I haven't disappeared just been really busy.

May 31, 2011 21:35

Sort of a lie, I haven't really been busier or even less busy...

This is probably going to hurt some people's feelings, but it's what Iv'e been going through so... Yeah.

End of Feb beginning of March. went to go visit a friend in California. On the way there I realized I was in love, but couldn't say the words. (Hardcore fuck all in LOVE, the kind of stuff that makes you stupid and makes you say do stupid shit.) Halfway through my stay my friend rejected me for my own flaws and short comings... But he was super nice about it and didn't kick my ass out halfway through my visit.

(...Which I should have "seen the signs" or something, if your going to pick "Chaos magic" as a quasi/sorta religion you might want to pay attention to what the universe is telling you.)

Along with some really good advice from my friend, this forced me to realize that I really needed to work on my life and myself before I could really reach out to someone again.

A week after I got home I ended the relationship of 6+ years with my then boyfriend.

The Tuesday before Easter my job duties changed at work from a primarily "sales" position to a primarily "support" position.

The Tuesday before Easter I contracted the Flu and I was out till Monday.

The Tuesday after Easter the store manager left for the last time without any of us knowing about it and a temporary replacement was put in his place.

The Monday after Osama was announced dead my boss (different person) told me that as of Sept 1st I will be laid off with the rest of the contractors inside the stores.

And finally...
Never really recovered from when I was sick with the flu my throat continued to hurt. My doc prescribed a round of Z-pack and then another round of Z-pack and then a round of hexelcyclene (spelling obv) After 3 rounds of antibiotics and still not at 100% my Doc sent me to a specialist where it was determined that I needed to have my tonsils removed. (Enlarged to the point where they were almost touching and the fact that I have about 4 sinus infections a year.)

I'm sure there is more that I am forgetting, but I wanted to post this as well as I believe it is going to be my last update to this journal, I am going to jump ship over to blogger where I will be posting things of a more adult nature.

the end

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