So, this was my original list of 12 habits to solidify this year:
Oct ~ Meditate ~ Daily
Nov ~ Cleaning ~ 3x week (I was thinking an easy one goes second for maximal survival of the metahabit)
Dec ~ Conditioning ~ 6x week (daily exercise, perfect for the holidays and will tolerate travel)
Jan ~ waking at 4am ~ 5-6x week (figuring a day or two off a week will be necessary in winter, plus this is a good one to ride the wave of New Years resolutions with. I currently get up at 4 about 2-3x per week, and the rest of the time I’m just lazy about getting my naps, or snuggling in bed with people in the mornings)
Feb ~ art project time ~ 6x week (this should feel nicely like a birthday present to me)
Mar ~ taiji ~ daily (good time of year to be getting more movement; I currently only get “real” taiji practice about 3x week)
Apr ~ admin tasks ~ 5x week (I can totally give myself weekends off from paperwork)
May ~ fiction writing ~ daily (this is a tough one but after all these others I’m hoping it will feel positively overdue to happen…currently my fiction writing is all mixed up with editing and only happens a few times most weeks)
June ~ studying time ~ daily (work or fun, whichever feels more necessary)
July ~ paperwork ~ 1x week (summer is hard, saved this easy one for an impossible month)
Aug ~ studying #2 (whichever of work or personal wasn’t done in June) ~ daily
Sept ~ 7pm nap ~ daily (I could write for days on this tricky nap, how I should / hope to be getting it daily once I start getting up at 4am more regularly, but I know from experience that it still doesn’t happen; I’m more likely to still skip it and be a little tired…but yeah. Last big push = The Hard Nap.
And that all looks good to me, EXCEPT THAT I forgot that November is NaNoWriMo. …I have no desire to start another novel, but I have done the month of November (in addition to doing it twice normally) another twice before as NanoWriMo, writing one flash-fic every day for 30 days, and that was hugely helpful for my writing. And I happen to be doing this monthly habit thing already! Could the social wave of NNWM help me slot one of the harder monthly habits (and one of the more important ones, to me) in there earlier? Or is pounding out 1,000 words per day just too much to ask, and likely to derail everything? QUESTIONS. AH GOD, THE QUESTIONS.
Feel free to ignore MY problems, but also feel free to share your own ideas for monthly habits, and any thoughts you have on what to schedule when.
This feels SO much like playing a game of Go against my brain. :D
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