Summer Shenanigans--Wrap Up August

Oct 05, 2015 14:06

Hoo boy, these are old!

I feel these are very "American Gothic"

Except Leo is way too happy!

I think it was at least 90 degrees this day, and he insisted on wearing long sleeves.  Four-year olds, I tell ya.

Why I really had the camera out-- Ben lost his first tooth!
He'd had a wiggly tooth since probably March, but it had loosened up quite a bit recently. We had been talking about it in the morning and just as I turned with the baby to head upstairs and change a diaper, Ben shouted "My tooth! It's out!"

So stinkin' happy. The Tooth Fairy brought him a golden one dollar coin

Baby James and Aunt Karen

Real fishing from the dock

Jake is a pretty good fish-catcher-- who knew?

One of the lake loons swam by the dock

The Jamer-cake, back at home

A two-headed blanket alien-monster invaded my living room

A quartet of James

And a Leo (he always wants to have his picture taken when I get out the camera)

I could take a photo of my clothes line every day and not get tired of seeing them.

This series of photos was very important to take-- Jamie over Labor Day weekend.

Benjamin was a colicky baby and screamed at us for the first three months of his life. Labor Day weekend 2009 is when he "woke up" and began to smile, coo, and not scream (as much). It was really awesome for us to have Jamie over Labor Day 2015 and remember just how far we'd come.

Plus, Jamie is doing all the same things as this stage that Ben was doing in 2009; getting better at holding his head up, making faces, smiling, cooing, grabbing at things

Oh this baby, I love him.

Pool Party!

Leo got so much better with swimming this year! He started the season holding onto the sides of the pool with his lifejacket to swimming all the way across on his own (still needs the lifejacket, though) and putting his face/head underwater. He even jumped off the stairs a couple times!

Ben was a fish, no problems.

James with the activity pad I picked up from a junk pile on the side of the road

milestones, james, leo, summer, benjamin, photography

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