Who: B and A (both younger)
When: during this event madness
Where: the church
Rating: PG
Warnings: TBA
Summary: Younger A and B meet up to try to figure out what the heck is going on with their superior brain powers, and to snark.
B had taken the last few minutes in deep thought, pacing down the church aisle. Terrorists, hallucination, mass hallucination, a test? None if it made enough sense to explain why they were in this weird place. Outside he could hear growls of weird animals, some like dogs with slick teeth and mad eyes, and he moved away from the window. Joshua couldn't die but he might, he could, he never saw the end of the world. How could he know if this was his time? Looking into the reflection in the stained glass he noticed something was wrong, something was missing...
His attention turned at a knock at the door, eyes wide on the wood. Normally one would run over but B was smart, he wasn't going to just let some creature in. Instead he walked closer, quietly, keeping so he could take cover behind the door if it suddenly opened.
"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum..." He offered, waiting for the end.