With You Gone. Chapter 41

Sep 07, 2015 18:38

Author: pure_ecstasy6
Pairing: Mirandy <3
Rating: M.
Beta: Me, myself and I.
Feedback: Always welcome and appreciated!
Disclaimer: The Devil Wears Prada character's aren't mine, I am simply borrowing them, and I make no profit from this.

February 14th, 2012.
The Priestly Townhouse.

Miranda generously tipped her driver for coming out late to get her on Valentine’s Day when he was sure to have plans he had to get to. He thanked her before closing the door behind her s Miranda walked to the front door of her home.

Inserting the key into the door handle Miranda pushed said door open and walked through into the foyer beginning to shrug off her heavy and incredibly cosy coat.

When she opened the next door she stopped mid step.

Letting out a shaky breath Miranda took in the flower arrangements, the red balloons tht had love hearts on them on the railing of the staircase leading up and they continued up until they reached the third floor along with fairy lights strung on said railing.

Also on both side of said stairs were big and small candles and in the middle were red rose petals.

Floating down from the second floor she could hear the sound of Mozart playing.

Miranda hung her coat up in the closet before she began following the rose petals to the second floor.

When she reached said second floor landing straight in front of her hanging on the book shelf was a sign.

"Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favourite." The sign read and hung around said sign were twinkling fairy lights.

Continuing towards the master bedroom on the table near their bedroom door were candles that spelt out I <3 U with rose petals scattered around.

Stepping into the bedroom there were an infinite amount of candles, her favourite candle scents, filling her nostrils.

Looking over at the bed where there were rose petals, red and pink, scattered all over their bed and above the head rest was another quote that was somehow wall papered onto the wall.

"Loved you yesterday,
Love you still,
Always have, always will."

Miranda's heart fluttered. This was a nice, but unexpected surprise.

Seeing the lights from candles dancing on the walls in the ensuite she wandered into the adjourned room.

Inside the tub was full with rose petals and floating candles.

Looking over at the mirror she saw another quote written on the glass.

"You give me the kind of feeling people write novels about." It read in Andrea's hand writing written in lip stick, and next to it there were her lover’s lips that had left a kiss mark next to the writing. She smiled a small smile as she walked over to the bath, the hot water steaming up and filling Miranda's senses, clearing her sinuses.

In the corners on the side of the tub Miranda liked to sit, the left side she saw a small platter of watermelon cut into love heart shapes, and on the other side was a plate of five heart shaped pink candles that had her favourite British hard boiled lollie’s scattered around. They were the two kinds she loved ever since she was a little girl and pink pear drops covered in that glorious sugary coating. She always had a couple packets of these up the back on the pantry to eat on special occasions.

Leaning forward she picked up a couple of pieces of watermelon, popping them in her mouth. She picked up the bottle of her favourite ROSE and began untwisting the lid. It was another guilty pleasure of hers as the drink was incredibly sweet.

Once she had herself a glass poured she began undressing. She was a little surprised that her brunette beauty hadn't appeared yet.

However when she sat down in the wonderfully hot tub she saw a piece of red paper stuck to the cupboard next to her with her lovers hand writing written in black pen.
My love, ring the buzzer if you need anything, but for now please sit and enjoy the bath. I love you.

Next to the writing was another lip stick kiss mark and Miranda trailed it with her fingers.

"Oh, my darling Andrea." Miranda whispered before sipping the strawberry liquid. She then closed her eyes and tried her best to relax and think nice thoughts and not the constant horror show that played in her mind every day.

Her brunette beauty appeared behind her closed eyelids and her mind transported her back to how this all began with her darling Andrea.

October 24th, 2007.

Miranda watched as Andrea walked over to a street vendor, the one the brunette beauty was seen at most days, and watched as Andrea spoke with the man who ran the vendor.

The Runway Editor stopped at the now opened car door of the Silver Mercedes. She hadn't seen Andrea walk by like she saw her do every other day for the past week. Her former assistant had not shown and Miranda had been paranoid all week that she wouldn't be able to lay her eyes on the brunette beauty ever again.

It had taken her a couple of weeks since the whole Paris debacle when Miranda fully realised and accepted what her feelings meant towards the brunette woman. She was one hundred percent okay with these feelings of attraction for the young brunette.

