Нью-йоркский адвокат Marc Kasowitz, которого Трамп
выбрал для своей защиты в Рашагейте, известен тем, что готов исполнять любые пожелания своего клиента несмотря на их абсурдность.
В 2005 г. он представлял Трампа в абсурдном иске к Тиму О'Брайану, автору книжки "TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald".
Trump accused O’Brien of cherry-picking his information to hurt Trump’s reputation. He sued him for $5 billion in damages. Those who think Trump is a “winner” ought to take a close look at Donald Trump v. Timothy L. O’Brien. Because Trump didn’t just lose the case. He was humiliated.
Адвокатам О'Брайана было важно доказать суду, что Трамп имеет привычку врать. Для этого они подвергли его унизительному опросу под присягой, в котором ему пришлось раз за разом подтверждать свое вранье.
For two straight days, they asked Trump question after question that touched on the same theme: Trump’s honesty.
The lawyers confronted the mogul with his past statements - and with his company’s internal documents, which often showed those statements had been incorrect or invented. The lawyers were relentless. Trump, the bigger-than-life mogul, was vulnerable - cornered, out-prepared and under oath.
Thirty times, they caught him.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/2016-election/trump-lies/ В октябре 2016 Kasowitz послал абсурдное письмо с угрозами в New York Times за публикацию статьи о женщинах, подвергшихся притязаниям со стороны Трампа.
Ответное письмо New York Times было своего рода юридическим шедевром.
Вчерашнее заявление нью-йоркского адвоката и его сегодняшние нападки на Коми похожи по своей абсурдности, с добавлением орфографических опечаток.
Really got started off on the wrong foot
pic.twitter.com/zg45q5XaC0- Vann R. Newkirk II (@fivefifths)
June 8, 2017 The overall aim of Kasowitz’s statement appears to be to shift the investigative cloud away from his client and onto the man all but accusing him of obstruction of justice-a task it does not accomplish.
https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/06/marc-kasowitz-comey-hearing/529698/ Другой юридический талант на службе Трампа - его адвокат
Майкл Коэн, выпускник самой худшей юридической школы в стране, в качестве своего главного достоинства имеет связи с российско-украинской организованной преступностью. Дополнительную информацию об этих связях сообщает Buzzfeed:
Before he became President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen worked on behalf of a company controlled by another wealthy and well-connected man: Viktor Topolov, a politician whose associates are members of the Russian and Ukrainian underworld.
The leader of Ukraine’s coal ministry and a personal friend of that country’s president, he had been a board member at a state-run bank, the top executive at a construction company and the president of a professional football club. But beyond his official titles, Topolov has also been investigated twice for money laundering and embezzlement, and the FBI has said his associates are “well known” members of the Russian mafia.
Между тем юридического таланта прибавилось на
другой стороне. Прокурор Мюллер привлек в свою команду прославленного судебного адвоката Майкла Дрибена.
Special counsel Robert Mueller has recruited the Justice Department’s top criminal law expert to help with his investigation of ties between the Trump presidential campaign and Russian officials.
Deputy solicitor general Michael Dreeben, who has argued more than 100 cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and oversees the Justice Department’s criminal appellate docket, will be assisting Mueller on a part-time basis, according to sources familiar with the arrangement. <...> "Michael Dreeben is to criminal law what Robert Mueller is to investigations,” former acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal said Thursday night. “Literally the very best. Yet another sign of how serious Mueller is about this matter."