But... But... Why?

Jul 03, 2009 20:52

Picked up a month's worth of comics today (okay, it sounds worse than it is, it was actually only 4 issues). Can I just say again I love Shane McCarthy's writing? Him over Furman ANY DAY! That last bit in AHM #12, just - OUCH. And looks like Furman's only writing ONE of the Codas, and each one's being written by a different writer. Shane got Sunstreaker's! *Glee*

That being said...

I liked it, but it felt like only half the Spotlight focused on him. The rest was like the Throttlebots and Sixshot Show. Never liked the Throttlebots, never cared for them. It was always (and I cant believe I'm saying this) Bumblebee over Goldbug anyway. So Sixshot's hunting the Throttlebots (seems its like a continuation from that damned awful Revelations series) and they end up fighting on Metroplex, who actually lets Sixshot take a few of them out before finally... squishing Sixshot with a big fist? WTF?

Then he tells the T-bots to take some energon and a spare shuttle and go, and then takes off saying he has to guard "it", whatever the frag "it" is.

In short, Spotlight Metroplex is not all about Metroplex. Moving on...

Now, I'm the first to admit I've never been a Cliffjumper fan. Heck, he's often my scapegoat whenever I need a jerk amongst the Autobots. But damned if Shane McCarthy made me care for the little bugger in his Spotlight.

His brief, but sweet relationship with Kita and Coll was just... d'aww... I actually got teary when she died. I didnt -think- she died until that page of Cliffjumper leaving flowers at her grave, and I was like, "Oh no!" She was just so sweet. Poor Cliffy - Primus, I cant believe I'm saying those words... but... gah! One of my fave Spotlights.

In short, I'm not a Cliffjumper fan, but this damned Spotlight actually made me feel for the guy, and I highly recommend.

comics, autobots, transformers

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