Christmas Sneak Peak for "All You Need Is Love" my new WIP story.

Dec 26, 2017 02:30

Here is a brand new Mirandy world I have written. t's a tiny bit of the start of the Christmas chapter without giving too much away of the story. wich I had meant to have completely finished by now but I've hit a bit of writers block.

Hope you enjoy, and most importantly I hope you all enjoyed Christmas with your loved ones!


Rating: PG.
Notes: Italic font for exaggeration and their individual thoughts. Bold font ix pretty obvious.


"Wow. It doesn't even feel like we're on a plane!" Andy said, sitting down at the back of the aircraft where they'd been ushered down to once they got the all clear for taking off their seatbelts. She looked down at the menu specially created for them.

Entree: Honeyed Ham with Pears and Cranberries. (Sweet roasted with apple cider for the perfect tang)

Main: Roasted Duck served with stuffing, gravy, devils on horseback, redcurrant jelly, bread sauce, Yorkshire pudding and roast potatoes. With roast vegetables (Brussel sprouts, parsnips)

Dessert: Fruity mince pie with Brandy Butter.

"Wow." Andy said again, even more eager to have lunch. She has never tried devils on horsebacks. Same with bread sauce but she was always excited to try new foods.

"I hope you're pleased with what you see."

"Oh darling, definitely." Andy replied. "I haven't had Roast Duck for ages."

Miranda smiled. "For the British this is a very traditional meal. Obviously typically eaten Christmas Day, but because of my former roots and I still deeply love the United Kingdom the girls and I have this on Christmas Eve and the traditional American meal on Christmas Day with Stephen and his Mother who comes and spends a couple days with us. She won't be visiting this year due to health concerns."

"That all sounds really lovely." Andy replied, and she was so glad that she could be in on these Priestly traditions from now on.

"In fact, this is the first Christmas Eve lunch I haven't eaten with Cassidy and Caroline." Miranda inwardly sighed, unable to believe her estranged family had dragged her away at such a time of the year when she shouldn't have even been there for them. "Alas they're still going to be eating this mean today in four or five hours Manhattan time." she smiled at knowing they wouldn't be missing out.

Andy reached out for Miranda's hand. "It must be hard, your first Christmas Eve lunch apart."

Miranda smiled sadly, her emotions beginning to get the better of her. "It had to happen someday." She replied, trying to wave the whole thing away, tears welling in her eyes. "They're teenagers now and it won't be long until they're going off on their own to College, and exploring all that life has to offer..."

"And I'll be by your side, watching them go off on their first day at COLUMBIA or HARVARD." Andy replied, knowing that the first choice was because it was closer to home and didn't want to be far away from their Mom. Because of this she was already nervous for them if they decided to make the big step and go to HARVARD instead.

Miranda smiled. "Just like I am with you now." Miranda smiled, squeezing Andrea's hand, knowing her girls would have just as much fun without her. "And being with you makes me happier than you'll ever know."

Andy smiled back, lifting her lover's hand up to kiss it. "I feel exactly the same way. However, I cannot wait to get home, so we can be with the girls!"

Miranda's heart fluttered at how much her lover enjoyed spending quality time with Cassidy and Caroline. I really have won the jackpot with her.


That Night, Manhattan

Looking up at the townhouse which was lit up brilliantly white fairy lights Andy' smile widened. She loved knowing she could call this magnificent house her home.

"Did you want to invite Doug and his new boyfriend around for Christmas lunch tomorrow? Maybe Jeremiah as well..." Miranda asked when they stopped at the front door, digging around in her purse for her keys. "I know you mentioned you were previously thinking of spending the holiday with him due to not being able to afford a plane ticket home to Ohio before we got together."

"Really?" Andy asked, surprised by the question. Her lover didn't do friends knowing that Miranda hadn’t ever bothered getting to know any of Stephen's even through all their years of being together.

"Of course. They're your friends. It would be especially nice to meet Doug properly."

"You said with Stephen-"

"I was a lot of different things with Stephen. My whole life has changed now for the better with you. I'm the woman I've always meant to be in a happy and healthy very delicious sexual relationship with a groundbreaking, out of this world, beautiful woman."

Andy's cheeks flushed especially from the way her lover stared at her. "Miranda."

"Now that I'm with you I want to know everything about you, Andrea, which means your friends and family. The latter obviously you can tell them about us whenever you're ready. Meeting Doug and Jeremiah doesn't have to happen tomorrow if you just want to spend time with them yourself, that's okay too." she shrugged. She was very much like her lover, nothing much phased her. "I am comfortable with whatever pace you are comfortable with. I want you to know that I am very serious about this, about us."

