Агенты влияния

Apr 25, 2023 13:22

У американских правоохранительных органов дошли руки до агентов влияния. В розыск ФБР объявлена Наталья Бурлинова из Москвы, кандидат политнаук и руководитель общественной организации «Креативная дипломатия». Согласно уголовному обвинению, дипломатия была не вполне креативной, а организация не совсем общественной - Бурлинова работала с ФСБ, передавая туда вербовочные материалы на контактировавших с ней американцев. За этот обман ей светит же статья, что пресловутой Марии Бутиной.

According to the affidavit in support of criminal complaint, Burlinova recruited U.S. citizens from academic and research institutions to travel to Russia in order to participate in a public diplomacy program called Meeting Russia. The program was operated by a Russian organization called PICREADI that was funded by the Russian government and devoted to Russian national interests. Burlinova’s co-conspirator was employed by the Russian Federal Security Service (“FSB”), Russia’s principal security service with counterintelligence and surveillance responsibilities. The FSB Officer provided funding and other support for Burlinova’s foreign recruitment and her efforts to advance Russian interests in the United States.
The affidavit in support of criminal complaint states that Burlinova provided extensive information to the FSB Officer about the U.S. citizens that were recruited to attend her programs, including resumes, passport information, photographs, and analysis of their views towards Russia. Burlinova informed the FSB Officer about particular U.S. citizens who, in Burlinova’s view, had expressed positive attitudes towards Russia and were prepared to continue to collaborate. The FSB Officer used the information to prepare security service reports. During a recruitment trip to the United States in fall 2018, Burlinova met with U.S. citizens at various universities and research institutions and provided to photographs of her meetings to the FSB Officer. Burlinova never notified the Attorney General of these efforts or otherwise disclosed to the public that her recruitment efforts were funded by a Russian security service.

In November 2018, at Tufts University's Fletcher School, near Boston, Natalia Burlinova, a Russian foreign policy expert visiting from Moscow, was the featured guest for a discussion on the importance of public diplomacy. The event featured a small group discussion with graduate students, meetings with professors, and a dinner.
Shortly after the event concluded, Burlinova sent photographs and details of her meetings with participants. She later sent more photographs and information, as well as résumés, from similar events that were held around the same time at other U.S. universities: George Washington University, Harvard University's Davis Center, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
According to the FBI, the alleged recipient of the photographs and notes on her meetings was Russia's main domestic intelligence agency, the Federal Security Service (FSB).

Бурлакову курировал Иван Тимофеев, персонаж отчета Мюллера, который в 2016 пас Джорджа Пападопулоса. Связь Тимофеева с российскими спецслужбами покрыта туманом.

On April 18, 2016, while in Russia, Mifsud introduced Papadopoulos over email to Ivan Timofeev, a member of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC). Mifsud had described Timofeev as having connections with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), the executive entity in Russia responsible for Russian foreign relations. Over the next several weeks, Papadopoulos and Timofeev had multiple conversations over Skype and email about setting "the groundwork" for a "potential" meeting between the Campaign and Russian government officials. Papadopoulos told the Office that, on one Skype call, he believed that his conversation with Timofeev was being monitored or supervised by an unknown third party, because Timofeev spoke in an official manner and Papadopoulos heard odd noises on the line. Timofeev also told Papadopoulos in an April 25, 2016 email that he had just spoken "to Igor Ivanov[,] the President ofRIAC and former Foreign Minister of Russia," and conveyed Ivanov's advice about how best to arrange a "Moscow visit."<…>
Papadopoulos's Russia-related communications with Campaign officials continued throughout the spring and summer of 2016. On May 4, 2016, he forwarded to Lewandowski an email from Timofeev raising the possibility of a meeting in Moscow, asking Lewandowski whether that was "something we want to move forward with." The next day, Papadopoulos forwarded the same Timofeev email to Sam Clovis, adding to the top of the email "Russia update." He included the same email in a May 21, 2016 message to senior Campaign official Paul Manafort, under the subject line "Request from Russia to meet Mr. Trump," stating that "Russia has been eager to meet Mr. Trump for quite sometime and have been reaching out to me to discuss." <…>
After several email and Skype exchanges with Timofeev, Papadopoulos sent one more email to Lewandowski on June 19, 2016, Lewandowski's last day as campaign manager. The email stated that "[t]he Russian ministry of foreign affairs" had contacted him and asked whether, if Mr. Trump could not travel to Russia, a campaign representative such as Papadopoulos could attend meetings. Papadopoulos told Lewandowski that he was "willing to make the trip off the record if it's in the interest of Mr. Trump and the campaign to meet specific people."

