В качестве небольшой исторической экскурсии - несколько фотографий из одного месяца, октября 2019. Мы еще не знаем, что произойдет пять лет спустя и как дальнейшая история окрасит прошедшие события, но эти изображения уже прочно вошли в историю.
2 октября 2019 спикер Нэнси Пелоси и конгрессмен Адам Шифф, председатель комиссии по разведке, проводят пресс-конференцию о начале расследования дела об импичменте в отношении президента Трампа.
Chairman Schiff. Well, if you think about what the framers were concerned about at the time of the drafting of the Constitution, they were paramountly concerned about foreign interference in American affairs. They wanted to ensure that the President of the United States was defending the interests and national security of the United States and not corruptly, secretly advancing some private agenda with a foreign power.
It's hard to imagine a set of circumstances that would've alarmed the Founders more than what's on that call, where you have a President using the full power of his office to try to effectively coerce a foreign leader that is completely dependent on our country for military, economic, diplomatic and other support, to intervene in our election to help his campaign. It's hard to imagine a more corrupt course of conduct.
So, to my Republican colleagues that say, ‘There's nothing to see here,' or, ‘Yeah, it's bad, but is it really something you'd remove the President from office for?' They're going to have to answer. If this conduct doesn't rise to the level of the concern the Founders have, what conduct does?
https://pelosi.house.gov/news/press-releases/transcript-of-pelosi-weekly-press-conference-today-44 Проявив
высокий профессионализм в этом расследовании, невзирая на многочисленные нападки, в том числе откровенно антисемитские, Шифф ныне баллотируется в сенаторы от Калифорнии. По последним опросом он лидирует с 62% поддержки
https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_California,_2024 3 октября 2019
в городе Рино Камала Харрис присоединяется к пикету бастующих рабочих из профсоюза работников автомобильной промышленности UAW. Пять лет спустя этот исторический шаг имеет шанс принести ее в Белый дом на крыльях поддержки UAW и
других профсоюзов.
“To me, this election’s real simple. It’s about one question. It’s a question we’ve made famous in the labor movement. Which side are you on?” Fain said at a Harris campaign event that took place in an airplane hangar.
“And this is a simple question in this election, because on one side you’ve got a billionaire that serves himself and his billionaire buddies. He lies, he cheats and he steals his way to the top. He’s a lap dog for the billionaire class,” Fain said. “And on the other side we’ve got a strong, intelligent, and - I’m just gonna put it bluntly - a badass woman … who stood on the picket line with striking workers.”
https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4817444-uaw-trump-harris-support/ Учитывая
ключевую историческую роль UAW в борьбе за гражданские права, в этих событиях есть историческая рифма.
10 октября 2019
Лев Парнас и Игорь Фруман арестованы в аэропорту во время попытки улететь в Вену к Дмитрию Фирташу. Разваливается очередная попытка российских спецслужб атаковать американские выборы, которая была в центре событий, приведших к первому импичменту Трампа.
Рожденный в Одессе Парнас в итоге не посрамил Брайтон Бич. Отсидев тюремный срок, он стал публично свидетельствовать против Трампа и его сообщников, в том числе в показаниях Конгрессу.
"I will state again for the record that the story of Joe and Hunter Biden’s corruption in Ukraine is false; there is absolutely no evidence to support it. I will repeat that everyone who participated in fabricating these lies knew exactly what they were doing. By giving in to the conspiracy theories, we allow Russia to use our government for malicious purposes, and to reward selfish people with ill-gotten gains. It is time to stand up and recognize the truth at this pivotal moment - for Ukraine, for our country, and for our future."
https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Parnas-Lev-Written-Statement.pdf В сентябре этого года на экраны выйдет документальный фильм "From Russia With Lev" с подробной историей и многочисленными свидетельствами
https://www.salon.com/2024/08/05/from-with-lev-parnas-rachel-maddow/ 10 октября 2019 для отвлечения внимания от скандала и импичмента Трамп устраивает
трампинг в Миннеаполисе. Главные герои сборища - полицейские в футболках "Cops for Trump". Через полгода один из них убьет Джорджа Флойда коленом на шее. Вспыхнувшие по всей стране марши протеста станут самыми массовыми в американской истории и внесут свой вклад в поражение трампизма
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_protests_and_demonstrations_in_the_United_States_by_size 16 октября 2019 на совещании в Белом доме Нэнси Пелоси произносит историческую фразу "All rodes with you lead to Putin". После того, как сам Трамп опубликовал эту фотографию, Пелоси сделала ее своей заглавной картинкой в социальных сетях.
Eventually, Pelosi, in her frustration, stood and pointed at the President. “All roads with you lead to Putin,” she said. “You gave Russia Ukraine and Syria.”
“You’re just a politician, a third-rate politician!” Trump shot back.
Finally, Steny Hoyer, the House Majority Leader and Pelosi’s No. 2, had had enough. “This is not useful,” he said, and stood up to leave with the Speaker.
“We’ll see you at the polls,” Trump shouted as they walked out.
