Who: Sasuke, Sasori, Orochimaru, whoever stalked Sasuke here
When: An hour after
this post
Where: The woods
Rating: PG-13, just to be safe
Warnings: Um, er, language? Smarminess? Fill in blank here:_____.
Summary: Sasori asks Sasuke out to the woods for a “surprise”. Hmm, wonder what it could be…
I've seen what you're doing to me, destroying puppet strings to our souls )
Comments 33
"Well, hi there, Sasuke!" he fairly chirped when he came up upon his student - soon to discard the title. By force, he linked arms with Sasuke; his touch attached chakra strings to Sasuke's limbs, forcing Sasuke to walk along beside him, like one of Sasori's beloved puppets. "Lovely weather we're having, hm?"
"Wonderful. Can't you tell by my tan?" he muttered, though frankly weather wasn't what he came to discuss, just as he knew the other hadn't either. "What did you want, Sasori?"
In reality, however, there was an eye on his palm, where Sasuke couldn't see it, scoping the terrain for Orochimaru. When Sasori laid his hand on his own arm through Sasuke's, however, the eye was gone; it had blinked shut.
He idly wondered how stupid Sasori thought he was, that if he really thought that Sasuke didn't know something, however vague, was up. Of course, a better question would be if Sasori even cared if he knew or not. Probably not. This was a rather big ego clash, after all.
It was probably lucky for Sasori that he had Sasuke's movements completely under his own command.
Finally, hearing the last words from Sasuke, he stepped out from where he was. "My, my, still as rude as ever to your sensei."
"Ah, there you are. Finally," Sasori added sharply. "You know I hate to be kept waiting, Orochi-kun." He shrugged his narrow shoulders, as if forgiving Orochimaru, due to the service the latter was about to perform in taking Sasuke off Sasori's paws. "Well, here you are, as promised and in mint condition."
And with that, Sasori made chakra strings walk Sasuke right over to Orochimaru.
His gaze flickered from Sasori to Orochimaru, wincing a little as he was forced to walk to his once teacher. He could feel his jaw tighten, his hands aching to curl into fists and stop this, dammit, but...
Oh, Sasori would pay. Pay big.
"And Orochi-kun?" He nearly pouted, letting his nails trail up and to the neck of the body who was to be his next host. The motion was meant to be none-threatening seeming, but Sasuke would kn ow better. "No matter on nicknames, I always knew you were one to do that. I do appreciate the delivery."
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