(no subject)

Sep 24, 2007 20:49

Dad was moved to Watertown on Friday morning, not Thursday as initially reported.  I spoke with him Wednesday night and we were interrupted by a nurse collecting him for x-rays.  Apparently one shoulder had been bugging him and he told the docs about it, they were concerned that they missed another fracture in the rush to take care of all the bigger, more noticeable ones.  There was no fracture in the shoulder, maybe some torn ligaments that he's finally starting to feel now that he's moving around a little more.

He moved on Friday, the transport went well although he was really hot.  Apparently the staff forgot to take off the extra blanket that was over him for the ride, so he was sweating and strapped in for over 90 minutes.  The staff at Watertown got him right into PT on Friday and he reports that it hurts really badly, but they're making him put weight on his right leg (the one with the open shin fracture and then the bone/skin graft).  He says that it hurts really badly to put pressure on the pin they've got holding his leg together right now and working that leg makes the skin graft start to get weepy, but it should all get better in time and when he starts getting strength back.

He's still having trouble with constipation, mostly because he was on such strong narcotics for so long that it dried him right up.  Hopefully now that he's off the narcs, moving around, and eating more regularly (and eating more veggies/fruits), that will help.  Mom says it takes a lot out of him to have a 'poopy party' as he calls it, so I'm hoping that it gets easier and he can save his strength for rehab and healing.

Nobody will give him or Mom any sort of timeline for getting casts off or when he'll be out of a wheelchair and using a walker only.  It's frustrating Dad not to have a timeline to work through because that's the sort of person he is, but at the same time I understand the docs not wanting to put a deadline on walking and have Dad not make it because that sort of thing could be devastating.

Since he's in Watertown now, it's a lot easier for Mom and David and Karen to visit, so he should be getting a lot of evening visits.  Jake's mom works at Samaritan so she told me she's going to try to stop in every day.  Kit is the kind of person with the ever cheerful-bubbly personality, so that should be a bright spot for Dad every day.

In Jake news, he's tired all the time.  Something about a 30 minute commute to be a first-year full time music teacher in an inner city school with a 70% impoverished level takes a lot out of you.  He's spending a lot of extra time working on lesson plans and grading and just figuring out how to deal with 700-attitude filled kids every week.  I have to give him tons of credit for keeping up with it and going back into the fray every day, because I know I wouldn't be able to.

I'll write about my life some other time because it's getting late and we try to be in bed by 930, sleeping by 1030 so we can function 'normally' during the week.

I am having the toughest time with my camera lately.  I've wanted to take pictures again and again as we've unpacked stuff, but the batteries will never stay charged.  I think my charger has bit the dust, but I kinda want a better camera soon, so maybe we'll ask for one at Xmas?  Who knows.  I really can't get past the blurriness of the photos from this camera, no matter what function I use or what editing I do on the computer.  They look relatively good on the camera, but when I open them on the computer they always look like poo. 
I've got a couple here from Olive and Jake playing that are decent, so I'll post those quickly.

Jake tells Olive to sit before she can get on the futon

Doggie pile on the daddy!

Sitting nicely like the sweetheart she is

dad, photography

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