Максин Уотерс

Jan 18, 2017 17:08

Maxine Waters представляет в Конгрессе южный Лос Анжелес и является одним из наиболее непримиримых противников Трампа.

В последние дни они несколько раз появлялась по телевизору в интересных ролях.

12 января, во время регулярной трансляции заседаний Конгресса по каналу CSPAN, трансляция внезапно прервалась во время выступления Уотерс, и вместо CSPAN на экранах телезрителей появился канал RT. В другое время на подобную техническую неполадку не обратили бы особого внимания, но сейчас это несколько шокировало.

Had Mr. Burke and others who were watching C-Span online at the time not been interrupted, they would have heard Ms. Waters mention Russia and President-elect Donald J. Trump several times before she ended her turn on the floor.

In a phone interview Thursday, she was perplexed. She said no one had satisfactorily explained “how this happened or why it happened, or if it’s happened before.”

“I just think it’s strange,” Ms. Waters said. “At a time when our intelligence agencies are very confident and basically have confirmed that Russia hacked the D.N.C. and other political interests, and then we have, while I’m on the floor of the House, talking about Trump and Russia, I get interfered with and interrupted by Russia Today.”

“It’s strange. It’s odd,” she said.

13 января, после брифинга с директором ФСБ Коми за закрытыми дверями по вопросу вмешательства России, Уотерс вышла к репортерам и раздраженно сказала: "The FBI director has no credibility".

17 января, в интервью MSNBC Уотерс произнесла длинную тираду о том, почему она собирается вместе со многими другими демократическими конгрессменами бойкотировать церемонию инаугурации Трампа.

WATERS: Putin comes out this morning, and he defends Trump, and he says that they are simply trying to deem that his election is illegitimate. These two just wrap their arms around each other; they defend each other. Even Trump is saying that, when he is elected, when he’s sworn in as president, that he is going to lift the sanctions on Russia that was placed on Russia by President Obama. And so I think it’s time for us to stop picking around the edges about Donald Trump and Putin. They’re in the bed together.
And for whatever reasons, they’ve decided that he’s going to deal with Putin; that he’s going to believe Putin; he’s going to put aside the fact that Putin is responsible for killing innocent children and civilians in Syria, and that he blanket-bombed those children, and he doesn’t care what Putin is doing. Somehow we’re going to have better relations with them. And so I trust what the intelligence agencies are saying.
First of all, they said they have confidence that what they have discovered about him and the hacking is real, it is true, they did it and he finally begrudgingly had to agree. So when you talk about, whether it is Comey or whether it is Brennan or whomever, these people now have been involved in this long enough. These intelligence agencies have drilled down, and I think they have to drill down even further, and I trust they have come up with describing the role that the Russians have played, that Trump has played in this interference in our elections, and they still are going to have to deal with more.
I want to know, for example: Manafort, who was the campaign manager for Trump, who also worked for the President of the Ukraine, I want to know what role he’s played in this. The press and everybody else has to drill down on this. He left the campaign because it was discovered that he had a contract, that he’d been involved with the Ukraine.
HALL: A ledger was discovered with an alleged payment to him.
WATERS: Well, I think we have to drill down more and we have find out exactly what he or, I think it is Flynn, what his role has been. Flynn has been connected to this false and scandalous news that they put out about people, that they put out about Hillary Clinton.
They’ve discovered that he’s made telephone calls to the Russian ambassador and I think about five times on the very day -
HALL: On the day that the sanctions were announced.
WATERS: That’s right. That’s right. So it’s a lot here. It’s a lot to be investigated. We need to go further; we need to drill down deeper, because something is going on here.
I believe that Trump is a danger. I believe that he wants to tighten and build up his relationship to Russia, for whatever reasons. What we have discovered, despite the fact that he said, “Look, I have no business with Russia,” he tried to make us believe that he had no business and he was not interested in any business. Only to discover over 37 efforts have been put forth where he tried to do business with Russia, and it hasn’t worked out for whatever reasons.
The other thing is, even though it is not verified, we are told that there is a dossier that was put out by a well-known spy out of London who have revealed some things about what the Russians are holding over the head of Trump. And I think that our intelligence agencies need to drill down on that, they need to look into it, they need to see if there’s any truth to it because, if it is, it very dangerous for Russia to be able to blackmail Trump at any given time, if in fact they have the kind of information that’s being alluded to.


Что касается спецслужб, Уотерс и ЦРУ связывает непростая история.

Рональд Рейган был в свое время помешан на идее помощи Контрас в Никарагуа. Но Конгресс был под контролем демократов и отказывался выделять деньги на эти операции. Отсюда родилась тайная схема Иран-Контрас, которая чудом не подвела Рейгана под импичмент, а также не менее тайная схема, по которой под колпаком ЦРУ кокаин из Никарагуа переплавлялся самолетами в США, а на вырученные деньги Контрас закупали оружие. Эту схему раскопал в 1996 репортер San Jose Mercury News Гэри Уэбб. Вскоре Уэбб подвергся критике и потерял работу журналиста, а в 2004 был найден мертвым с двумя огнестрельными ранениями в голову. Его смерть официально признана самоубийством, но способствовала слухам о длинных руках ЦРУ. В художественной форме об этой истории рассказывается в голливудском фильме Kill the messenger (2014).

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Поскольку эпидемия крэк-кокаина, привезенного из Никарагуа, особенно сильно ударила по бедным черным районам южного Лос Анжелеса, Максин Уотерс подняла большой шум по поводу роли ЦРУ, настояла на слушаниях в Конгрессе и дала показания.

По официальной версии роль ЦРУ в этой истории считается преувеличенной.

ЦРУ, rt, Конгресс

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