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tijd January 31 2021, 03:22:18 UTC
Среди новоизбранных членов Конгресса антиподом Байдена представляется 25-летний тролль из Новой Каролины. Он тоже вдохновился Холокостом, но в несколько другом смысле.

Cawthorn was heavily favored to win the House race in his solidly Republican district after upsetting the candidate endorsed by the seat’s former occupant, President Donald Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows, in June. But Cawthorn faced a number of controversies during his campaign, including inconsistencies in his biography, allegations of sexual assault and criticism of his 2017 vacation.
During that vacation, Cawthorn posted on Instagram that visiting Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest retreat was on his “bucket list.” In captions, he called Hitler “Führer,” a term of reverence, and said the experience “did not disappoint.”
He briefly took the photos down after the website Jezebel reported about them and other signs that he might be associated with white supremacists, such as the name of his real estate company. But he later made them public again and appeared to brush off criticism from liberals who said the pictures should disqualify him from elected office.
He redoubled that attitude in his final tweet on Election Day, shortly after the race was formally called for him. “Cry more, lib,” he wrote.

What is wrong with these people? https://t.co/1yoctg7nwL
- George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) January 30, 2021


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