Unwritten #8

Nov 11, 2008 07:45

I got an email last night from one of my girls.  Rose is going to have a baby!  She's just about 6 weeks along and went in for her initial ultrasound.  I'm so excited for her I could pee my pants.  Seriously.  
I figured now was the best time to write probably one of the most meaningful letters, one that I was trying to save for a momentous occasion.

Unwritten #8
Dear A., A., and R. (my girls):
Where should I begin?  We all have been friends so long, we all know each other's deepest secrets and practically everything about each other.  How can I ever begin to adequately express how much you all mean to me?  I don't think I can, I don't think that there are words enough for that.  I know that I would not be who I am right now without you.  With just a little thought I can transport myself back to Copenhagen, to summertime down at the bridge, to dancing in the streets in the middle of the night, to riding our bikes all around town and getting milkshakes from Stewart's and jumping on the trampoline.  How many hours have we spent watching Scream?  How many hours have we giggled and whispered together, writing stories and notes back and forth?  How many times did we get in trouble for not paying attention in class (Bismarck, anyone)? 
I am so thankful that I know all of you, that we have remained in close contact with each other through these years, even though we are separated now by hours instead of minutes.  You are some of the most important people in my life and I will always consider you to be.  I will always come to you for advice, for support, for guidance because I know that you will be there for me and be able to help me in ways that no one else could.  No one else could understand the bond that we have with each other.  
I think we are lucky in ways that we don't even understand-- how many other people can say that they've been best friends since elementary school?  And stayed that way?  And are even better friends now than before?
Thank you.  Thank you for being there for me, for understanding me without trying to change me, for helping me to realize who I really am, and for always being my girls.

my girls, unwritten, thankful

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