Tucker is on #Russia's state TV again, I am so used to seeing his clips there. No wonder some of the Kremlin propagandists refer to him as "practically their co-host." pic.twitter.com/m9dgaeXqj4
- Julia Davis (@JuliaDavisNews) June 27, 2021

Говоря об агентах влияния, трудно обойти вниманием увольнение Такера Карлсона из Fox News. Причина увольнения толком неизвестна и может быть никак не связана с пропутинской пропагандой этого самого популярного телеведущего на самом популярном новостном телеканале.

Но вспоминается истерика, которую устроил Карлсон летом 2021, когда он стал утверждать, что АНБ следит за его контактами с россиянами.

The office of the National Security Agency’s inspector general said on Tuesday that it would investigate a claim by the Fox News personality Tucker Carlson that the surveillance agency “has been monitoring our electronic communications and is planning to leak them in an effort to take this show off the air.”
The agency has denied the allegation. The office of its independent watchdog, Rob Storch, announced that it was “conducting a review related to recent allegations that the N.S.A. improperly targeted the communications of a member of the U.S. news media.”
Mr. Carlson made his eyebrow-raising claim during his June 28 prime-time broadcast, saying he had learned of the matter from “a whistle-blower within the U.S. government.”

Невинное объяснение, слитое тогда в прессу, относилось к попыткам Карлсона организовать интервью с Путиным.

Tucker Carlson was talking to U.S.-based Kremlin intermediaries about setting up an interview with Vladimir Putin shortly before the Fox News host accused the National Security Agency of spying on him, sources familiar with the conversations tell Axios.
Those sources said U.S. government officials learned about Carlson's efforts to secure the Putin interview. Carlson learned that the government was aware of his outreach - and that's the basis of his extraordinary accusation, followed by a rare public denial by the NSA that he had been targeted.

Аня Парампил, бывшая сотрудница канала RT, недавно призналась, что помогала Карлсону наладить контакты. Детали она может перевирать.

"On the evening of April 16, 2021, I sent a brief email introducing Ryabkov to Tucker. Tucker responded within minutes, informing Ryabkov that he planned to record shows in Russia in the summer of that year. Just over five hours later, Ryabkov replied that he would be happy to talk with Tucker and proposed time slots for a phone call the following week.
I assumed my role was done. Yet on April 20, I received a follow-up email from Ryabkov.
“Strangely, I can not send my message of interest to talk to Mr.Carlson directly to him. I tried it twice with no success,” the diplomat informed me, before asking me to relay his message.
At the time, I did not think much of the issue. I thought that perhaps Tucker’s email service, which was different than mine, had sent the note to spam, or that I had mistyped an email address. In retrospect, however, I should have been suspicious. Both Tucker and Ryabkov had received and replied to my initial message, meaning their respective addresses were typed correctly in the thread. And Ryabkov’s email to Tucker wasn’t going to spam - it was failing to deliver altogether.
The digital communication error between Ryabkov and Tucker was not a one-off event. Weeks later, on May 25, I received a message from Ryabkov’s team explaining that Tucker had failed to reply to a yet another email. They kindly requested I ask Tucker if he had received their message. Once again, he had not.
Roughly one month later, Tucker informed me that a source inside the NSA had contacted him to warn that the US government had caught wind of his effort to interview Putin by spying on his electronic communications."

Супруга пропутинского пропагандиста Макса Блюменталя, Аня Парампил позиционирует себя, как ультралевая поклонница диктаторов от Асада до Мадуро. В числе других « альтернативных левых» она была гостем на передаче Карлсона, а в феврале 2023 - участницей паноптикума в виде красно-коричневой подковы, которая собралась на пропутинскую (номинально - "антивоенную") демонстрацию в Вашингтоне. Несмотря на то, что Карлсон рекламировал это сборище на свою многомилионную аудиторию, оно в итоге оказалось весьма жалким.