Miranda heard her driver fidget next to her. "I, um... give me a minute." she murmured and when she looked over the roof of the car she saw Andrea had moved a few steps away from the Street Vendor and was now looking directly at her and just like the brunette always did she smiled at her and gave her a wave.

Miranda, as usual, gave the brunette a nod of acknowledgement and a second later Andrea looked away and down at her phone she held.

Taking a deep breath Miranda stepped away from the idling vehicle and was grateful to see there was a lull in the traffic so quickly made her way across the road.

Soon enough she found herself standing near Andrea who hadn't noticed her yet.

When Andrea did notice her the young woman stared at her in obvious and complete shock with a mouth full of food she had been quickly chomping down.

When the brunette realised she was staring like a deer caught in the headlights she forced down what looked to be some kind of burrito.

"Hi, Miranda." Andrea said or she should say squeaked. "Um, it's-it's so great to see you."

Miranda knew that Andrea Sachs would be extremely nervous with this encounter and was possibly thinking that Miranda might have something to say about Paris, but honestly Miranda couldn't care less about the events of Paris anymore as at the end of the day what happened was all on her and nobody else.

It was her fault that Andrea had walked away from her, the first person who truly saw her for her, and didn't judge her.

Miranda absolutely hated not having the brunette by her side every day. It didn't feel right.
"You didn't come by last week." Miranda blurted. It's not at all how she wanted to start this conversation, but it seems that her nerves from standing so close to Andrea were getting the better of her.

Swallowing hard she waited for Andrea's response.

"Oh, I... I, um, I had a really nasty flu. I was aching all over... couldn't get off the couch for four days. First time I have been that sick in years."

"It's making the rounds." Miranda responded to Andrea. "Caroline and Cassidy have it." she added and again thought about how this was not how she had imagined her conversation with Andrea.

"Oh, I hope they feel better soon." Andrea replied.

Miranda simply nodded not at all sure what she should say next. She couldn't remember the last time words had failed her like this nor could she remember a time she had felt this nervous.

It was absolutely ridiculous. Really, there was no need to be feeling like this in the brunette’s presence. Not to mention there was no way Andrea would want to "climb into bed with her and ask for a bed time story." Emily's words echoed through her mind that she had heard in the office that eventful day.

The silence fell around them like a blanket, but like how it always used to be the silence with Andrea wasn't awkward unlike how it mostly had always been with other assistants and Stephen and even Eric at times. The brunette beauty from Ohio had always been different.

Miranda breathed in deeply as people continued to walk around them. She looked over at her waiting own car. "My cars waiting." she said and watched as a flash of disappointment quickly passed Andrea's face and it gave Miranda slight hope.

"Have a nice weekend, Miranda."

Miranda nodded and gave her that million dollar smile that left Miranda's heart fluttering and butterflies forming in her stomach. She literally had to stop herself from letting out a shaky breath.

"Same to you." Miranda said, and gave Andrea one last look before turning and crossing the street which had picked up slightly in traffic, but she managed to cross safely a couple of cars slowly stopping for her.

The whole time she carefully crossed the street she was so sure she could feel Andrea's eyes on her.

With her heart still racing she lowered herself into the town car and turned her head and watched like every other day as the brunette began walking away.

When the car pulled out onto the street Miranda knew she would find a way to speak to Andrea again and actually say what she wanted to say.

Five Hours Later.

Miranda paced the length of the study, biting her lip. She had been tossing around ideas on how best to get Andrea's attention. She had toyed with the idea of sending the brunette flowers, but she didn't know what sort Andrea liked.

"This is ridiculous!" Miranda said and huffed in annoyance into the empty room of her home office. She threw her hands up into the air. "What the hell am I doing?!" she asked heavenward before collapsing into her desk chair. She opened the second drawer of her desk and stared at the picture that had herself in it being the central part of the photo, but behind her was Andrea who had been unaware a picture was being taken.

Andrea looked absolutely divine in a full length purple dress that clung to all the right places on her body, and her hair flowed gorgeously, and she was smiling and doing her best to not look awkward and out of place as she was sure the young woman from country side Ohio must have felt having not been used to those kind of events.

Before she realised it her hand had grabbed her phone and clicked the familiar speed dial that would connect her to Andrea's phone that was if the woman hadn't changed her old number.

