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andreybar January 30 2021, 10:08:00 UTC
Огромное количество материала. Интересно это у каждого богача такая богатая история?


tijd January 30 2021, 13:22:09 UTC
Среди христианских националистов QAnon способствует антисемитизму.

Christian nationalism and QAnon support work together to drive up anti-Semitism. Without QAnon belief, Christian nationalists adopted only somewhat more anti-Semitic beliefs as those who rejected Christian nationalism, as you can see in the figure below if you compare the yellow bars. But Christian nationalists who fell in with the QAnon conspiracy theory subscribed to twice as many anti-Semitic tropes as those who disagreed with QAnon, as we can see in the figure below when comparing black to yellow bars. This increase is probably driven by some of the ideas central to the QAnon conspiracy theory, including the anti-Semitic tropes that Jews control the banks, the media and the government, and thus must be the ones behind the Deep State they believe has been undermining Trump.https://www. ( ... )


tijd January 30 2021, 13:39:59 UTC

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tijd January 30 2021, 15:24:04 UTC

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tijd January 30 2021, 16:36:50 UTC

January 5, 2021, General Flynn to Alex Jones: "Donald Trump will continue to be the President for the next 4 years, no doubt in my mind" pic.twitter.com/2PyctIa2cJ
- Hedonist (@sellbooze) January 6, 2021

Алекс Джонс играл большую роль в путче, чем ранее предполагалось.

The rally in Washington’s Ellipse that preceded the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol was arranged and funded by a small group including a top Trump campaign fundraiser and donor facilitated by far-right show host Alex Jones ( ... )


tijd January 30 2021, 14:41:06 UTC

Jewish Leaders Denounce Antisemitic Conspiracies Spread by Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene pic.twitter.com/LXUTZsMSAr
- Conf Of Presidents (@Conf_of_Pres) January 29, 2021

Внимание привлекла новая, поддержанная Трампом, конгрессвумен из Джорджии. Республиканцы пока молчат.

Ms. Greene casually unfurled the cascade of dangerous and patently untrue conspiracy theories in a previously unreported 40-minute video that was originally posted to YouTube in 2018. It provides a window into the warped worldview amplified by the freshman Republican congresswoman from Georgia, who in the three months since she was elected has created a national brand for herself as a conservative provocateur who has proudly brought the hard-right fringe to the Capitol ( ... )


tijd January 30 2021, 19:17:48 UTC
Две блондинки нашли друг друга.

This video has been shared a lot but it needs to be noted she is being interviewed by Katie Hopkins, a notorious bigot and hatemonger who is loved by white supremacists. Trump praised and supported both women many times. This is the Republican Party. This is it. https://t.co/2YoyHGCjFX
- Wajahat Ali (@WajahatAli) January 30, 2021

Reminder of who this woman is, whom the President regularly retweets. https://t.co/CBjKNfSMgp
- Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) August 9, 2019

You’re a lunatic
- Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) January 29, 2021


tijd February 4 2021, 00:23:50 UTC
Заявление Пелоси:

After several conversations and literally running away from reporters, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Q-CA) made clear that he is refusing to take action against conspiracy theorist Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. As a result, the House will continue with a vote to strip Greene of her seat on the esteemed House Committee on Education & Labor and House Committee on Budget. McCarthy’s failure to lead his party effectively hands the keys over to Greene - an anti-Semite, QAnon adherent and 9/11 Truther.
McCarthy’s cowardly refusal to deal with Greene breaks with calls from Senator Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Rep. Adam Kinzinger, the Republican Jewish Coalition and several prominent members of the party to take action against Greene.
As No 2. Senate Republican John Thune warned Tuesday, McCarthy has chosen to make House Republicans “the party of conspiracy theories and QAnon” and Rep. Greene is in the driver’s seat.https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/2321


tijd January 31 2021, 03:22:18 UTC
Среди новоизбранных членов Конгресса антиподом Байдена представляется 25-летний тролль из Новой Каролины. Он тоже вдохновился Холокостом, но в несколько другом смысле.

Cawthorn was heavily favored to win the House race in his solidly Republican district after upsetting the candidate endorsed by the seat’s former occupant, President Donald Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows, in June. But Cawthorn faced a number of controversies during his campaign, including inconsistencies in his biography, allegations of sexual assault and criticism of his 2017 vacation ( ... )


tijd January 31 2021, 18:15:45 UTC
Пятисотлетнее эхо.

Each time there is a breakthrough in media technology, it allows the spread of disinformation in a way that's highly contagious. During transitions to new technology, people and groups attempting to seize power can act quickly to capitalize on media consumers' technological naiveté. By propagating disinformation and appealing to felt grievances, conspiracy theorists create the impression that they have important information being kept from the public ( ... )


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