Mar 22, 2005 02:53
Here's the skinny on the eventful life of me....
*My apartment smells like MOLDY SHIT!!!!!! i am so fucking mad at hillcrest townhouses right now! For those of you who don't know the story, here it is. Our basement is flooded. It flooded a few days ago and they told us it was because we ran our washing machine and it was broken. Ok, no big deal, right? So the maintenance guy comes over and looks at the washing maching the next day. "Well, you have a small hole in the drainage pipe, but if you need to do laundry, go ahead and do it. It shouldn't spit out that much water." SO, we do laundry the next day, and again, flooded basement. So we once again call up the maintenence guys, they come over, vacum up the water, and tell us not to use the washer. At this point, i am a very skeptical girl, because the massize amount of water on the floor seems to be out of proportion of the amount of water the washing machine should spit out. So later that night, around 11, i decide to take a shower. But before doing so, i go downstairs to see how damp the carpet is. I go upstairs, take a shower, get ready, come back downstairs, and once again, FLOODED BASEMENT. So i call up Ben (By this point, me and maintenence are on a first name basis). He comes over, and vacums up the water while i sit and drink a beer. He then goes upstairs and tells me he fixed the drain in the bathroom that was causing the leak. The next morning, i get in the shower. Me, still being skeptical at their abilities to propery diagnose/fix our flooding problem, take a very short shower. So i get out, go downstairs, LOW AND BEHOLD, FLOODED BASEMENT. Ok, so i'm irate at this point. Call up Ben, ONCE AGAIN, he comes over, vacums up the water, tells me to not use the shower, cuts a hold in lindsey's bedroom wall in an attempt to find the leak, calls up his buddy, and they tell us there is nothing they can do until monday. So they come over again today. They ask "Are you sure it's the shower?" I WANTED TO SLAP THEM IN THE FACE!!! I swear these poeple have like, half a brain cell or something!!!! I explain why it must be the shower, so what do they do???? TURN IT ON!!!! Again....flooded basement. However, this time the flooded basement is accompanied by the most GOD AWFUL stench. I'm talking, make you gag, had to vacate the premisis type stank. They cut another hole in the wall, tell us that this must be caused by a clog in the line, probably a tampon, in which case we have to pay for all the damages. i'm sorry, but i don't think any of my roommates, including myself, shoved a tampon down the shower drain!!! So yeah, the plumber is coming tomorrow, and hopefully this will all be fixed. And when they don't find a tampon down the shower drain, i'm going to laugh. F*ing morons. I'm not even a plumber and i could have figured that out.
*Besides the stanky ass apartment, life at the valley is pretty grand. i'm doing good in all my classes, which is always a bonus. Not to mention i got 100 % on my last accounting exam. i didn't even know that was possible in college. Yay, for me : )
*i'm tired and i'm probably going to be woken up tomorrow by the plumber, so i need to be getting to sleep. Goodnight kids. I hope you are all getting resting in your non-stanky ass homes.
yours truely