"I know you are." Andy smiled, stomach fluttering with so many butterflies. She was on cloud nine. "I love knowing you want to meet Doug and Jeremiah. I will give them a call and see if they would like to come around."

"Wonderful." Miranda replied, inserting her key into the door, pushing it open. Christmas music, the scent of gingerbread and pine tree, and warmth from the central heating was what they were greeted with and it was absolutely lovely. Home sweet home with my darling Andrea "I am looking forward to it."

Andy, still shocked at how surreal his all was, sighed with relief as she kicked her heels off. "Home sweet home!" she was utterly exhausted.

Miranda smiled just as wide as her lover, if not wider. Great minds think alike.

"Mom! Andy!" Was heard coming down the staircase.

Smiles remained on the elder women's faces as her daughters came crashing in to her. "Hi bobbsey's!" she greeted them, hugging them tightly. She hoped they would always be this affectionate with her.

"We missed you at lunch!"

Miranda frowned. "I missed you too, my sweethearts." she replied, leaning down to kiss their foreheads. She would definitely make it up to them. "Did you enjoy lunch still?"

"It was so yum!" Caroline replied.

"Cara's redcurrant sauce was the best ever this year!" Cassidy excitedly said.

"I hope there is some left over for me to try." Miranda smiled.

"You bet there is!" Caroline replied, and both redheads took their hands, tugging them down into the kitchen. "Come on, you have to try some now! It's better fresh on the day!"

Miranda heartily laughed, they definitely had a point there and, so she happily followed her bubbly daughters who were over the moon to see her back home. Again, she could only hope they would continue to be this way with her even when they got older. She listened intently as they chattered away excitedly about this and that as they prepared Andrea and herself a very small serving of duck with the cranberry sauced drizzled over.

Andy moaned in delight at the first taste. "Cara." she called out, knowing the woman was nearby, hearing movement in the pantry.

"Yes?" Cara wandered back out, wiping flour from her hands.

"Best ever redcurrant sauce! You're a bloody legend!"

Miranda heartily laughed at those words and the shocked, but very pleased look on Cara's face.

"Why Andy, you really are a charmer!" Cara responded.

"Don't I know it!" Miranda snorted. "This one could charm a tree!"

Andy began laughing at those words, her lover staring at her fondly. "You're ridiculous." she said, shaking her head and continuing to eat the small appetiser

Miranda smirked, continuing to eat the food.

Once they finished Cassidy put the plates and forks into the dish washer. "I think it's time we adjourn upstairs to the Christmas Tree, so we can give Cara her presents seeing as we won't be seeing her again until January." she stopped with a thought. "Unless you wanted to come to the Hampton's with us?" she asked, knowing that Cara wanted as much distraction as possible because she wasn't dealing with the grief of losing her dear sister.

Cara was taken aback by the invitation. "I couldn't inva-"

"You wouldn't be!" Miranda firmly cut off the woman. "I know I can speak for the girls and Andrea that we would love you to come."

The girls nodded. "Yeah!"

"More the merrier!" Andy grinned.

Tears began welling in Cara's eyes. The Priestly's really were like her second family and it only made sense to spend the last of the Christmas Holiday with them. "Only if you're sure."

"More than sure!"



Bundle of cook books. Gourmet sugar set. A set of spices, and flavoured salts. Black diamond knife set. New state of the arc food processor. Pizza grilling stone. Steel herb chopper. Himalayan salt food plank.

They were just a few of the Christmas present's Miranda gave to her house keeper/private chef and longtime dear friend. Cara was one of the rare real friends she had, and she would always cherish that.

As expected Cara was taken aback by the generosity. It didn't matter how many years she has been working for the Priestly's she still couldn't believe how spoilt she got this time of year same with her birthday. It really was overwhelming for the older woman.

Miranda smiled, watching as Cara took in everything, wiping tears from her eyes. Cara was much more emotional this year due to the unfortunate and very sad passing of her sister.

"Miranda, you went over the top again!" Cara said, shaking her head as well as trying to clear her emotions, staring at all her presents.

The RUNWAY editor waved the words away. She was always happy to do this sort of thing.

"These will all look so fantastic in the kitchen downstairs!" Cara beamed, looking ecstatic and eager to use them.

Miranda rolled her eyes. "My goodness, you're as bad as this one." She nudged Andrea. "They're all yours for you to take home and use in your own time!"

Cara shook her head. "Absolutely not! This is all too much!"

Miranda nodded. "Alright, I admit that maybe I went a little overboard with the online shopping, but you know I can't help it! If Andrea hadn't come home when she did I would have continued purchasing items!" She said, watching as her lover and Cara shared a look.

