pure_ecstasy6Pairing: Mirandy <3
Rating: PG.
Beta: Me, myself and I.
Feedback: Always welcome and appreciated!
Disclaimer: The Devil Wears Prada character's aren't mine, I am simply borrowing them, and I make no profit from this.
January 1st, 2012.
The Priestly Townhouse.
New Year’s Day. The day that was usually spent recuperating Upstate in their cabin after a night spent together as a family eating and drinking (the girls with the occasional spritzered Champagne of Mimosa). This time however Miranda couldn't even pull herself out of bed.
The third New Year she should be welcoming with her daughter.
The third New Year Caroline was spending with God knows who and in what sort of condition Miranda feared to know.
The third insufferable New Year.
How many more New Year’s Days can Miranda handle without her eldest daughter.
The mother in her was struggling to keep a grip on her life, the life inside of her diminishing with each day Caroline wasn't there. She looked over at the door and standing in the door way was Cassidy.
How she wished it was Caroline standing there instead. She would do anything for it to be Caroline instead. She was struggling to look at Cassidy because it was reminding her of the daughter she lost and hadn't been there for to protect.
It killed her knowing that Cassidy knew she was deliberately pushing Cassidy away because she couldn't stand the sight of her.
"I need to be alone." Miranda said.
Usually her daughter listened, but not today.
Today she head Cassidy's slippers moving across the carpet and the bed move behind her as the duvet lifted uo and her daughter crawled underneath the warm blankets.
"I love you." Cassidy whispered into Miranda's ear, and curled up behind her mom. "I want to be here for you so I'm not letting you push me away anymore because I'm in just as much agony as you, and you treating me like this isn't fair."
Miranda felt tears welling in her eyes at her daughters pained voice. She swallowed hard. "I know." she said, nodding. "But I don't know what to do anymore." she confessed and her daughter held her even tighter.
"I'm going to help you." Cassidy whispered. "We'll get through this together."
Miranda let out a shaky breath as her own tears fell. She knew she couldn't continue treating her daughter like this, and had to do her best to work through these new and scary emotions she had been feeling these past few months having gone into this severely depressed state after Christmas with the Sachs family.
"We'll get through this."
Miranda heard her daughter say again, more firmly this time, and she nodded and held onto her daughter’s hand that was resting against her stomach. "We'll get through this together. We have to." she said, and with that rolled over to face her daughter and she stared this fear down with a new found fierceness.