The idea of a political coalition that mixes self-identified communists with neo-Nazis may seem implausible at first. However, a February 19 rally in Washington, D.C., branded as an effort to “Rage Against the War Machine,” brought together dissident parts of the left and the right into common opposition to the U.S. and North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) role in Russia’s war on Ukraine.
“It’s a beautiful thing to see so many people from so many different walks of life unite today to come out and say: It’s time for Washington to stop prolonging this war in Ukraine,” said Wyatt Reed, a reporter for the Russia-backed outlet Sputnik, before an applauding crowd.
The coalition included a strange assortment of libertarians, journalists, party-switching politicians and former presidential candidates.
Arun Gupta, a journalist who attended the rally, said the event ended up being different than it was branded. “It was not an antiwar rally because it was pretty clear that it was generally a pro-Russian bent,” Gupta told Truthout.
For those at the rally claiming the banner of the left, the greatest evil is the U.S. war machine. Some argued that supporting U.S. adversaries, even if they are far right authoritarians like Russian President Vladimir Putin, is strategically important to defeat the leading imperialist state. The far right participants claimed U.S. and European Union hegemony exports multiculturalism, liberalism and “wokeness,” thus painting over ethnic, racial, and cultural differences and foiling countries like Russia, who they say are upholding “traditional values” like homophobia, transphobia and patriarchal dominance.

Такер Карлсон обычно представляется в виде лицемерного пропагандиста, который добивается популярности, цинично эксплуатируя свою недалекую аудиторию и сообщая ей то, что она хочет услышать. Но поддержка Путина в его геноцидной войне - маргинальная позиция, которую не разделяет большинство американцев несмотря на партийную принадлежность. Поэтому за этой поддержкой таится нечто большее, чем простой поиск популярности, в лучшем случае - идеология.

Вместе с тем влияние Карлсона не стоит преуменьшать - именно он добился того, что Рон ДеСантис, предполагаемый кандидат в президенты на выборах 2024, публично отрекся от поддержки Украины вместо того, что использовать этот вопрос для дистанцирования от Трампа.

"While the U.S. has many vital national interests...becoming further entangled in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia is not one of them," DeSantis said in a statement shared Monday on Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight."
The statement was given in response to a questionnaire sent by Carlson last week to all declared and potential 2024 Republican candidates.
"The Biden administration’s virtual 'blank check' funding of this conflict for 'as long as it takes,' without any defined objectives or accountability, distracts from our country’s most pressing challenges," DeSantis added in the full response Carlson later posted to Twitter.
Trump, responding to the same questionnaire, also said that opposing Russia in Ukraine was not a vital interest for the U.S.

Последним подвигом Карлсона на почве военной пропаганды стало использование фейка от "Donbass Devushka" - мутной американской прохиндейки, которая притворялась русской из Луганска.

During his "Tucker Carlson Tonight" broadcast, the Fox News star said that the leaked documents show "Ukraine is in fact losing the war."
"Seven Ukrainians are being killed for every Russian," Carlson claimed, without citing his direct source.
A recently leaked US intelligence document paints a very different picture of the casualties in the war.
The document suggests that Russia has suffered between 189,500 and 223,000 casualties with up to 43,000 troops killed in action, while Ukraine has suffered between 124,500 and 131,000 casualties with up to 17,500 soldiers killed in action.
The leaked document was subsequently altered and shared around Russian Telegram accounts to falsely show the reverse: that Russia had suffered fewer casualties. But even those faked numbers were still lower casualty rates than what Carlson referenced.

A purported Russian blogger known as Donbass Devushka, which translates as Donbas Girl, is the face of a network of pro-Kremlin social-media, podcasting, merchandise and fundraising accounts. But the person who hosted podcasts as Donbass Devushka and oversees these accounts is a Washington-state-based former U.S. enlisted aviation electronics technician whose real name is Sarah Bils.
Russia first intervened in the Donbas part of eastern Ukraine in 2014, and most of the recent fighting has focused on that area.
Ms. Bils, 37 years old, served at the U.S. naval air station on Whidbey Island until late last year, even as the accounts she had established and supervised glorified the Russian military and the paramilitary Wagner Group. They are among the most widely followed English-language social-media outlets promoting Russia’s views.
In an interview Saturday at her home in Oak Harbor, Wash., Ms. Bils said she is an administrator of the Donbass Devushka persona, and acknowledged raising funds and hosting podcasts under that name. She added, however, that she is one of 15 people “all over the world” involved in running the Donbass Devushka network. Ms. Bils declined to identify these people.