Andy turned back to Miranda. "I swear if you went overboard with me!"

Miranda raised an eyebrow. "What on Earth will you do?"

"I..." Andy swallowed, heart beginning to race at all the exciting possibilities. "Have many a thing up my sleeve that I could think of."

"Ooooh, I'm shaking in my boots." Miranda laughed, smirking at her lover.

"Shut up, you will be!" Andy replied, slapping Miranda's arm before picking up the box containing the steel herb chopper. "This looks like fun to use!"

"Yes! And clumsy people like you-" Miranda took the box out of the brunette’s hand. "Shouldn't be using it."

"Oh, ha ha! Very funny!" Andy laughed glaring at Miranda who was laughing also. "Give that back! I want to read what it says!"

Snorting in her laughter, something that always made Andrea smile fondly, Miranda watched as the brunette flipped the box over and read the back.

"Hey Mom. Since Cara is getting to open her presents now can we open some of ours?" Caroline asked with keen excitement.

"Santa Claus hasn't been yet." Miranda replied, looking up from where her hand had slipped into the back of her lover's pants teasing the top of one very desirable arse cheek.

"Oh Mooom!" The girls groaned. "We aren't eight anymore!"

Miranda sniffed. "I simply don't know what you're talking about." she looked around under the tree. "I don't see any more presents." she shrugged. "Santa hasn't been."

"Ugh!" The twins groaned. "We know you hide them!"

"Your words baffle me, honestly." Miranda responded, but she couldn't keep the smirk from forming as her girls rolled their eyes in Priestly fashion.

Andy trembled at Miranda's hand which continued to naughtily tease her without anyone knowing and making her feel delicious things. "You know... back in Cincy my family and I would always open one present, a small one, every Christmas Eve."

Miranda raised an eyebrow. "I don't get it. That's what Christmas morning is for. You have to wait, and that excitement builds."

"My daughters and I used to do the same thing, and they do it with their children now." Cara chimed in, looking up from the processor manual she had been reading.

"Please Mom!" The girls pleaded, looking extremely hopeful and impatient.

Miranda sighed, holding up her hand. "Fiiiine. Only the one present!" She said, pulling her left hand out of her lover's pants. "I suppose it only makes sense we bring some of your Sachs traditions into the house now."

Andy smiled at those words. "I love you." My god, she was so appreciative of her very own Dragon Lady.

"Mmmm, I love you."

Unable to control themselves they leaned in, and kissed soundly.

"Ick! Mom, my eyes!" Caroline covered a hand over them.

Cara laughed from where she continued reading. "Your Mom and Andy will be saying that about you someday with your future boyfriend or girlfriend."

"She has a point." Andy laughingly said, watching as Miranda got up from the floor and began walking out of the room.

"I'll be right back." The editor said, making her way downstairs to her closet where she kept all the presents in her secret hidey hole room that the twins would never know about. She picked one of their most smallest gifts, chuckling as she left the room, she of course knew what it was.

"Mom!" The girls pouted when she reentered the lounge, zeroing in on the presents. "That is tiny!"

Miranda heartily laughed at their pouty faces. "That's what Andrea said, the smallest gift, and this is the smallest I have."

Andy watched Miranda who was deviously smiling. She then turned to the red heads watching them rip open their presents with such excitement however that faltered as soon as they saw what was inside.

"Mom!" They groaned once more, major disappointment evident. "It's a set of boring old playing cards."

"They aren't just any old playing cards." Miranda rolled her eyes, pointing out. "They're HARRY POTTER cards." She added, smiling widely, knowing they had been wanting to unwrap something bigger and better. She didn't want that, the excitement was meant to continue to build until tomorrow.

"Where's mine?" Andy pouted.

Miranda continued to laugh. "You're older, you have to wait."

Andy's mouth dropped open. "How unfair."

"I'm kidding." Miranda responded. "Yours is waiting for you upstairs in the bedroom."

Andy's knees went weak at what that could mean. Oh god. Not to mention her lover was smirking with that arousing glint in those ocean eyes. "What have you done?" she softly asked.

Miranda shrugged. "You'll have to wait and see." she replied, winking at her lover before turning away and she spotted two envelopes which were hiding under the other already opened presents. "Cara, you still have two more things to open."

Andy leaned over, eyeing said gifts and pulling them out from under the food processor box, handing them to the house keeper/chef who was fast becoming a very close friend to her.

Cara's eyes widened as she opened the first envelope. "A holiday voucher to the Caribbean’s!" she said, eyes wide. "I know I have been talking about going there, but I didn't expect you to do this!" she replied. It was one thing for the RUNWAY editor to send her and her family away to a nice little cabin retreat Upstate or in Canada, but this? It was much more than normal. "Now this really is too much!"

