We named the plum-sized bean...

Sep 20, 2010 10:26

We called Ben 'B.P' during pregnancy for 'Baby P' and it just happened to work out as his initials after birth. Jake decided that we'd call this one "Little Bee", mostly because he was sending an email to family and signed the end as 'J., L., B., & b.'  I think it's cute.

Little b. is doing well (size of a plum this week!) and totally growing fast.  I'm feeling some growing pains in my low belly and a stab of round ligament pain every once in a while. I got my prenatal yoga DVD back from my carpool buddy but have only done it once because my wrist has been acting up again.  I think I'll attempt it soon and just avoid the hands-and-knees positions for the next few weeks.

We're pretty much decided on a couple boy's names for this one, but again the girl's names are up in the air.  We're no longer in love with Evelyn Rose anymore, which was our go-to girl's name for the last pregnancy.  We keep tossing names out at each other randomly to see what sticks.  Nothing so far. It will come.  I've got lots of time left.

Finally finishing (or starting again) the latch-hook rug that I got to make before Ben was born.  I completed one row before giving up.  This time around, I'd like to make it for him because I think he'd like to have a soft yarn-y rug to lay down on and kick his feet around.  I'm not sure if I'll make it in time for Christmas, but it could be a nice surprise for him when the baby is born.  Also trying to think of a really cool 'big brother' gift for the baby to 'give' Ben after birth.  It's not so easy for a boy!  For a girl, I'd totally give her a first dolly or something equally sentimental (I got my 1st doll when my sister was born and still have her!).  For a boy, there's not as much consensus.  Do we get him a big toy that's just for him?  Do we get him a buddy doll that he can have and take care of like Mama is taking care of his sibling?  I'll be looking for ideas for the next several months.  I'm already 1/3 of the way done.  CRAZY

baby blabber, pregnancy, benjamin

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