wow... just... wow

Jan 26, 2008 21:17

My father just called.

My grandmother broke her leg skiing early this afternoon.  She fell and twisted but her ski didn't release and she broke both bones in the lower part of the leg.  A small part of the bone broke through the skin.  My father was working in the patrol room and he and my sister took her in the ambulance to the hospital.

Dad called ahead to my grandfather's cousin who is an orthopedic surgeon (and did Nana's knee surgery several years ago).  Kip called his fellow surgeon who was on call who met Nana and my dad at the ER in Watertown.  He got her right into surgery and there's a small plate holding her bones in place now.  She's being held overnight at Samaritan and my mother is with her now.  She should be released tomorrow and the doctor is predicting not a day less than 3 months for recovery time.

Nana will be 74 in a few weeks.  The doctor mentioned that her bones looked 'thin' in the X-rays, but Dad didn't press him on it very much.  My mother has broken both wrists in the past 10 years and is now on Fosamax to rebuild her bone thickness.  HELLO fragile bones for Lauren!

I can't believe it.  I really can't.  Nana is tough as nails and she was in so much pain that tears were in her eyes.  That NEVER happens.

They're predicting a full recovery and that she's going to be fine, but understandably I'm a little bit shell-shocked right now.  I just can't believe it.

Will update more when we have more information.  We're going to call my mom at the hospital right now. 
My mother's had 2 people very close to her in the hospital in less than 6 months.  Holy wow. 

bad day, family, accident, stress

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