[Saiyuki] Control

Aug 23, 2004 22:19

Whoo hoo! Finally ^^

Title: Control
Author: Elf Asato
Summary: 383. Sanzo attempts to teach Hakkai how to give up control. BDSM-ish.
Disclaimer: Saiyuki obviously doesn't belong to me.
Notes: I wrote this because I complained too much about the lack of 383 BDSM fics. Anyway, I attempted a different style to convey only the necessary - to convey...something. So I opted for the Hemingway approach. Sort of. Attack of the random, floating, and disjointed body parts. If you are keen enough to spy any inconsistencies with this...argh, just deal with it. It's not the point, anyway. I could use the excuse that I was trying to convey something to cover up the fact that I'm a bad writer...

By Elf Asato

"A bit tighter...Sanzo houshi-sama...please."

"Who's giving the orders here?" Sanzo growled softly into Hakkai's ear. His hands slowly trailed up to the bedpost where Hakkai's wrists were lightly bound by a single piece of cloth, his fingertips lingering on the fabric as he plunged his tongue into the other's ear.

For a second, Hakkai panicked at the thought that perhaps Sanzo would undo the binding at his wrists...but then he noted with pleasure the sudden increased pressure.

"Thank you."


One hand ran down the length of a slight and arched back, and the other played lightly with lithe fingers, as Sanzo licked and bit at Hakkai's earlobe.

Hakkai gasped and smiled. His ears always were sensitive.

"What now?" Sanzo asked brusquely, catching a glimpse of sweet, upturned lips.

"Ah...Sanzo houshi-sama could allow me to pleasure him..."

"That's not what I meant."

"Then what?"

His irritation was barely concealed. "You were smiling again. I thought I told you not to."

"But you did something I enjoyed, so I smiled," Hakkai protested, dropping the submissive tone from earlier.

Sanzo moved to face Hakkai directly. "You always smile, so it doesn't mean anything."

"Do you want it to mean something?"

Sanzo's gaze hardened, but he kept silent.

"Would you rather I rapturously cry out your name every time I am pleasured and wake up Goku and Gojyo next door?" Hakkai offered, a dubious suggestion.

Sanzo offered a suggestion of his own.

"Shut up."

Then he kissed him.

Before passionately returning the kiss, Hakkai smiled again, and Sanzo didn't mind anymore. Under his own lips, he felt the corner of Sanzo's mouth twitch, as if his lips were to curve into a smile of their own.

...But that's all there was.

The placid and submissive tone returned as Hakkai further suggested, "Perhaps I could pleasure Sanzo houshi-sama now..."

As Sanzo's lips travelled down to the base of his neck, and his fingers began to undo the binding, the youkai murmured, "Do they have to come off?"

"You should have thought of that before..."

"Well then, leave them on for now."

"I thought I was giving the commands," Sanzo challenged lightly.

Hakkai looked mildly dismayed for once. "Well..."

"So you can't give up control after all..."

His houshi-sama didn't bother with trying to hear any reply as his lips and tongue worked Hakkai's flesh, his hand resting on bound wrists and the other gently playing with the tailbone below...

...And as Hakkai sighed softly, he really didn't have the opportunity or inclination to protest.

Sanzo's fingertips trailed lower from Hakkai's tailbone to the rim of his anus, probing gently as the wayward priest's lips moved down and attached to a hardened nipple. Hakkai's breaths were noticeably audible. Moving one hand to the back of the youkai's neck, Sanzo continued to gently probe, his thumb reaching down to stroke Hakkai's scrotum.

A soft moan.

"Did I say you could make noise?"

"Forgive me," was all Hakkai said.

The hand at the back of his neck worked gently, fingertips making unseen spiral patterns against warm, slightly damp skin; and Hakkai let out a low, appreciative sigh, taking in all sensations as if they were new, pretending as if it was their first time together. Minus the hesitancy and insecurity, though, of course.

Also minus the fact that he was currently bound to the bedpost, completely at Sanzo's mercy. At least, that's how they meant it to be. Hakkai seemed to be having a little difficulty with fully giving up control, which, by his occasional interruption of subtle suggestions, irritated the priest.

Didn't he trust him?


Hakkai was ignored as the other's lips grazed lazily across his chest over to the neglected nipple. Sanzo's hand below continued its rhythmic motions.


The silence that followed was brief. In growing frustration, Sanzo roughly bit the nipple before him, eliciting a gasp from Hakkai. For someone who was so quiet the rest of the time, he couldn't understand why the youkai couldn't just be silent...

"I'll say it."

"Then say it," was Sanzo's curt response.

Hakkai considered this and kept quiet.

The priest's head lifted from a chest marred with faint scars and moved up so that his lips grazed Hakkai's earlobe. "You've been very disobedient tonight. ...Trust me, Hakkai. Let me control you."

A brief moment passed before Hakkai nodded in silence and then relaxed, his previous tension obvious.

Sanzo kissed his lips, biting down gently and then running his tongue along to both excite and soothe, as Hakkai's mouth parted slightly - an instinctive reaction as opposed to a deliberate action - and welcomed the warm, moist tongue it was rather fond of. Their tongues slid alongside one another and Sanzo's fingers below quit their motions to run gently up the underside of Hakkai's cock.

