[There's a grunt of pain and a long, muffled groan as a continued buzzing starts softly, and then picks up, making it a little harder for Minato to keep quiet. But he does, and inhales deeply as if he's taking in some sort of punishment that he deserved. And maybe he does. Boots scrape across wet gravel. After a moment of only the sound of rain... he speaks, composed. As little as he tends to talk, Minato will have a lot to say tonight... The gist of this will be repeated in text.]
All officers be aware,
We currently have a man missing. Civilian, named Angeal. He has been kidnapped for unknown reasons, at least unknown to myself, most likely to be tortured and possible murdered.
The kidnapper is Offi-- Kadaj No. Don't hide from it., one of our own officers. Be advised that he is without a chip and extremely dangerous with the ability to summon and control creatures, manipulate people, and there is a risk of infection of a... virus- I'm unaware of the details- that may place you under control of he and/or his family members. This may be incorrect, but risk infection is a fact. He is enhanced- very fast, increased strength, and an excellent sword fighter. Also be aware that he can see in the dark, and may have an advantage over most of us. It should go without saying that this man is no longer an officer in this police force.
With the acid rain I'm asking you all to remain safe and do not rush into the situation. I know this man's life is in danger, but jeopardizing your own health and lives at this time is not inadvisable. If there's anything that can be done safely, using some of your abilities, we'll need to form some sort of a plan to utilize that.
... As the leader, and the one who evaluates each person I accept into this police force, I have made a mistake. Not for... deeper personal reasons, but because I was foolish and headstrong. I believed that I would have control of the situation and I was wrong. I've let you down by allowing someone onto this police force that risks us losing the faith of those we are meant to protect, and potentially placing them in more danger. I can only be relieved that he didn't use his position as an officer to take advantage of a situation, but the fact still remains that I was wrong to believe that anyone with a common goal they're willing to cooperate with others to reach will also be willing to cooperate in other ways. My own mistake is the perfect example of why officers must be more closely evaluated.
I'm sorry, to each of you, for letting you down, and personally embarrassing this police force...
[There's a silence, as he solemnly allows those words to sink in. He needed to feel the severity of it, to feel punished.]
...When you are safely able to seek out Angeal, do so. However, I will be personally searching for Kadaj in order to make an arrest. If any of you find a lead as to where one or both of them may be, please keep each of us informed. If you find Angeal, do not hesitate to retrieve him and take him directly to the hospital. If there are any leads on Kadaj... report them to me as soon as possible.
He needs to learn. I told him not to disrupt the police force- Never to toy with or risk my officers. Nothing will be tolerated. Officers are not immune to punishment.
[Edited in a short, exhausted time later]
... O-oh. yes, please use this post as the Officer Activity Check. All officers Report in, and detail your recent activities. All officers who do not report within five to seven days will be cut. ...Thank you.
[OOC: in case it isn't obvious at this point, despite the acid rain, Minato is painstakingly NOT taking his own advice and searching for Kadaj and Angeal in hopes of, if not saving Angeal, showing Kadaj the SERIOUSNESS OF FUCKING WITH HIS POLICE FORCE (And maybe of breaking his heart a little bit. XD) and he plans on making a very serious business arrest. However uh, neither Kadaj nor Angeal will be found for a little while anyway, sorry officer-muns. Stand down.]