James: 4 months

Oct 08, 2015 18:49

At 4 months, somewhere between 16-17 pounds and between 26-27 inches long

The flash startled him

Four months: Fat and Happy!

He rolls over both ways, pushes up onto his hands, and has figured out how to bring things to his mouth

Stuffed into Le Tour de France onesie that was Ben's

Too Cute to Spook-- Halloween baby

Jamie's eating habits:
  • Loves the bottle! Gulps down milk from the bottle in 2 seconds flat, had a couple days where he took 20 ounces with Megan, then nursed all evening and was latched all night long...
  • Usually, has about 3-4 ounces per bottle, but then there are the times when he'll only take 1.5 or he'll take 4 and then scream for another 2 ounces half an hour later
Jamie's sleeping habits:
  • Doing SO MUCH BETTER than Leo was at this age! While not consistent, he generally gives us a few hours at the beginning of the night in his own crib, then comes into sleep with parents in the big bed
  • A few hours alone makes everyone seem more human
  • Of course, there are the nights when he's put down at 9:30 and is in bed with us by 9:45
  • Napping a couple times a day for Megan, but she thinks he has F-O-M-O, or "Fear Of Missing Out" syndrome.
James at play:
  • Seems to really like (or can distinguish) red from other colors. The red ring is his go-to for grabbing and chewing
  • Likes his nubby rings with different textures
  • Other favorites are the Very Hungry Caterpillar rattles and some soft fluffy toys
  • Coos and tells stories (mostly vowel sounds)
  • Likes looking at ceiling fans and lights
  • In general, a pretty happy baby!

milestones, james, month picture

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