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tijd April 25 2023, 22:13:25 UTC

Стремительный карьерный взлет Ионова в целой плеяде связанных с Кремлем псевдообщественных организаций объяснить трудно. Так или иначе, еще будучи студентом он оказывается во главе прокремлевской антизападной организации «Антиглобалистское движение России». «Это общественно-политическое движение, выступающее за обеспечение полного суверенитета государств мира и прежде всего суверенитета самой России как самостоятельного игрока на политической, экономической и культурной арене мира. Движение ставит своей целью защиту традиционных нравственных ценностей и обеспечение всех аспектов безопасности России», - сказано на сайте Ионова. Члены движения проводили одиночные пикеты и немногочисленные митинги с портретами Муаммара Каддафи у посольства США и представительства НАТО, а также организовывали выезды в Сирию для выражения поддержки диктатору Башару Асаду. <...>
Весной 2021 года, вскоре после получения Ионовым почетной грамоты «за оказание содействия органам Федеральной службы безопасности», подписанной директором ФСБ Александром Бортниковым, он подал в Роскомнадзор заявление о признании независимых изданий «Медуза» и «Важные истории» иностранными агентами. В документе было указано, что «Медуза» также ссылается на иностранные медиа, а «частыми сюжетами становится критика деятельности правоохранительных органов, освещение деятельности оппозиционных движений». 23 апреля 2021 года донос Ионова был удовлетворен, и вышеназванные издания пополнили реестр СМИ-иноагентов. Воодушевленный успехом, он продолжил составление подобных кляуз. В июне он обратился в Следственный комитет с жалобой на «Новую газету» из-за статьи «Шекспир и Шуберт подрывают Россию», в которой рассказывалось о том, что общественник получал финансирование из США. Ионов также намерен обратиться в Минюст с просьбой проверить издание в рамках закона об иностранных агентах. А в сентябре Александр Ионов направил обращение в Генпрокуратуру РФ с просьбой признать «иностранным агентом» основательницу издания The Bell Елизавету Осетинскую.

In 2018, Alexander Ionov, the founder of the NGO, called the Anti-Globalization Movement, began raising money for Butina through a fundraising website that says all proceeds will be “used to finance legal protection and to improve the conditions of Maria’s detention in prison.” The website was first discovered by freelance journalist Dean Sterling Jones. To date, Ionov has raised about 2 million rubles (approximately $30,000) to help pay her legal fees, he told me in a recent interview. <...>
The fact that Ionov-a 30-year-old Russian lobbyist with ties to the Kremlin-has inserted himself here seems to deepen the intrigue of Butina’s case. (Ionov denied to me that he works for the Russian government.) The Anti-Globalization Movement, a pro-Kremlin nationalist organization that has ties to Russia’s far-right Rodina (Motherland) party and enjoys funding from the Russian government, is in some ways a natural ally for Butina. Both have worked to infiltrate or meddle in American politics-Butina through the National Rifle Association and the conservative, Christian right; and the Anti-Globalization Movement through American separatists on either end of the political spectrum. Though their entry points differed, their central goal was largely the same-to advance Russian interests by exploiting the fault lines in a powerful, but highly divided, Western democracy.


tijd April 25 2023, 23:13:17 UTC

Александр Ионов погорел на связи с организацией "Black Hammer" и их "черным Гитлером" с партийной кличкой Гази Кодзо.

The Black Hammer Organization’s primary ideology is anti-colonialism, although they also promote far-right, antisemitic and anti-Zionist ideas.
The leader of the Black Hammer Organization is Augustus Cornelius Romain Jr. AKA “Commander in Chief" Gazi Kodzo.

Police arrived at Kodzo's house on July 19 to respond to a 911 call about a kidnapping and found a man dead.
Kodzo and Xavier "Keno" Rushin, 21, were arrested and charged with kidnapping, aggravated assault, false imprisonment, conspiracy to commit a felony, and taking part in street gang activity, days before the FBI raided a handful of other locations connected to Black separatist organizations.
Kodzo was charged with sexually assaulting someone, which the investigator alleges was part of a pattern, a way underlings gained rank in the group.

As shadowy political puppet-masters go, Alexander Ionov is no Machiavelli. A self-proclaimed lawyer, businessman, human rights activist, and-according to U.S. prosecutors-asset of Russia’s Federal Security Service, or FSB, Ionov has made flashy and often trollish attempts to interfere in Western democracies that have been blasted across Instagram, Facebook, Russian media, and occasionally Western media for almost a decade. Ionov’s indictment by the Justice Department in July, therefore, raises a question: Why have prosecutors only now decided to indict him? <...>
Although the names of the individuals and political groups courted by Ionov have been officially disclosed only to a grand jury, the indictment comes a week after the arrests of Augustus C. Romain Jr., more commonly known as Gazi “Black Hitler” Kodzo, and Xavier “Keno” Rushin-both of whom are leaders of Atlanta’s notorious Black Hammer Party. The indictment also appears to be linked to the FBI’s raid last month of the Florida office of the African People’s Socialist Party (Uhuru), another Black nationalist group.
Based on available information, the most likely reason for the timing is the arrest of Kodzo-who appears likely to have been one of the unindicted individuals featured in Ionov’s indictment, and is known to have been Ionov’s associate. It may be that the Justice Department had been watching and building a case against Ionov for some time already, but had chosen not to indict him until recently. The Kodzo arrest may have been the final straw that triggered the decision to move against Ionov-perhaps because it strengthened the case against Ionov, or maybe in part because the Justice Department believed Ionov’s indictment would bolster the case against Kodzo himself. This is, however, only speculation based on publicly available evidence and cannot be confirmed without more information from the Justice Department.


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