"Nonsense. It only makes sense that you get a huge Holiday like this. You have been working here solidly for nearly twenty years now and you've barely had a real Holiday, and I know how much you've always wanted to go on one but refused to let me pay for it. Well, this year-" she shook her head, looking pointedly at Cara. "You aren't refusing. You are taking this trip and you're going to enjoy it to its fullest!"

"I have always wanted to go." Cara replied, staring down at the fabulous looking island resort.

"That looks so cool!" Cassidy said.

"You're going to have so much fun!" Caroline said.

"Open the second one." Miranda urged.

"It better not be anything more expensive." Cara replied, looking pointedly at Miranda.

"It's not. I promise." Well, not too expensive. She watched as the older woman pulled out the three vouchers. "A spa retreat for you and your daughters."

"Oh, that's lovely, thank you so much. They will be thoroughly thrilled to enjoy this. Nancy was talking just the other day how much she needed a spa bath." Cara replied.

Miranda smiled. "Perfect choice then."

"Well, now I feel like mine are just... miniscule after all these." Andy said, looking to all of Cara's presents so far, one of which was the same as her present, a cook book. "However... here are mine." she held them over. "Merry Christmas."

Miranda watched the older woman open the Christmas card, laughing at whatever was written, and then looked at the voucher. Looking closer Miranda saw it was a massage relaxation for five sessions whenever Cara wanted to go. The second present was a cook book one which she didn't even realise she'd already purchased.

"Now you have two of them." Andy said, pointing to the selection of books her lover had given her and this book was amongst them.

"Not to worry!" Cara replied. "One can be kept here, and the other I'll take home!"

"Brilliant idea!" Miranda replied. She wouldn't have even noticed the two books had her lover not mentioned it.

Andy smiled. "I'm sorry I couldn't get you anything more."

Miranda shook her head at those apologetic words as did Cara.

"It's always the thought that counts, and these massage sessions will be so wonderful!" Cara replied, my goodness they were expensive enough in her eyes anyway. "Thank you very much, Andy." she then reached under the Christmas tree and picked up three presents. "These are for you."

Andy accepted the presents, leaning forward and kissed Cara's cheek before beginning to unwrap it. She smiled widely. "Oh, it's beautiful." she said, running a hand over the thick leather journal. There was also a News Paper print pen and a clutch with similar print. "I love it all, thank you!"

"Our turn!" Cassidy and Caroline excitedly said, picking up their presents for Cara and sitting either side of the older woman.

Caroline gave Cara a Bath and Body Works gift voucher along with a fantastic hamper which she had created herself with lots of different cooking things, salts, sugars, herbs, spices. Cooking books of her favourite chefs, and an amazing portrait of Cara and the twins with Patricia standing by one of the bridges in Central Park that she'd drawn herself. It brought tears to the older woman’s eyes. "I have cleaned for many families in the past, but none have ever been as thoughtful and kind as you lot."

"We love you Cara!" Cassidy replied. It was true, the older woman was like a second mother to them. She and Caroline would always want Cara in their lives.

They gave the older woman a hug as did Miranda before Cassidy handed over her presents. A box of homemade cookies in a DIY made Christmas tin. A voucher for Bed, Bath and Beyond and a voucher for a pedicure and manicure. Tickets to a show on Broadway that Cara mentioned she wanted to see a couple months ago and a DIY made light bulbs on a string with different colourful flowers in each bulb.

"These will look fabulous on my back porch!" Cara said about the flower light bulbs.

"Mmm." Miranda hummed. "I agree." she had helped redecorate and style Cara's back porch with the other woman years ago and it was such a lovely space now. Several times a year they would all have dinner out there and enjoy the atmosphere.

Cara smiled as she took in all of her gifts. "I am very lucky."

"I know the feeling." Andy responded, taking Miranda's hand.

Cara then gave the girls their presents. A deck of playing cards with different constellations on each one. A starry star automatic folding umbrella for the each of them because sometimes the three of them would walk to school regardless of rain, hail, snow or shine. The last gift had the girls talking excitedly which was a planetary marble set.

"It will look awesome on our desk!"

Cara was thrilled that they enjoyed their presents even though it wasn't much, but the redheads didn't seem to mind at all as they chattered away excitedly about what they had received. With them it was always the thought that count and now how expensive it all was.

Once Cara left they settled on the couch with a Christmas movie. The girls' favourite. Home Alone 1. Which always produced lots of laughter from the three of them and now Andrea's musical laughter was added into the mix and Miranda couldn't wipe the smile from her face.

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