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tijd June 6 2021, 03:19:01 UTC
Роберт Каган начинал карьеру, как помощник сенатора Кемпа, и после пришёл в администрацию Рейгана под крылом Эллиота Абрамса, сотрудника Госдепа и участника заговора Иран-Контрас, женатого на дочери Мидж Дектер. Обязанностью Кагана было пропагандировать Контрас в Америке.

A 1980 graduate of Yale University, Kagan, 29, joined the State Department in 1984 and became an assistant to Abrams in late 1985.
He helped shape the administration's public relations campaign to keep aid flowing to the contras, and late last year coordinated press and congressional interviews with a high-level Nicaraguan defector, Maj. Roger Miranda Bengoechea.

The spending compromise reached by Congress before it recessed for the year ( ... )


tijd June 6 2021, 03:23:44 UTC
В администрации Трампа Абрамс чуть не стал заместителем госсекретаря Тиллерсона, а позже был назначен Помпео на должность специального представителя по Венесуэле и Ирану,

President Trump has rejected the hiring of former Reagan and George W. Bush foreign policy aide Elliott Abrams as the deputy secretary of state after seeing writings in which Abrams had been critical of Trump before his victory last year, a person with knowledge of the decision said Friday.
Abrams interviewed for the influential No. 2 job Tuesday at the White House in a meeting also attended by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. Tillerson had backed Abrams for the job, arguing that the veteran Republican official’s knowledge of the State Department and Washington’s foreign policy bureaucracy would complement Tillerson’s lack of government experience, people familiar with the selection process said.
The meeting went smoothly, said the person familiar with the session, but after the president saw the comments, Tillerson’s choice was vetoed.... )


tijd June 7 2021, 03:56:23 UTC
Такер Карлсон начинал свою карьеру, работая на Билла Кристола в Weekly Standard.

Kristol: Tucker Carlson began at The Weekly Standard. Tucker Carlson was a great young reporter. He was one of the most gifted 24-year-olds I’ve seen in the 20 years that I edited the magazine. His copy was sort of perfect at age 24.
He had always a little touch of Pat Buchananism, I would say, paleo-conservativism. But that’s very different from what he’s become now. I mean, it is close now to racism, white - I mean, I don’t know if it’s racism exactly - but ethno-nationalism of some kind, let’s call it. A combination of dumbing down, as you said earlier, and stirring people’s emotions in a very unhealthy way.https://www.cnbc.com/2018/01/24/bill-kristol-takes-on-fox-news-tucker-carlson.html... )


tijd June 6 2021, 04:25:42 UTC
В 1996 Каган в соавторстве с Биллом Кристалом написал нашумевшую статью “Toward a Neo-Reaganite Foreign Policy”, в которой проповедовалась роль США, как «доброжелательного гегемона».

Conservatives will not be able to govern America over the long term if they fail to offer a more elevated vision of America's international role ( ... )


tijd June 6 2021, 13:05:59 UTC
Билл Кристол, как и Каган, происходил из семьи известных неоконов и пришёл в администрацию Рейгана в 1985 одновременно с Каганом - в качестве руководителя администрации министра образования Билла Беннетта.

BENNETT: You will remember this; you were helping me. It was said once of Bill Bennett, Secretary, and Chief of Staff Bill Kristol, “The problem with that place,” said a journalist, “is they have no brakes, it’s all accelerator, everybody’s just pressing on the accelerator.” And so I was saying some very critical things about education, about teachers’ unions, about performance, about tenure. And there was a move to get rid of me, and I got a lot of bad press. The President came into Cabinet meetings, carrying three folders, one of them said “Bennett.” And he opens up the folder ( ... )


tijd June 6 2021, 14:07:21 UTC
Каган и Кристол - в январе 2002 с призывом к войне в Ираке.

“Whether or not we remove Saddam Hussein from power will shape the contours of the emerging world order, perhaps for decades to come. Either it will be a world order conducive to our liberal democratic principles and our safety, or it will be one where brutal, well-armed tyrants are allowed to hold democracy and international security hostage. Not to take on Saddam would ensure that regimes implicated in terror and developing weapons of mass destruction will be a constant--and growing--feature of our world. If we turn away from the Iraq challenge--because we fear the use of ground troops, because we don't want the job of putting Iraq back together afterwards, because we would prefer not to be deeply involved in a messy part of the world--then we will have made a momentous and fateful decision. We do not expect President Bush to make that choice. We expect the president will courageously decide to destroy Saddam's regime. No step would contribute more toward shaping a world ( ... )


tijd June 7 2021, 22:29:46 UTC
Кристол в 2021 агитирует за усиление демократической партии за счёт бывших республиканцев.

- There is a pool of ex-Republican voters (and conceivably, office holders) available to the Democratic party.
- Many current Democratic voters are open to including these future former Republicans in their coalition.
- It would be good to move the relative strength of the two parties off the current knife’s edge, and for the Democrats to become the nation’s majority party as quickly and as decisively as possible.
Can these three theses be acted on?
Why not?
Couldn’t this be a moment when entrepreneurs could bring supply, demand, and the moment together in the political marketplace to create an expanded pro-democracy, governing majority party. With entrepreneurship and leadership on all fronts-in politics and policy, among the public and among elites-this doesn’t seem an impossible task.https://thebulwark.com/towards-a-real-


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