Chat rules, general announcements

Oct 07, 2008 14:30

Hello, apurgatorium, how are you doing? It's been a little while since we've changed hands (again), and I think it's time for a little mod-post. Many details of the new changes are still being worked out, but we do have some things for you to read. First of all, after discussion and taking suggestions, we have a revised list of chat rules:

- Do not under any circumstances use homophobic, transphobic, or racist language.

Yes, even if you're gay, transsexual, a member of said race, or being sarcastic. (But especially the last one).

Please also use moderation and common sense in respect to words that are traditionally considered sexist, e.g., 'bitch'.

- Mark links as NSFW.

Obviously, it's easy to forget, but if you do it constantly, you may be warned.

- Do not trivialise words such as 'rape', 'molest', or 'Nazi'.

Please use taste and appropriate context when using words such as the above, which may be disturbing to other players.

- Do not air your RP grievances in the chat.

Be them with another game, with another player, or with the moderators. This is what private email is for.

- Do not invite non-members into chat.

The only people allowed in chat are prospective (near-future), former, and current members.

- Do not harass another player.

If they tell you to stop doing something in all seriousness, then you must stop, immediately.

- Do not spam.

This is subjective, and will only be considered as having taken place if a moderator complaint is filed. These rules work on a three-strike system. After two strikes, considered as being official moderator warnings, you may be asked not to return to chat for a period (generally a week); if you show no change in behaviour after being allowed to return, you may be further reprimanded or, in extreme circumstances, removed from the game. If there is something you think needs to be added or there is something you disagree with, please feel free to IM a moderator, to email us about it, or to comment here, for that matter - all comments to this post are screened.

Moving on, as has been said, there will be new aspects and changes coming to this RP.

Please, first, remember that all moderators have different ideas about how things are best done. Indeed, these differences do not make one moderator inferior or superior. It's wise to remember that many of the former moderators are still around if not playing actively, that word travels fast on the internet, and that words may travel quickly past their intended target. Remember that we are living, breathing people save for PC, who is in actuality a robot and that we are both not perfect and more than capable of being hurt by words. Of course, I expect the best from all of you; I know you're more than capable of showing maturity and dignity. :D

Speaking of maturity. We understand that problems and conflicts do turn up in a game with so many different people and personality types. We moderators are here to help with any problems you have. If there is someone you dislike or disagree with so intensely that speaking to them about your issues is difficult, then we are here to help you work out your problems and act as your mediators, be it IM, email, or LJ-message. That said, please do not go to such places as fandomsecrets or roleplaysecrets without even trying to work out your conflicts. Posting in such venues is essentially a public call to bully and harass the muns in question, which is neither a mature route nor acceptable behaviour. We will do our absolute best to work out any difficulties to everyone's satisfaction, so please, please give us a chance before going to other channels to vent your frustrations.

Moving on to happier things, here is a rough list of things that we will be working to implement in the future, in the IC realm:

- A large, neutral, overarching player-driven justice system
- A larger focus on redemption for those that want it and the development of characters within the game;
- A move towards a less egalitarian society within the realm, with defined 'classes'

The landscape will also be changing to some extent, likely sometime tomorrow. For the time being, characters may notice that everything looks 'fuzzy', especially on the top level. No, it's not your vision. You will also notice an invisible barrier around the clock tower, and that you cannot go within ten feet of it. The temples are also still inaccessible for the time being, but the sickly-sweet smell can now be scented all about Purgatorium, and shadowy figures move inside. Music can be heard from them as well.

On the OOC front, the applications system will be altered shortly. In the meantime, applications in the old style will still be accepted.

We would like all of your input, no matter how small, whether positive or negative. Feel free to send us messages via the LJ message system if you're not comfortable with email for some reason (and the mod email, as a reminder, is, or, for this post, just comment right here - all comments are screened.

Thank you so much. I look forward to hearing what you have to say.
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