The phone rang a few times before there was Andrea's familiar voice on the other end.

"Hello?" Andrea said into her ear sleepily.

Miranda looked at the time then. 11:45PM. she was instantly freaked out over knowing she had woken the young woman and now she felt even more ridiculous as she again didn't know what she should say or do or if she should just hang up.

"Hello?" Andrea said again. "Who is this?! I can hear you breathing." she said with an annoyed and tired tone.

"I woke you... God... I shouldn't have called." Miranda said.

"Miranda?" Andrea said then, her voice sound absolutely surprised and taken aback. "No, don't worry about it. I was only dosing. You've obviously called for a reason. Is everything okay? Are the girls alright?"

At Andrea's words of worry about herself and her daughters made her heart swell and a smile cover her face. She could hear Andrea shuffling around on the other end and she wondered if she was in bed. She wondered what kind of pajama’s Andrea wore or if she wore anything in bed at all.

Miranda cleared her throat. "Yes, everything is fine. I just..." she trailed off. Closing her eyes she rubbed at them as she let out a shaky breath.

"Are you sure?" Andrea asked softly.

It was now or never, Miranda thought.

The Runway Editor had done everything to please others and never herself so this time she was taking her selfishness with both hands and doing this bizarre and crazy thing, going with her gut feelings. She hadn't taken such a large leap of faith like this in a very long time, but she knew it was what would make her infinitely happy and it was due time that she got her happy ending.

"Dinner. Tomorrow night. My home." Miranda blurted, and held her breath as she waited for Andrea's response. God, she was so bloody nervous!

"As in like.... a date?" Andrea softly, and nervously, asked.

Miranda swallowed hard. She wasn't sure what Andrea was thinking and if she was about to have the young woman laughing in her ear at what an old fool she was in thinking that Andrea would say yes.

"Yes." Miranda said, letting out another shaky breath and waited for the disgusted words of no and then the inevitable laughter.

"What time?" Andrea asked.

Miranda opened her eyes at those words and more hope began bubbling inside of her. "7." she blurted. She cleared her throat. "I mean... is 7 an okay time for you?"

"7 sounds perfect." Andrea responded and Miranda could hear the smile and happiness in the young woman’s voice. "Would you like me to bring anything?"

"No. Just yourself." Miranda said. "Just your gorgeous self." she thought, but did not say.

"Great! I'll see you tomorrow night then!" Andrea said softly.

"Yes." Miranda said. "Tomorrow."
"Good night, Miranda." Andrea said.

Miranda nodded. "Yes. Good night." she said and with that flipped her phone shut and she sat back in shock, surprise, and wonder as her life as she knew it from this moment onwards would be completely and utterly different.

For the first time in a long time Miranda Priestly was stunned speechless.

Andrea Sachs, small town Ohio woman, had just agreed to go on a date with her.

The Dragon Lady. Career obsessed. The Snow Queen that drove away another Mr. Priestly.

Even though she knew how different her life could be if she was to enter a relationship with Andrea Sachs, it would change for the better as she would be finally happy and free to be herself, but she still wasn't sure if this was the right thing she should be doing as at the end of the day she was that Dragon Lady, she knew how much of a bitch she could be, and how hard she was to live with. Even her daughters thought this and told her so on several occasions.

The last thing Miranda wanted as to hurt Andrea in any way.

However Miranda wasn't going to let her doubts of whether she was good enough for Andrea stop her pursuit of happiness.

Her failed marriages with Eric and Stephen weren't entirely all her fault, and she had tried with them to make them work, but in the end they had all chosen their jobs. She had loved and enjoyed them and their company, but at the end of the day she simply hadn't been IN LOVE.
Miranda knew that Andrea Sachs was the first person she could truly see herself falling in love with. These were words she never thought she would be thinking and the feelings of feeling that possible deep connection with someone was thrilling and she was going to do everything she could to make it work and be the best possible lover she knew she could be, and she had a deep gut instinct that Andrea Sachs could quite possibly be the one for her.

When Miranda came out of her memory she sighed as she soaked up the luxurious hot bath. She knew she shouldn't be enjoying this luxury whilst her daughter was suffering, but she decided to be selfish for once, and would deal with the guilty feelings later.



user: pure_ecstasy6

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