A little fandom musing...

Sep 27, 2005 22:44

Dude, I was reading that whole mess on meyrevived's LJ, and seriously...the entire X fandom is totally insane. It's just a series. It's just a stupid little piece of fiction based on it. So what if it's not Tolstoy or Heller? It's not the end of the world (that was unintentional, I swear) or the end of the fandom. You take what you like, discard what ( Read more... )

x, earl cain, zelda, musings, saiyuki

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ryutsuki September 28 2005, 04:45:49 UTC
Haha, I've seen some rather petty and nasty kerfluffles, but none have been as "close" to me as Mey's. Hey, I rather like Behind Bars!

But I know what you mean about the "family" all too well. One of the fandoms I forgot to mention I was in was for Yami no Matsuei. I did the whole transition from mailing list to livejournal with them, and you're right, it really is like a family, although a lot of us have branched out from Yami. I met a ton of cool people, and a ton of total bitches. When the fandom started on Livejournal, all of us writers were oh-so-tight-and-friendly-really-*fake-smile* until I was deemed indirectly responsible for the big tear in the "fandom" (haha, us Livejournal writers) when Amet misunderstood something I had written. Heh, it was even f_w-ed. But I mentioned all that just to let you know that I know perfectly well what you mean. However, knowing all that, and being in the midst of it, I still disagree with it. Maybe it's because I quite frankly don't give a damn about the talent and effort of fandom. I don't care if you're a brilliant, professional-level fanficcer or a breathtaking artist or a well-known archivist, because really, I'm just in it for the fun. Hey, it's my hobby - a part of my life, but not my life. So I find it hard pressed to take anything and anyone too seriously anymore, including myself.

It's not that my mentality is different because I don't know how it is to be in a "family" like that...but because I remember how it is to be like that. But oh no, all this talk is making me want to write again for Yami, too...(I actually thought about that the other day, hmmm)

I know what you mean about the negative feedback thing! I wish I had it when I was just starting out, but I never did, and it's the rare occasion that I get anything that even remotely resembles any criticism. I mean, when you write for so long with only praises and whatnot, it begins to feel like everything you write is gold. Maybe it's just me and my egotism, but I keep having to keep myself in check. (I'll also mention that I love Fanfiction.net because I'm shallow like that concerning reviews, and I love being the one good thing in a sea of shining crap. Haha, as I said, I'm so shallow...) And the only people who seem to realize that you're not all that are your fellow writers, but they don't care enough to help you along...what cruelty! ;)

And as for you being a windbag, haha, no it's quite okay. I enjoyed reading it and sharing the "hey, I know this, too!"-ness while procrastinating sleeping...


emudii September 28 2005, 05:37:45 UTC
*explodes with laughter* Hey, different strokes for different folks. But as individuals, it seems that we can agree to disagree. Not that I meant to leave the impression that this fandom doesn't know how to knock itself, on ocassion--hell, I think we can both attest to that. There are just times when things get... taken a bit too personally. I can also remember a few civil wars that erupted over differences in opinion. A couple of which could have really been avoided, but ended up dividing the subfandoms against each other. Both, I watched from the front line, since it was close to everyone. In that way, it really is scary, sometimes. But I think we've all learned from that, at least, that it is better to choose one's battles a little more selectively. I think most fandoms, by now, have begun to realize that, now that we've had time to settle down.

Gosh, you've made me nostalgic. ;;

Curiously... I've only skirted Yami fandom, so I wonder if I've ever read your stuff?


ryutsuki September 28 2005, 13:33:55 UTC
Haha, well, yes, everyone has their own views on these sorts of things. And I'm sure everyone in the fandom knows just how "crazy" they can be with it, but it's also with being on the inside all the time...you may not realize to what extent and how it looks? Or something. I actually lost track entirely of where that bit was going...

You may have? I don't know. If you want to look (oh how convenient!), I have multi-chaptered stuff that I hate at http://www.fanfiction.net/~elfasato . Also (again, the convenience!), some much-preferred one-shoty things at http://home.comcast.net/~the_suzette/fics/ .


emudii September 28 2005, 14:48:00 UTC

Oro~ It seems that, no, I haven't run across you. Which doesn't surprise me terribly, since my preferred pairing is not Tsusoka. Not to mention, I never did get too involved, since all of my friends are for the main ship, so my shallow fangirl heart had no one familiar to burn beside (or, rather, all of the other fangirls I've come across, minus one or two, are scary in a way that squicks me) XD But! It's been so long that I can't help but be curious, anyway, as to what the rest of fandom has been up to, lately.


ryutsuki September 28 2005, 15:25:14 UTC
Haha, wasn't it great?

I was a big fan of all pairings and all characters - there wasn't one I didn't like - then. It's the same way now, though I'm partial to Terazuma/Wakaba and Oriya, and I don't quite like Tsusoka very much anymore... What was your preferred pairing? Random guess: Muraki/Tsuzuki? 8D Those fangirls were always a little disturbing, the ones who were really into it. I didn't get much exposure to them with my crowd...

I know! It's been a while for me, so...from what I hear, the Mary Sue-ism is still rampant, and there's a weird little sect lovin' Oriya/Hisoka and Watari/Oriya? Hmmmm, actually, I really want to get back into fandom, nooo XD


emudii September 28 2005, 16:16:13 UTC
My preferred pairing? Well, here's a hint. I drew it myself! Or tried to. I don't think I'll ever finish it, even though it is dated 2003. ;; But trust me, their fandom is nutters. Maybe not as nutters as Murazuki, all things considered, but kinky as my interests run, their recent fandom squicks me. Or just... weirds me the hell out with the uncomfortable amount of desperate, hormonal love saturating the air. It gives me Gundam Wing flashbacks. XD

Oriya/Hisoka I can understand. Oriya/Watari..? I generally pretend that there is no story after book 8, so maybe I missed that juicy little bit. Just like I got left behind on the whole Tatsumi/Watari bus. It left me standing high and dry on the side of the highway. But Terazuma/Wakaba? :D Man, I was totally telling my girlfriend the other day that there needs to be more of those two. They're a gold mine of tension and denial. XD


ryutsuki September 28 2005, 16:28:29 UTC
Tatsumi/Tsuzuki? Awww, I loved that one. I remember it was Penny's pairing of choice that she wrote for... Did you ever read her Breaking the Game? Even if the writing style is nothing to write home about, the overall concept it incredibly intriguing! But I wonder how they've become nuts XD They always seemed like such a sane bunch to me from what I recall...! But I always sort of ran with the Tsusoka fans, hmm.

And oh no, you didn't miss anything with Oriya/Watari! There's no substance to it - just fun. Apparently someone wrote a fic and it gained a small following...or something. Tatsumi/Watari always seemed to primarily justify Tsuzuki/Hisoka (Watari/Hisoka is love, just so you know), but their dynamic was always interesting and I totally loved the pairing. The one really good fic Kouri Arashi wrote was The Mating Habits of the Shinigami Species...or something, told in 003's POV. It was utterly cute.

There totally needs to be more Terazuma/Wakaba. They're so bitter sweetly cute together...! It makes me sad and fluffy at the same time. (Oh my, I'm going to do it again!) I wrote a Terazuma/Wakaba fic last year: Opal. Haha, I adore pimping.


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