[X] 100 Fubaru Themes (008)

Oct 01, 2005 02:10

008: Ball game @ 100_themes:

008: Ball game

The street light near the court hummed and flickered overhead as the repetitive sound of a basketball bouncing off the pavement reverberated through the empty lot and streets. It pierced through the stillness that the late hour created in such a way that Subaru was almost afraid of it.

When he spoke, he was almost relieved that his own voice wasn't as devastating to the silence as the sound of the basketball Fuuma dribbled. "I...don't know how to play."

"Nonsense," Fuuma said as he stopped to make a basket; it went through perfectly and dropped down to the pavement a few times before rolling a little. "I'll teach you." He picked up the ball and immediately threw a chest pass to Subaru.

Though quick reflexes stopped the ball from crashing into him entirely, it still hit into his chest hard enough to ache afterwards. Subaru looked to Fuuma and the ball awkwardly. "Er...what am I supposed to do with it?"

Fuuma's eyebrow slightly rose. "Well, for starters, try dribbling - bouncing the ball, you know - to get a feel for it. Not so much with your palm, though...try and splay your fingers a little..."

"Oh...okay," Subaru replied softly and nodded with total obedience like the good student he had always tried to be in school. He bounced the ball once at waist-level, again near his near his knees, and then once more a little lower before the ball bounced rapidly against the pavement and rolled off. His cheeks flushed and he stood straight up in embarassment.

"It's okay," Fuuma said simply with his arms folded across his chest as he leaned against the chain-link fence surrounding the court. "Pick it up and try again."

Subaru sighed and fetched the ball. Weakly, he tried to get out of the experience, "...I'm really not good with things like this. I mean, I never was, not even when I was younger, so --"

"Pick it up and try again, Subaru," Fuuma interrupted in a soft but stern command.

Once more Subaru sighed - a little less audibly this time - and obeyed reluctantly. This time he kept the ball bouncing a little longer before it rolled off again.

"You're doing better," Fuuma remarked, as if he was his calm and collected coach from years before. "Now, again."

For the third time, Subaru tried dribbling the ball, but instead of eventually bouncing to a stop, it caught on his shoe and shot halfway across the court. Red-faced, he began to show outward signs of frustration.

"That's okay. Try again."


"Again," Fuuma repeated sternly, but Subaru was too frustrated to obey.

He fidgeted slightly. "Look, Fuuma, I know I said that I'd play with you, but this is just embarassing - to both of us, I'm sure."

Something imperceptible flashed across Fuuma's eyes, but after a moment he nodded. "You'll get it eventually. Now, let's work on your shooting. Try to make a basket on your own this first time."

Relieved at trying something else, Subaru nodded and retreived the ball, positioning himself near the basket. Awkwardly he threw it in a little jump, and the ball sailed a few feet in front of him, hitting the pavement woefully. He was beginning to regret trying this and murmured, "I don't think I can play this game, Fuuma..."

"No, no, it was a good try," he reassured as he moved from his spot against the fence. "But let me show you how to make a throw..." Fuuma gathered the ball and approached Subaru from behind, handing it to him before explaining. "Now, what you want to do is sort of aim. Let your dominant hand push and guide the ball." His hands crept alongside Subaru's and rested on them, moving Subaru and the ball into position.

Subaru's mouth went dry.

Fuuma murmured, his lips against Subaru's ear, "Now...like I said...use your arms and let your dominant hand guide..." With the two of them pushing the ball through, it sailed forward and bounced off the basket's rim. "See?" Fuuma asked, more relaxed, "Granted we didn't make it because it's a little difficult with two separate forces, but do you get it now?"

It took Subaru a little while to answer. "...Can you show me again?"

x, 100_themes

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