Hey all, as per my last entry, I'm just sort of re-posting this for anyone who might have missed it, and who's not on Twitter.
Long story, short: I have a friend in Japan right now who will be going to Transfunket on Sunday (Asia time). Transfunket is a fan convention of Japanese fan artists who'll be selling their artwork, fanbooks, doujins, etc. The art can be really pretty.
Anyways, I'm offering to help people get stuff from the Con, all you need to do is email me a budget you're comfortable with, and a list of characters and/or pairings you like.
The budget is just to give my friend an idea of how much to spend on stuff on average. There's no point in him buying a fanbook for $50 USD if the average budget per person is only $40... Likewise with the characters so that he'll know who to look out for and won't end up buying a character no one likes and then be stuck with it.
For more information, links to artwork, etc, and how to place an order, go here:
http://purajo.livejournal.com/375709.html Again, payment will be settled once my friend is back, and we're able to sort out and take pics of stuff to be put up for sale.
And please do help me spread the word in case you know people who might like stuff who are not on my Friends list. Thanks! US folks, you have until the early hours of your Saturday morning EST to send in your list.