Nov 17, 2001 04:33
Turks house. Drunk. Everyone left. Good times. Pingpong tournament. Flinn is not only good at beasball. Boys kicked girls asses in trivial pursuit despite the huge handicap. Work in less than 300 minutes. Tomorrow will suck. The TV wont shut up. Going on and on about the abb energizer. Dave mathews is in the computer. Work at 9:30 tomorrow. Are my eyes slower than my thoughts or the other way around? Who's over there. Oh, it's you. 1-800-441-toyota, a message from the tv. over to the left we have the hp psc 750xi printercoppierscanner. not bad. brb. b. ping pong sucks alone. i cant feel my ears. gud. Person coming over soon. Turk's asleep. I'm in charge. Can't wait till sunday. after that silly upstate town ;-). need water. brb. b. breaths gettign smaller. i miss mell. so tired. yea, i miss mell, and paul, and jamie, and sami, and lauren T, and katie B, and giIjochick, cassie, askin, and and, chan, and CHAN, and so many people. yet still having much fun. yet missing soo soo much. especially you, . is it sunday yet. ooof bad thought, im listening to an infomercial about how to get my free inventors kit. im going to invent the dust machine, ask erin. need sleep, got to listen for phone. wheres my alarm clock. i wsh i was older. 19 is not fitting for my thoughts. which are slower than my eyes? doorbell, gtg, ttyl