Month 1 update!

Oct 05, 2015 13:07

I love Day Ones. :) This is Day 4, but I had to point it out.

No misses so far - and I would hope not - but hey, I’ll take it. What’s going to be interesting to me, I think, is what it feels like to near a month, get a bit comfy with this, and then add something else. But one thing at a time I guess!

HELLOOO to everybody who’s joined me so far - so cool! Company for this stuff kicks butt. Leif and I are friends, and Jimmy’s my boy, but I don’t think the rest of us know each other. Intros welcome, or just drop in anytime to let us know how you’re doing!

If you’d ‘like some extra help, by the way, I highly recommend reading some good blogs on how your mind and body works when it comes to things like habit and willpower. I’m at big fan of Minding Your Way (this article is a great start), if you need a good source. (If you have others, I’m all about recommendations for me, too!)

My goal this month is to meditate every day - in some form, any form. I know zhan zhuang (kungfu standing-meditation), plus chan buddhist sitting, Eckhart Tolle’s inner-body mindfulness, and geez, you just about name it - but in all these years I’ve never managed to do any of them every day. Thus is my goal. And it’s 1/6 ingrained. :D

More updates soon. Send me your thoughts, successes, frustrations, etc!

Originally published at *Transcendental *Logic. You can comment here or there.

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