[X] Tilt, ch.1

Mar 19, 2006 23:41

"Hey Kamui, I saw you today before you destroyed Ebisu. ...That stuffed frog looked really good on you."

"Huh? Oh thanks."

One bird flew by the window followed by two more. That made a total of three birds. Were they flying south for the winter? No, it was too early for that...wasn't it? Maybe something scared them and they just went flying off. Or maybe they were trying to escape Tokyo like a quarter of his class had, despite attending one of the safest locations in the city.

Either way, he thought it was stupid that CLAMP Academy still held classes when a great deal of Tokyo was in ruins.

And Yuzuriha was still nowhere to be found.

"Shirou, please read for us paragraph three on page four-hundred-and-twenty-five in the text."

Kamui sighed and opened up his book; the world was just becoming too much.

"--kept telling her that I just didn't like e.e.cummings' poetry because in addition to his lack of proper capitalization and such, it was too chaotic! Really, as a social reflection, the last thing Tokyo needs right now is chaos, and I suppose she found that part valid in my essay and even told me how she liked that I related the content and style to modern day events, but she still wouldn't give me points for stating that I didn't like his poetry based on the capitalization issue! It's a valid point, though, right?! I guess for me, his lack of capitals makes his poems seem confusing and...sterile. Emotionless like some kind of computer or robot. So withdrawn that it doesn't even apply to me anymore and there's no way I can relate! Literary value is worthless if a poem is so far removed from everyday life that self-identification within it becomes impossible! But I don't suppose she understood. What do you think, Shirou? ...Shirou?!"

"Huh?" came Kamui's intelligent response.

Keiichi paused for just one second before opening up into a barrage of questions, "Are you all right? You aren't still injured are you? Are you not healing fast enough, is that it? Are you in pain? Is that sandwich enough for you? Here, you can have half of mine as well, and do you want my milk? Milk keeps a body healthy, Shirou, and you could certainly use it!"

"No! No, I'm...fine. I heal quickly, and I'm all better now, really. I don't hurt at all. And I've had enough to eat, Segawa, so...please take your milk back."

"Oh all right!" Keiichi exclaimed as he took the dairy product back with a smile. "I was just worried, that's all!"

"I'm fine," Kamui reassured.

"That's good! When you just said 'huh?' I was so scared that maybe you were still injured and were going to pass out or something and I'd have to take you to the nurse's office, and you'd probably miss even more classes, which would be really horrible since you've missed so many already! As student body president, and your friend, I'm making it my duty to see to it that you survive the school year in one piece!"

Kamui made a face at his last sentence. "Yeah, Segawa...I'm doing fine. Really. Don't worry about me."

"And are you doing fine in your classes? You've missed a lot so it must be hard to catch up!"

"Yes, Segawa..."

"Do you have - oh what'shisname, the tall pretty guy! - helping you out with your school work? I see him around sometimes, actually! He goes to University here, right? So he should be able to help you when I'm not around! Oh! You just came from Economics, didn't you? I always liked that subject, so is there anything you need help with in that class?"

Kamui sighed. "Segawa..."

"Oh, what is it then? Do you have your text book? I know the teacher can be longwinded and confusing sometimes, but it always helped with me to approach the material from a different angle - kind of get a different spin on things, you know? Especially with Economics! A lot of it is theory and just understanding cause and effect, really, so fresh perspectives can really help you out in that area!"

"I'm doing well in Economics, really I am! And Subaru helps me when I need it! I. Am. Fine with my school work, Segawa," Kamui said sternly with a tone of finality that made even Keiichi pause for a few moments.

Finally, he said with a smile, "Well that's good! I always worry about you, you know?"

"Thank you, but it's not necessary."

"Even if it may not be related to your health or school work, though, I still get the feeling that something's really not right in your life, Shirou! I just want you to know that whatever it is, you can tell me! Really! And I'll do everything in my power to assist you if I can!"

Kamui's first instinct was to immediately shut down this proposal, but something in Keiichi's sincerity and his weariness made him stop. "Well..."

Keiichi physically set everything aside and stared at Kamui intently, a little too engaged in forthcoming words.

It was difficult. "...Did you ever feel like a lot of things were happening at once? Too many? You just feel tired, confused, and overwhelmed? It's not school or anything, just...life," Kamui asked softly, unsure why he was even continuing on.

"Oh yeah!" Keiichi agreed, a little less loud or animate than usual, however. "Like...when dad passed away. Yeah, I know what you mean! And it's fine! Stuff like this happens to everyone, and eventually things will get better!"


"Yeah, they always do!"

"Well what if they don't?" Kamui challenged.

Keiichi smiled and answered, "That won't happen because they will!"

"That's ridiculous."

"Ridiculous but true!"

Kamui gathered his things. "Well...I have to get to literature class. Thank you...though, Segawa."

"You're welcome, Shirou! Any time! Just remember that!"

A smile tugged on the corner of Kamui's lips as he walked off, planning to ditch Japanese Literature...and Keiichi's words did brighten him a little, even though it was illogical that things would 'get better because they always do'. Though...what if things really did work out for the best, just because they always did - or Keiichi said they always did? What if he didn't actually have to do anything...and things worked themselves out on their own?

Really, he was only needed on the Final Day, right?

by ryutsuki

Possibly: (S/K, K/K, default S/S)ish, spoilers for X14+ except not at all, and inspired by Haruki Murakami and long drives.

[AU in that...nothing that's supposed to happen ever really does]

ch.2 > ch.3 > ch.4

x, tilt

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