There was a pulsing, throbbing sensation, more demanding than before, and Hakkai's stomach flip-flopped pleasantly. It was obvious how he strained to stifle a groan in response to the monk's actions.

And this pleased Sanzo.

Much to Hakkai's initial disappointment, Sanzo pulled away and gave a quirky smile that would have sent any normal person running. However, this was Hakkai, and Hakkai saw what was in those predatory, violet eyes that made the smirk so tantalizing and sent a wave of heat throughout his body:


As Sanzo lowered his head down to Hakkai's cock and licked its throbbing head delicately, Hakkai stiffened quickly, holding back anything that could possibly make noise and keep this glorious thing from happening... Instead, he struggled against the binding on his wrists, and that gave him an exhilarating feeling so he kept at it.

That feeling...

And Sanzo kept at it, licking lightly, slowly, painfully, sadistically...and blowing air onto the spots he had licked. It wasn't often that the monk would go at such a pace...that normally would have been over quickly.

It nearly maddened Hakkai that it wasn't, but at the same time added to that feeling...that wonderful, conflicting feeling of freedom by confinement and suppression. It didn't make sense to him...but perhaps that was why it turned him on so.

Then again, perhaps it was the fact that Sanzo's tongue was making circles around his head...slow, laborious circles...

A soft groan escaped Hakkai's lips.

"Now, what have I told you about that?" Sanzo murmured, the ever-familiar irritation surprisingly absent from his voice.

Hakkai didn't answer, but tensed slightly, and his eyes cast downward not out of shame, but out of lust and curiosity.

"Shall I punish you?"

That ever submissive and compliant tone, shyly begging. "...Will you?"

Sanzo didn't answer this request and instead left the bed, instructing Hakkai to not move or make a sound. The brunet watched him cross the room to their bags on the floor, and it puzzled him as to what Sanzo was after.

He returned to the bed a few moments later with a single strand of ribbon in hand and received a curious glance from Hakkai.

"Close your eyes."

Hakkai obeyed and was rewarded with the sensation of light pressure around his cock; a slight gasp from him was evident, but its audible qualities painfully muted. Sanzo wasted no time and immediately bent down again to lick its tip. This caused the brunet to arch his back slightly with shut eyes, and Sanzo swirled his tongue along the head, which only increased the arching.

The monk's tongue graced the edges of the ribbon where the flesh had a heightened sensitivity, and swirled around that, too, invoking a rather stifled shudder from Hakkai, who leaned back and upwards in a silent beg for more, more pleasure, more Sanzo, more this.

Had his mind not been preoccupied, Sanzo might almost think Hakkai a greedy creature with that action, but Sanzo was not thinking of such things. Indeed, his mind was far, far away, thinking only of things that dealt with their present and what was before them.

Such as Hakkai's throbbing cock that Sanzo decided he must attend to...as well as his own.

Positioning himself in front of his subject, Sanzo bent down low and took the first half of Hakkai's cock, stopping at the divide caused by the ribbon, into his mouth. At the same time, he pulled off a rather complicated maneuver that Hakkai might have appreciated had he not been so busy desperately wanting his release and leaned his weight on his upper arms so that his hands were free to touch himself at will.

As his tongue worked, Hakkai leaned his head back and emitted the low groan of someone trying so hard not to let go... This noise did not bother Sanzo, though, as his cares and concerns were far beyond the realm of noise, or even control.

Sanzo stroked and sucked in an ever-increasing rhythm, accented by inadvertent moans from the both of them that seemed to come together; each time the monk would make a noise with Hakkai's cock in his mouth, the vibrations would send off a moan from the other.

Struggling against his bindings, Hakkai arched his back, and the blond's name seemed to be on the tip of his tongue, but he said nothing aside from a few inarticulate, guttural noises. Sanzo knew what he meant, though, and quickened his rhythm, just to keep pace with Hakkai, who seemed as if he would derail at any moment.

It wasn't long before the two had their unceremonious release - Sanzo lagged a few seconds behind - and leaned against each other, all energy spent.

"Ah...Sanzo houshi-sama?" Hakkai asked, his placid and submissive tone still in place. "Are we done?"

Into the brunet's chest, Sanzo murmured as his hands lazily reached up to undo the bindings, "Sure. I'm exhausted..."

"Well, don't fall asleep just yet," Hakkai instructed, the abrupt change in tone and personality almost startling, as he was once again free. He nudged Sanzo off and slipped the ruined ribbon from himself. "Help me change the sheets."

"You don't need my help."

The exhausted gleam in Hakkai's eye hinted at a challenge. "No, I don't, but I'm going to get it anyway since you're the one who made most of the mess."

Sanzo scowled as Hakkai rose off the bed. "Oh, and I suppose you weren't involved in that at all?"

"...Just do it so we can have something clean to sleep on."

"Fine. You know, I like you better in the daytime when you have enough energy to at least fool me into thinking I have any say in something," muttered Sanzo as his lips threatened once again to curve into a smile.

And, as Hakkai looked elsewhere, they did.


control, saiyuki

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