Aug 26, 2004 17:19
Thedarkromancer: hey
heartless tupo: hello
Thedarkromancer: how do you deal with jealosu friends
Thedarkromancer: like my friend
Thedarkromancer: she is jealus of any girl i say i havea crush on
heartless tupo: is she cute?\
Thedarkromancer: who?
heartless tupo: the one that's jealous?
Thedarkromancer: yeah
Thedarkromancer: well wea re best friends
Thedarkromancer: we are*
Thedarkromancer: and we did kinda date
Thedarkromancer: and i fucked it i[
Thedarkromancer: and she didn;t want to get back together...
Thedarkromancer: and now she is jealous...i find it comical
heartless tupo: yeah..... that's what I'm thinking
Thedarkromancer: which is?
heartless tupo: what's you do to mees up up?
Thedarkromancer: uhh
Thedarkromancer: i lied
heartless tupo: oh
Thedarkromancer: wasn't big either
heartless tupo: that's no biggie then
Thedarkromancer: i used to cut myself
heartless tupo: she totally wants you then
Thedarkromancer: and i lied about it
Thedarkromancer: lol
Thedarkromancer: right...
heartless tupo: well, we not ask her to date you again, and is she says no, then she's got no pace to by complaing about other grils
Thedarkromancer: lol
Thedarkromancer: true
Thedarkromancer: mind u i am passive
Thedarkromancer: i swear dude she thinks i am teh best guy ever...
Thedarkromancer: she has told the freshmen and some of her fam she is gunan marry
heartless tupo: lol
Thedarkromancer: my life is ever interesting
heartless tupo: more interesting than mine
Thedarkromancer: lol
Thedarkromancer: iunnoi
Thedarkromancer: dude
Thedarkromancer: i suck at signals
Thedarkromancer: and i am too passsive
Thedarkromancer: thatis whati find funny
heartless tupo: i hear ya buddy..... I'm obliviouse to flirting
Thedarkromancer: how canu be jealous because u and i both know i wont act upon my desire
Thedarkromancer: cool
Thedarkromancer: i aint alone
Thedarkromancer: i got school smarts and some street
Thedarkromancer: but no
heartless tupo: lol
Thedarkromancer: none when it comes to matters of the ehart
Thedarkromancer: heart*
heartless tupo: some street? lol.... i love it
Thedarkromancer: lol
heartless tupo: I'm always designated the wise one so yeah........ i try to know the best I can.... but, meh, wactha gonna do?
Thedarkromancer: another reaosn i would say no to asking her out, is cuz i know fora fact sheliesk someone else, this David, and he lieks her but he is engaged to his girlfreind tracy( liz's friend)
Thedarkromancer: oh the wbe we weave
Thedarkromancer: web*
heartless tupo: lol
heartless tupo: wait, is it Liz that wants your balls?
Thedarkromancer: yeah
heartless tupo: ohok then
Thedarkromancer: she is the one that gets jealous
Thedarkromancer: so yeah
Thedarkromancer: that is why i am like...
heartless tupo: hmmmm
heartless tupo: well, it looks like you have yourself quite a predictadament now, don't you?....
Thedarkromancer: no
heartless tupo: well, I'm sticking to what I said before
heartless tupo: ask, if not, then her loss
Thedarkromancer: how do i have a predictament?
Thedarkromancer: yeah
Thedarkromancer: either way
Thedarkromancer: i am the wiiner for once
Thedarkromancer: well
heartless tupo: lol
heartless tupo: true, true
Thedarkromancer: not necesarilycuz she is the only girl to ever show some interest in
heartless tupo: well, the only so far
Thedarkromancer: lol
Thedarkromancer: dude
heartless tupo: there is somewhere out there for everyone
Thedarkromancer: iam too wierd for normal people
Thedarkromancer: yeah
Thedarkromancer: how do u play powerchords in drop c?
heartless tupo: same as E
Thedarkromancer: cool
Thedarkromancer: why does my life have to be sooo damn exciting?
heartless tupo: lol
heartless tupo: i wish my life is
heartless tupo: mine is just disappointing
Thedarkromancer: awww
Thedarkromancer: come with me
Thedarkromancer: and life is never ending
Thedarkromancer: rush
heartless tupo: ha! i wish it was that easy
Thedarkromancer: me too
Thedarkromancer: welll time to sleeop
Thedarkromancer: takce care man
heartless tupo: ok then
heartless tupo: lata dude