my head hurts

Dec 27, 2008 11:31

I've been thinking so much lately, crying for really no reason at all... i think I've cried more in the past couple weeks than I have in my entire life.. a song will do it, a thought about someone or something and there I go... One evening I couldn't stop I just kept crying.. and I actually prayed which I rarely if ever do, and then my mom came downstairs and I was the one comforting her and she said some things to me that definitely struck a chord so now I've been thinking about that and going through that in my mind. A dear friend of mine said to me that their worried I'll never find the happiness that I seek. I'm terribly afraid of that too. I know I need to make myself happy before I make anyone else happy, but I rely so heavily on others making me happy.. even the other night I was in a bad mood and my friends made me happy again.. I know that its only a temporary fix and so I need to do some sarah searching or something to find true happiness.... sigh...
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