When she exited the White House, Pelosi told reporters that she left because Trump was having a “meltdown.” A few hours later, Trump tweeted a White House photograph of Pelosi standing over him, apparently thinking it would prove that she was the one having a meltdown. Instead, the image went viral as an example of Pelosi confronting Trump.
https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/08/15/inside-the-war-between-trump-and-his-generals На совещании обсуждался приказ Трампа вывести все американские войска из Сирии и таким образом предать курдов, победивших ИГИЛ, и позволить российским и турецким войскам захватить север страны. Когда за год до этого Трамп встречался с Путиным в Хельсинки, тот пометил плюсиками на своем рукописном листке три пункта: "Вмешательство" (в американские выборы), Украина и Сирия
https://avva.livejournal.com/3510806.html?thread=178414358#t178414358 17 октября 2019 в умирает прославленный конгрессмен
Элия Каммингс, автор исторической фразы "We are better than this."
Mr. Cummings’s ascent in American politics was, in his own view, something of a miracle. A lawyer and former state legislator, he was the first African-American in Maryland history to be named speaker pro tempore. He once spoke of his bringing his father to his first swearing-in after he was elected to Congress.
“He said, ‘Isn’t this the place where they used to call us slaves?’” Mr. Cummings said, recounting their conversation. “I said, ‘Yes sir.’ He said, ‘Isn’t this the place where they used to call us three-fifths a man?’ I said, ‘Yes sir.’ ‘And isn’t this the place they used to call us chattel?’ I said, ‘Yes, yes sir.’”
The congressman said he would never forget his father’s next sentence: “When I think about you being sworn in today, now I see what I could have been if I’d had the opportunity.”
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/24/us/politics/elijah-cummings.html Ранее в том же году, председательствуя на слушаниях с
показаниями Майкла Коэна, Каммингс довел Коэна до слез в своем последнем слове.
"And so you wonder whether people believe you. I don’t know. I don’t know whether they believe you. But the fact is that you come, you have your head down, and this has got to be one of the hardest things that you could do.
Let me tell you the picture that really, really pained me. You were leaving the prison-you were leaving the courthouse, and I guess it’s your daughter had braces or something on. Man, that thing-man, that thing hurt me. As a father of two daughters, it hurt me. And I can imagine how it must feel for you. But I’m just saying to you, I want to, first of all, thank you. I know that this has been hard. I know that you face a lot. I know that you are worried about your family, but this is a part of your destiny. And hopefully this portion of your destiny will lead to a better-a better-a better Michael Cohen, a better Donald Trump, a better United States of America, and a better world. And I mean that from the depths of my heart.
When we’re dancing with the angels, the question will be asked, in 2019, what did we do to make sure we kept our democracy intact? Did we stand on the sidelines and say nothing?"
https://www.congress.gov/116/chrg/CHRG-116hhrg35230/CHRG-116hhrg35230.pdf 29 октября 2019 показания в Конгрессе дает подполковник Александр Виндман.
"My family fled the Soviet Union when I was three and a half years old. Upon arriving in New York City in 1979, my father worked multiple jobs to support us, all the while learning English at night. He stressed to us the importance of fully integrating into our adopted country. For many years, life was quite difficult. In spite of our challenging beginnings, my family worked to build its own American dream. I have a deep appreciation for American values and ideals and the power of freedom. I am a patriot, and it is my sacred duty and honor to advance and defend OUR country, irrespective of party or politics."
https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/10/29/us/politics/vindman-statement-impeachment.html Позже, отвечая на вопросы (
Каролин Малони), Виндман произнесет историческую фразу "Here, right matters".
MALONEY: Read the last paragraph for me again, not the one -- the very last one, the second to last one. Would you read that one again for me? Because I think the American public deserves to hear it again.
VINDMAN: The dad...
MALONEY: That's the one.
VINDMAN: I think my dad would appreciate this one too.
VINDMAN: Dad, my sitting here today in the U.S. Capitol, talking to our elected officials, is proof that you made the right decision 40 years ago to leave the Soviet Union and come here to the United States America in search of a better life for our family. Do not worry, I will be fine for telling the truth.
MALONEY: You realize when you came forward out of sense of duty that you are putting yourself in direct opposition to the most powerful person in the world. Do you realize that, sir?
VINDMAN: I knew I was assuming a lot of risk. <...>
MALONEY: And why you have confidence that you can do that and tell your dad not to worry?
VINDMAN: Congressman, because this is America. This is the country I have served and defended, that all of my brothers have served. And here, right matters.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/11/19/transcript-vindman-williams-testify-front-house-intelligence-committee-nov/ Евгений Виндман, брат-близнец Александра, ныне баллотируется в Конгресс, как кандидат от демократической партии, в сложном округе в Виргинии
https://ballotpedia.org/Virginia%27s_7th_Congressional_District До этого округ представляла Эбигейл Спанбергер, бывший офицер ЦРУ, а ныне - кандидат в губернаторы на выборах 2025