Эхо импичмента

Mar 15, 2020 15:56

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23 января 2020 Китай (в котором тогда было официально выявлено около 550 заражений COVID-19 и около 15 смертей) ввёл жесткий карантин города Ухань.

Chinese authorities on Thursday morning closed off Wuhan - a city of more than 11 million people and the epicenter of a pneumonia-like virus that has spread halfway around the world - by canceling planes and trains leaving the city, and suspending buses, subways and ferries within it.
The announcement, shared on Chinese state media just hours before it was to take effect, was a significant escalation from just the day before, when the authorities had urged people not to travel to or from the central Chinese city but had stopped short of shutting down transportation.

ВОЗ в тот день отметила единичные случаи проникновения вируса за границу и призвала все страны быть готовыми к решительным мерам.

Новые случаи международного завоза инфекции могут, как ожидается, произойти в любой стране. Поэтому все страны должны быть готовы к принятию мер по сдерживанию инфекции, включая активный эпиднадзор, ранее выявление, изоляцию и ведение случаев, отслеживание контактов и недопущение дальнейшего распространения инфекции 2019-нКоВ, а также представлять полные данные ВОЗ.

Adam Schiff tells Republicans that they know they can't trust Trump to put America ahead of his own personal interests. pic.twitter.com/b4L4A2rypn
- Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) January 24, 2020

В тот же день во вступительном слове на процессе по импичменту в Сенате Адам Шифф говорил:

“Can any of us really have the confidence that Donald Trump will put national interests ahead of his personal interests? Is there really any evidence in this Presidency that should give us the ironclad confidence that he would do so? You know you can't count on him to do that. That is the sad truth. You know you can't count on him to do that.
The American people deserve a President they can count on to put their interests first--to put their interests first.
Colonel Vindman said: Here, right matters. Here, right matters.
Well, let me tell you something. If right doesn't matter--if right doesn't matter--it doesn't matter how good the Constitution is; it doesn't matter how brilliant the Framers were; it doesn't matter how good or bad our advocacy in this trial is; it doesn't matter how well written the oath of impartiality is. If right doesn't matter, we are lost. If the truth doesn't matter, we are lost. The Framers couldn't protect us from ourselves if right and truth don't matter. And you know
that what he did was not right.
You know, that is what they do in the old country that Colonel Vindman's father came from or the old country that my great-grandfather came from or the old countries that your ancestors came from or maybe you came from, but here, right is supposed to matter. It is what has made us the greatest Nation on Earth. No Constitution can protect us if right doesn't matter anymore.
And you know you can't trust this President to do what is right for this country. You can trust he will do what is right for Donald Trump. He will do it now. He has done it before. He will do it for the next several months. He will do it in the election if he is allowed to. This is why, if you find him guilty, you must find that he should be removed--because right matters. Because right matters. And the truth matters. Otherwise, we are lost.”

В деле об импичменте ключевую роль сыграл нанятый Шиффом Даниэл Голдман. Он мастерски проводил опрос свидетелей на этапе расследования, готовил подробный доклад, а затем представлял этот доклад на слушаниях.

Goldman used the first part of his statement to quickly summarize - in under five minutes - Democrats' case for impeaching Trump, crystallizing the complicated series of events surrounding the Ukraine investigation in an easily digestible clip.

My difficulty in getting a test despite the exact symptoms and a neg flu test underscores how shockingly unprepared this administration is to deal with this pandemic. In fact, I was told that NYC hospitals STILL would not test my wife - with similar symptoms - unless admitted. 2/
- Daniel Goldman (@danielsgoldman) March 15, 2020

Ныне у Голдмана обнаружилось заражение вирусом. Протестироваться оказалось непросто.

Оценка примерного масштаба эпидемии от American Hospital Association:

И, чтобы не заканчивать на печальном, немного информативного юмора:

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прокурор, импичмент, Конгресс

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