like? What time is it?
The ingame calendar is synonymous with our real life calendar, and one IRL day equals one ingame day. However, the year is 210 p.C (post-construction) instead of 2010.

With the SE, can we do logs that take place inside a character's memory?
Of course! However, only characters who are sharing the memory can participate in these logs; characters not invited into the memory (SE 'multiplayer') for the log won't appear, even if they're linked to that memory - because the SE centers you will find around the city are set up slightly modified at different from the big one your character left when entering the game, mostly to save energy. The same goes for animals involved in that memory. To put it simply, yes, you can go 'home', but Mom, Dad and Fido the dog are all absent. Make sure to mark the location as in the SE, not just the memory location.

How's the housing situation?
Your character can get housing in any part of town, though of course rent and quality of the space provided differ widely. You'll get the nicest and most expensive flats in the G district, and shoddy, cheap or free ones in the I District. Everything else is inbetween. You can also claim an abandoned, run-down building or apartment, but expect hobos and the costs to fix it up to be immense (you will also still have to pay for utilities). You can also take up residence in the Wasteland, though that's highly advised against. Check the Locations page for more information.

Can I place a bounty on another character's head?
Sure! As long as you have that players permission, and inform the mods so he/she can be added to the bestiary. Keep in mind though that human bounty hunting is illegal and that your character will get arrested if ACRO hears that you've put a bounty on someone else's head.

Can I handwave bounty hunting?
Yeah, though for unique monsters and humans (all except raiders) you'll have to get mod permission first and a log must be carried out. You can freely control all other monsters, though please be reasonable about how often your character might encounter rare monsters, their own fighting abilities, and the components they might receive from those monsters. The same goes for items found in the wasteland; don't expect them to come across valuable stuff all the time.

☣ Etiquette & OOC

What are the different communities for?
project_purity is used for all communications over the network, and can be posted to freely from the communications device your character is given when they leave the SE. News are also distributed here, and you can find the newsticker in the sidebar. purity_logs is used for action and prose logs (long form third person role play), be they introspective, between two players, or for mingling logs. purity_ooc is for all game related out of character communication including introduction posts, hiatus posts, proposals for people to join in a plot, announcements about name changes, etc. Finally purity_crack is for all things fun that don't effect play, such as memes, games and cracky videos/pictures, or just for sharing your character's latest exploits in canon. Any 'role playing' done there does not transmit over to Project Purity itself.

How do I tag my posts?
Simply tag any network post your character starts or comments on with his or her name (given name first, then last name). Additionally, if your character starts a post in the network comm, put a exclamation mark in front of their name (example: !big boss). In the log comm, simply tag yourself in with the characters name.

How do I format logs?
Who: Characters that are participating in the log, or make a note if it's open.
When: When does it take place? Is it backdated?
Where: Where does it happen?
What: A small summary of what's going on in this log.
Warnings: Include any warnings that might apply, like language, smut, violence, death, or other possibly triggering NC-17 content. Don't forget to lock such logs, too, and use a cut.

What communication methods can I use?
Your character can communicate with the network via bad, fuzzy quality video, text or audio. Make sure to mark which your character is using in the title of your post, and when you respond to other people's posts, say in the header of your comment which your character is using.

A conversation with another person's character has led to a proposal to meet them, but we don't want to do a log. Are action tags okay?
Action tags are fine so long as you mark the comment thread 'Action' at the point where it changes. Feel free to use brackets or prose.

What about 4th wall breaking?
Minor fourth wall breaking is permitted for characters from modern-day situations, like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory or Otacon from Metal Gear Solid, in which case keep it to fandoms they've admitted to knowing or are likely to know. Pop culture references such as Sherlock Holmes are fine, but you should always ask before blatantly fourth-walling someone playing Sherlock Holmes. Rule of thumb: don't fourthwall loudly on network posts where everyone can see, or at a character without consulting the mun beforehand, and absolutely don't infomod without permission, either. Mentioning other canons here and there in private when talking with others is perfectly fine, but please - no excessive fourth wall breaking.

Do you accept pregnancy plots?
Despite a premise that encourages it as well as Sanctimonia's stance on pregnancy, we'll have to say no on that. Chances are, your character has been rendered infertile anyway due to the radiation's effect on their body.

What kind of plot is allowed? When do I have to ask for permission?
Almost any kind of plotting is allowed and we encourage it - be it organization plot, death plot, shipping plot - but bear in mind that IC actions = IC consequences. For plots that cause great damage to the city, or affect many players, please ask a mod first. Aside from that, go wild.

Is there an overarching game plot?
Yes there is, and it adapts to the players and player plots as the story progresses. We have a general goal, but it's not set in stone how we get there.

What are the activity check requirements, and what is the AC schedule like?
Activity check requirements are as follows: two links comprising of participation in a log, a post on the main comm, or a long thread (at least ten comments by your character) in someone else's post.

As for the schedule, Activity Checks will always be held at the end of the month and given three days warning prior to that. You then have five days to reply to the AC post with proof of ingame activity. Any stragglers who fail to post will be given a two day grace period to get their activity up before they're ejected from the game.

What about sex logs?
Smut is fine. Please keep the participating characters legal, lock the thread, and warn players of the content. All sexualities are welcome.

What about playercesting?
Generally not allowed, but you're free to handwave minor interactions between your characters as long as they're kept insignificant. Plotting between your characters, or trying to get an advantage this way, is absolutely not allowed.

My character was dropped or I reset them, do other characters in the game still remember him?
Yep, though your character might not remember them. This is up to the player.

Is there a game chat?
Yup, we have one on AIM. Just invite yourself to projectpurity, and remember to play nice. Feel free to join the chat even if you're not accepted yet or are looking into applying.

Will there be a monthly HMD meme?
There will! Just keep an eye on the OOC comm.

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