But of course there was neither Russian or Jewish blood in her, which was proved by looking at her parent's names in her marriage certificate.

18/23 pic.twitter.com/8i4H4Mtjq3
- Pekka Kallioniemi (@P_Kallioniemi) April 15, 2023

Мотивация Сары Билс (после разоблачения официально сменившей имя на "Lyudmila Mikhailova Karakova") остается нераскрытой - в лучшем случае это желание набрать популярность и заработать на лохах. Ныне ее расследует ФБР.

When Russia expanded its 2014 invasion on February 24, 2022, Bils created multiple personas on Twitter and, starting in April, added Telegram. By the summer of 2022, despite only having an audience in the tens of thousands, she started hosting a podcast that included Jackson Hinkle, Scott Ritter, Garland Nixon, and Russian state media journalist Fiorella Isabel as guests. Some of the interviews occurred while she was still on active duty with the Navy and would have required a foreign contact disclosure.
She cycled through several social media accounts on Twitter, which were reported and suspended for community guideline violations, before repurposing PeImeniPusha, created in July 2012. In a year, she grew a small disinformation empire on Twitter and Telegram under her brand of Donbass Devushka, “a girl and a cat against the world.”
Her Telegram channel shares more graphic and offensive content, including memes, doctored and misattributed images, and ultra-violence. Posts include celebrating the killing of a retired United States Marine who went to Ukraine as a foreign volunteer, graphic videos of dead Ukrainians, and defending a video that showed a Ukrainian POW decapitated by Russian mercenaries with the Private Military Company Wagner Group.
The activity across these accounts and access to people like Jason Hinkle, Scott Ritter, and Russian state media journalists indicates that Bils is part of a larger and coordinated organization targeting a Western audience with Russian disinformation, antisemitism, and racism. It is unlikely that one person could conduct all of this work independently. <…>
An investigation by Bellingcat traced the spread of the documents from Teixeria’s Discord to 4Chan, Telegram, and Twitter. Two versions of key documents were circulating, one showing Russian losses far exceeded Ukrainian and a poorly edited version showing the opposite. Belligcat alleges the doctored versions originated on the Donbass Devushka Telegram channel, a claim Bils denies.
Tucker Carlson used the edited version distributed by her Telegram channel to claim that Ukraine was suffering a 7 to 1 troop loss ratio and “losing the war.” The doctored versions were amplified by high-profile anti-American propagandists, and her channel has been endorsed by Rybar. The leaders of Rybar are two former Kremlin information officers with an operating budget of over $20,000 a month and run a social media empire documenting and praising Russian military activity around the world, including the Middle East and Africa.
In a series of Tweets and two long posts on Telegram, Bils confirmed some of the details of her past. She also claimed that an admin of her Telegram channel shared the top secret documents. She added that the images had been removed once discovered by her, and the person who posted them “disciplined.” However, on April 14, images of the documents, and a denial that she had edited them, were still on her Telegram channel.

Some industrious #NAFOfellas found the Discord posts of “Lucca,” one of the early publicists of Jack Texeiera’s leaks. As you can see, it’s a sewer of anti-Semitism, Holocaust jokes, racism and bigotry - including against Ukrainians. Quite the cohort here. pic.twitter.com/eHzHAmpUY2
- Michael D. Weiss (@michaeldweiss) April 13, 2023

Посредником, через которого секретные документы, сворованные арестованным военным Джеком Тейшейра, попали в итоге в Телеграм-канал "девушки из Донбасса", был антисемитский тролль Лукка Свинсон из Калифорнии, на аватаре которого - фотография эсэсовца с эмблемой Хамаса на шлеме.

Болото продолжает гнить, но без обезвреженных агентов влияния, в том числе Такера Карлсона в качестве мегарупора, остается надежда на то, что воздух в Америке несколько очистится.

#russia, ФБР, ФСБ, #nafofellas, СМИ

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