[X] to touch the DEVIL is to die

Oct 21, 2005 16:38

Not a finished section, but it's here nonetheless.

Yuuto had so many jealous girlfriends in the past that, while he had never had grounds to do it himself, from their examples he knew exactly what to do to "check-up" on someone. And his first someone that night was the pretty fire-user for the other side.

In a church, no less.

It had only been a little over a week since Nataku died and Karen was still wearing black, though Yuuto noticed that she brightened her overall appearance with a lavender scarf. It looked nice, he thought as he sat amist a small crowd in the pews, admiring her figure from afar.

He had a nice waist, he decided, among other things.

The congregation slid down from their seats to kneel on a barely padded cushion and Yuuto followed suit; when they began to pray aloud, he closed his eyes and tried to look religous. He was talented at going with the flow to fit in, to not be noticed when he didn't want to be, sometimes to the point where he wasn't sure which of his ideas and beliefs were his or just pretend. It was a variable, ever-changing existence that was sometimes frustrating but overall relaxing.

So he found nothing wrong with sitting in a church, pretending to be Christian so he could stalk a woman for amusement.

As those around him opened up their hymn books and began to sing about devotion, Yuuto thought back to why he was stalking Karen in the first place. If he had a reason, it certainly wasn't a very good one because he couldn't recall it. Stalking her just seemed like the thing to do at the time, although he had never quite indulged in that sort of activity before. No, if there was a reason why...it may have been because Subaru had mentioned her some time ago. She had fiery red hair, he seemed recall Subaru saying with distaste. Maybe it was why Yuuto felt compelled to follow that redness.

Although he would never mention it to Subaru, there was just something about the color, he felt, that incited passion - whether it be emotion or physicality. It was a required color in the world, like blood. Exsanguinate a person and they die. Eliminate red and the world dies.

Sometimes Yuuto wondered where he really stood.

x, to touch the devil is to die

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